Mar 28, 2025  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Perkinston Campus Section

Perkinston Campus Directory

Title Name Office Location Phone
Vice President Dr. Ladd Taylor Dees Hall 3rd level 928-6250
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management Dr. Jason Beverly Stone Hall 2nd level 928-6267
Dean of Teaching & Learning Bobby Ghosal Dees Hall 115 928-6207
Dean of Business Services Dr. Vanessa Dedeaux Dees Hall 1st level 928-6230
Assistant Dean of LRC and Librarian Vanessa Ritchie LRC 928-6380
Athletic Director Stephen Campbell Jr. Dees Hall 2nd level 928-6224
Director of Admissions & Records Mollie Barger Huff Hall 1st level 928-6264
Director of Financial Aid Heather Dearman Huff Hall 1st level 928-6225
Director of Residence & Student Life Trey Robertson Stone Hall 1st level 928-6306
Chief of Campus Police Greg Hartley Campus Police Building 928-6327
Director of Enrollment Services Paula Rainey Dees Hall 1st level 928-6357
Enrollment Specialist Cindy Watts Dees Hall 1st level 928-8982
Enrollment Specialist Sharon White Dees Hall 1st level 928-6332
College Assistance Counselor Renee Huff Dees Hall 2nd level 928-6357
Support Services Coordinator/Veterans Affairs Certifying Shellye Smith Stone Hall 1st level 928-6325
Coordinator of Wellness, Rec.,& Student Life Christopher Upton Student Center 928-6270
Supervisor of Wellness & Recreation Carissa Harrison Wellness Center 928-6229
Librarian Vacant LRC 628-6242
Librarian Shugana Williams LRC 928-6259
Cheerleader Sponsor Karlee Nobles Stone Hall 2nd level 928-6309
Bookstore Manager Tammie Weathers Student Center 928-6317
Admissions Specialist LaTrice McDonald Huff Hall 1st level 928-6206

Department Chairpersons

Department Name Office Location Phone
Career and Technical Angela Butler Weeks A-121 928-6373
Computer Science, Mathematics & Business Dr. Jason Ross Hinton Hall Annex, 30 B 928-6376
Fine Arts Sandra Cassibry VAB 120 928-6298
Health & Physical Education Tommy Snell Denson Hall 115 528-8952
Language Arts Robin Lyons Denson Hall 211 928-6361
Nursing Sallie Brand Weeks Hall A118 928-6251
Science Tracy Moore Hinton Hall, 17 928-6274
Social Studies Marie Paslay Dees Hall 123 928-6239

Faculty Advisors

Department Name Office Location Phone
Nursing Alice O’Neal Weeks A118 928-6251
  Delores Compston Weeks A124 528-8936
  Tracy Jones Weeks A104 528-8986
  Kelly Williamson Weeks A103 528-8968
  Chaquita Henderson Weeks A105 928-6216
  Maegan Montgomery Weeks A105 528-8981
  Sherry James Weeks A125 928-6374
  Charlotte Andrews Weeks A119 528-8482

Business Administration/ Mathematics/Computer Science Vacant Hinton Annex 30E 928-6376
  Craig Boden Hinton Annex 30D 928-6322
  Darlene Bush Hinton Annex 30F 928-6316
  Melanie Morgan Hinton Annex 30B 528-8903
  Dr. Jason Ross Hinton Annex 30A 928-6375
  Vacant Hinton Annex 30G 928-6215
  Patrick Wilcher Gym 928-6324

Career/Technical Angela Butler Weeks A121 928-6373
  Bill Harvey Weeks A140 528-8919
  Sadie Hebert Denson 205 928-6328
  Brenda Hunter Weeks A141 528-8909
  Jeff Jones Weeks A108 928-6313
  Buddy Naramore Weeks B110 528-8990
  Sarah Nix Megehee Bldg. 528-8420
  Jefferson Reid Weeks Hall B108 928-6329
  Eric Shoemaker Hinton Hall 7 528-8917

 Fine Arts Sandra Cassibry Visual Arts Building 120 928-6298
  Robert Barrett Malone 115 928-6282
  Joanna Burnside Malone 136 928-6261
  Daniel Calcote Visual Arts Building 119 928-6342
  Sean Keady Band Hall 208 528-8988
  Heather McDonald Band Hall 113 528-8407
  Kenny Myrick Malone 150 528-8930
  Dell Trotter Band Hall 207 928-6352
  Vacant Malone 117 928-6370
  Daisha Walker Malone 153 928-6289

Health & Physical Education Rodney Batts Baseball/Softball Complex 528-8415
  Jason Connor Gym 928-6277
  Steve Davis Field House 528-8400
  Chris Handy Huff Hall 2nd level 928-6223
  Kenny Long Baseball/Softball Complex 528-8496
  Jacqueline Rhodes Huff Hall 2nd level 928-6394
  Wendell Weathers Gym 928-6284

Language Arts Kathryn Jellum Denson 210 928-6320
  Robin Lyons Denson 211 928-6361
  Jane Hickman Denson 106 928-6217
  Vacant Denson 204 928-6295
  Stacey Payton Denson 101 928-6221
  James Pittman Denson 212 928-6353
  Tommy Snell Denson 115 528-8952
  Gaye Winter Denson 109 928-6246

Science Vacant Hinton 12 928-6274
  Lynn Fink CSC 113 928-6255
  Vontrell Hill CSC 122 928-6388
  Michael Loui CSC 121 928-6263
  Tracy Moore Hinton 17 928-6377
  Patrick Stokley CSC 117 528-8913
  Wendell Weathers Hinton 20 928-6284
  Roy Wilson CSC 115 928-6218

Social Studies Marie Paslay Dees 123 928-6239
  Dylan Acres Dees 128 528-8958
  Gayle Greene-Aguirre Hinton 1 528-8938
  Laurie McIlrath Dees 122 928-6308
  Ryan Schilling Dees 129 528-8998
  Jason Shows Dees 121 928-6237

Guide to Campus Services for Students

(What, Who & Where)

What? Who/Where
1. Advisor Information Web Services or Admissions (Huff Hall – 1st floor)
2. Career Information/Counseling Counselors (Dees Hall – 1st floor)
3. Class Attendance Policy Individual instructors (College Catalog)
4. College Catalogs
5. Course Selection Advisors, individual office locations, or counseling staff located in Dees Hall
6. Course or College Withdrawal Admissions (Huff Hall – 1st floor)
7. Fee/Fine Payment Business Office located (Dees Hall - 1st floor)
8. Financial Aid (Grants, Loans, Work-Study) Financial Aid Office (Huff Hall - 1st floor)
9. Grades, Mid-Term & Final Mid-term, final grades on the WEB
10. Graduation & Requirements for Graduation College Catalog, College Website, Counselors (Dees Hall - 1st Floor), Advisors (office locations)
11. Housing Assignments Web Services
12. Student Support Services Counseling staff (Dees Hall - 1st floor) and Student Services Special Pops staff (Stone Hall)
13. Intramural Activities Coordinator of Wellness and Recreation (Student Center)
14. Lost & Found Campus Police Building
15. Parking Permits Campus Police Building
16. Student Activities (Clubs & Organizations) See “Student Life” section of handbook
17. Student Government Association Director of Residence and Student Life (Stone Hall)
18. Testing 1 Proctored Exams Assessment Center (Stone 124)
19. Textbooks & Supplies Campus Bookstore (Student Center)
20. Transcript Copies Records Office (Huff Hall – 1st floor)
21. Tutorial Assistance Learning Resource Center
22. Veterans Assistance VA Certifying Official (Stone Hall)
23. Visitor Passes Campus Police Building

Perkinston Campus Emergency Procedures

Reporting Procedures:

  1. Any person discovering a fire, serious medical emergency or other emergency situation should immediately dial:
    1. 9-911, if calling from a campus extension.
    2. 911, if calling from cell phones or non-campus phones.
  2. The person reporting the emergency should call the campus switchboard by dialing:
    1. “0”, if calling from a campus extension, (601) 928-5211, if calling from a cell phone or non-campus phone.
    2. If after 5 p.m., contact the Campus Police Dispatcher at ext. 6327 or 601-928-6327.
  3. The switchboard/dispatcher will then immediately call the 911 Center to confirm the emergency call was made.
  4. The switchboard/dispatcher will then notify members of the Campus Response Team until at least three individuals have been contacted.
1. Campus Switchboard [Campus ext. “0”] or “0” or 601-928-5211
2. Perkinston Campus Police by Radio or 601-928-6327 or 601-476-0132
3. Chief of Campus Police 6214    
4. Dean of Student Services 6267    
5. Campus Safety Coordinator 6287 or 601-441-5167
6. Superintendent, Buildings & Grounds 6275 or 601-928-4904
7. Assistant Superintendent, Maintenance 6275 or 601-928-9870
8. Director of Residence & Student Life 6306    
9. Coordinator of Student Life, Recreation & Wellness 6270    
10. Dean of Athletics 6224    
11. Dean of Business Services 6230    
12. Dean of Instruction 6207    
13. Assistant Dean of Career, Technical, Workforce & Community Education 6346    
14. Assistant Dean of LRC 6380    
15. Vice President 6250 or 6347

The Campus Incident Commander, in conjunction with Incident Command Center Section Leaders, is responsible for securing the scene, implementing evacuation or other appropriate procedures, insuring local firefighters, law enforcement and/or medical personnel are on the way, and insuring the safety of students and other persons.

The technical aspects of firefighting, rendering assistance to seriously injured person, etc., shall be done by the appropriate county agency, i.e., Perkinston Volunteer Fire Department, Emergency Medical Technicians, Stone County Sheriff’s Department, etc.

NOTE: Under NO circumstances shall a college vehicle be used to transport an injured person.

Evacuation Procedures

The instructions outlined below should be carried out as indicated upon notification by telephone, other communication systems or the sound of an alarm.

  1. Each instructor (for classes) or residence hall supervisor (for halls) will be responsible for leading students to the appropriate designated places.
    1. Turn light on and exit room.
    2. Maintain silence, walk, and keep to the right in hallways and stairs.
    3. Do not use elevator.
    4. Evacuate by exits and open stairs at the end of the building. Interior center stairways should not be used.
    5. Render assistance to the incapacitated persons. Check bathrooms, laundry rooms, etc.
    6. Move to the area designated for your building.
    7. Remain outside and in your designated area until a re-entry signal is given by the appropriate authority.



Evacuation Rally Point Locations/Managers

North  – Stadium parking lot – Chad Huff/Rodney Batts
Southeast  – Alumni Hall parking lot and the grassy areas in front of Alumni Hall – Tommy Snell/Chris Handy
Southwest  – Hayden Hall parking lot – Kenny Long/Bubba Frichter

Building Building Monitor Emergency Rally Point
Athletic/Education Complex Robin Jeffries/Chad Huff North 
Alumni House Erin Elliott/Amber Morrisette Southeast 
Andrews Hall Jessica Taylor/Receptionist North 
Baseball/Softball Complex Rodney Batts/Christy Meeks North 
Athletic Performance Facility Christy Meeks/Neil Broussard North 
Barry Mellinger Student Center Christopher Upton/Tammie Weathers Southeast 
Baseball Field Eric Ebers North 
Bryan Hall Missy Belcher/Receptionist Southwest 
Central Printing Aldridge Free/Donna Butler North 
Community Art Center Event Leaders North 
Darby Hall Lynn Deegen/Janet Bond Southeast 
Dees Hall:  Ground Floor
Doors (2) and Faculty Entrance Doors (2)
Receptionist One Stop/(Business Office Staff) North 
Dees Hall:  2nd and 3rd Floor
Lobby Doors (3) and Computer Lab Entrance Door
Paula Rainey/Belinda Carlisle (Business Office Staff) North 
Dees Hall:  Classroom Doors Faculty member present in classroom North 
Denson Hall Robin Lyons/Jane Hickman North 
George Hall Robbie Robertson/Receptionist Southwest 
George Sekul Field House Stevon Moore/Les George North 
Golf Turf/Greenhouse Eric Ebers North 
Gregory Chapel Neil Broussard/Les George North 
Harrison Hall Heather Edwards/ Southeast 
Hayden Hall Robbie Robertson/Receptionist Southwest 
Heidelberg Hall Jeffrey Bates/Darrell Jackson Southeast 
Hinton Hall, Clyde E. Strickland Science Complex Roy Wilson/Lynn Fink Southeast
Hinton Hall, Math Jason Ross/ Melanie Morgan Southeast
Hinton Hall, Upper Tracy Moore/Gayle Greene-Aguirre Southeast
Huff Hall LaTrice McDonald/Lesia McCarroll North
Jackson Hall Lisa Alexander/Ian McElroy North
Maintenance/Transportation Jason Rouchon /C.J. Merritt North
Malone Hall Stacy Fore/Kenny Myrick Southwest
Megehee Building Sarah Nix/Kelly Burke Southeast
Moran Hall Jamal Jones/Receptionist Southwest
New Women’s Residence Hall Robbie Robertson/Receptionist Southwest
Owen Hall Les George/Neil Broussard Southwest
Sam P. Jones Jr. Band Hall Dell Trotter/Heather McDonald Southwest
Soccer Field Chris Handy/Jackie Rhodes North  
Softball Field Chris Handy/Christy Meeks North 
Stone Hall Michelle Pickering North 
Tennis Complex Gary Bourgeois/Rodney Batts North 
Visual Arts Center Sandra Cassibry/Daniel Calcote Southwest 
Weeks Hall A Office Staff/Angela Butler North 
Weeks Hall B Office Staff/Jefferson Reid/Buddy Naramore North 
Weathers/Wentzell Center Patrick Wilcher/Jason Conner Southeast 
Willis H. Lott Learning Resource Center – 1st Floor Schuyler Webb/Vivian Smith Southeast 
Willis Lott Learning Resource Center – 2nd Floor Vanessa Ritchie/Shugana Williams Southeast 

All persons (administration, faculty and staff) responsible for the welfare of students shall see that all persons are moved from the building to the designated locations above and remain together for further instructions. Persons in charge of groups should use their best discretion in providing for the safety of the group.

Persons designated above will also be responsible for implementing severe weather procedures in their respective buildings as stated on Page 4  of these Procedures.

Bomb Threat

If the emergency is a bomb threat, the person receiving the call will get as much information as possible from the caller and immediately record it and the exact time the call was made. The person receiving the call will then immediately notify campus police who will notify members of the Incident Command Center Team until at least five people are contacted.

The Incident Command Center Leader who arrives first shall implement evacuation procedures and notify the Stone County Sheriff’s Department (601-928-7251) and Perkinston Fire Department (601-928-2800). When the Sheriff’s Department, Biloxi Bomb Squad (228-392-0614), or Fire Department arrives, they should take charge of searching the buildings for a bomb and notifying ICC Leader if buildings are safe for personnel to re-enter. Evacuation Procedures should be used and all persons should remain 300 feet from the building.

Meeting Scheduled Classes During Building Evacuations

It is the intention of the administration and faculty on the Perkinston Campus to hold regularly scheduled classes no matter what the distraction or inconvenience.

CLASSES WILL BE HELD. In the event of future evacuations of buildings due to bomb threats or other causes, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. If the evacuation occurs during a class period, faculty members may continue class outdoors for the remainder of that period at the designated location as indicated in the emergency plan. The Dean of Instruction must approve any exceptions to these locations.
  2. All canceled classes will meet in the appropriate order in their regularly scheduled classrooms on the day of the evacuation, beginning at 3:00 p.m. (Example: if 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m. classes are postponed, they will meet at 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m., etc.) All extracurricular activities (i.e. band, athletics, etc.) will be canceled in order to allow students to attend their rescheduled classes.
  3. If we are not able to reschedule classes for that afternoon, students will meet classes on the following Saturday according to their regularly scheduled times and classrooms. (Example: 9a.m. MWF classes will meet 9a.m. Saturday; 9:30 TT classes will meet 9:30 Saturday.)
  4. If classes cannot meet on Saturday, we will add class days at the end of the semester.

Everyone should understand that the act of causing a false alarm by reporting a bomb threat is a felony violation of the law. Bomb threats are not pranks. Bomb threats are serious violations of other students’ rights to an education as well as violations of public order. In addition, bomb threats pose a potential danger to persons and property. These actions will not be tolerated, and, if apprehended, the perpetrators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

False Fire Alarms/Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment

Activating or causing a false fire alarm or tampering with fire safety equipment, which includes discharge of a fire extinguisher are considered very serious violations. Students involved in these type incidents will be referred to the Campus Judicial Committee for disciplinary action.

Severe Weather Warnings

(Tornado, Thunderstorm)

Stone County Emergency 911 will notify the campus switchboard of approaching severe weather.

Reporting Procedures:

  1. Campus Dispatch shall notify the following:
    1. Campus Police Officer Radio – 601-928-6327 or 601-476-0132
    2. Housing Office – 6306, 6270, or 6220
    3. Business Office or 6230, 6293, 6327, 6306, 6220
    4. One Campus Administrator:
      1. Dean of Student Services (6267)
      2. Dean of Business Services (6230)
      3. Dean of Instruction (6207)
      4. Dean of Career, Technical, Workforce & Community Education (6346)
      5. Asst. Dean of LRC (6380)
      6. Dean of Athletics (6224)
      7. Campus Vice President (6250)
  2. Campus Police will sound emergency alarm and initiate email message outlining the warning. A ConnectEd message will be initiated by the ICC Leader on site at the time of emergency.
  3. The first campus administrator contacted will direct clerical staff to call each building on campus to inform of approaching severe weather conditions.
  4. A supervisor of each building on campus shall be notified of the severe weather warning by the campus switchboard operator. Appropriate action shall be taken. Persons listed in parentheses under Evacuation Procedures are responsible for their designated building. (See Evacuation Procedures). When a tornado warning has been issued, supervisors of each building shall prohibit anyone from exiting the building and move students to the ground floor inner most part of the building.

Hurricane Warning Procedures

When a hurricane warning is issued, administrative, maintenance, grounds, and other personnel assigned by the Vice President will remain on alert to carry out assignments as follows:

  1. The Vice President will call a meeting of the Incident Command Center team and other essential personnel and review the plan of action and make specific assignments.
  2. The Dean of Instruction will notify all department chairs of procedures for equipment and building protection.
  3. The Dean of Student Services will be in charge of all residence halls. They will direct supervisor’s receptionists and resident assistants to account for students and direct them to the appropriate county shelters.
  4. Incident Command Center will be established eight (8) hours prior to landfall. Essential personnel will be housed in Dees Hall. Denson Hall will be utilized as an emergency shelter only for students who are unable to be housed at the county public shelter.
  5. The Chief of Campus Police will be responsible for insuring that police officers are on duty at all times during the hurricane threat and all shelters are furnished with walkie-talkies, radios and flashlights. They will monitor the Incident Command Center at all times.
  6. All essential personnel (as designated by immediate supervisor) must prepare the campus prior to hurricane. Immediately after the hurricane has passed, all maintenance, grounds and housekeeping personnel are to report (pending ability to travel safely) to their supervisors (Maintenance, Grounds, Housekeeping).
  7. Deans, department chairpersons and supervisors will be responsible for taking care of emergencies, securing all buildings and other areas, and covering up electronic equipment. After the emergency, they will do whatever is necessary to put the campus back in operation.
  8. All administrators and essential personnel are to report to the Campus Vice President in the Incident Command Center immediately following emergency for specific assignments, as needed. (See - Essential Personnel List)
  9. The cafeteria manager and/or his staff will be in charge of all food preparations as assigned.
  10. Campus Police and shelter supervisor will be responsible for notifying the Campus Vice President of any illness or injury.
  11. A designated shelter manager will maintain an accurate roster of all persons in each campus shelter.

Essential Personnel

  • Campus Vice President
  • Deans
  • Assistant Deans
  • Directors
  • Department Chairs
  • Student Services Staff
  • Maintenance Personnel (all)
  • Janitorial Personnel (all)
  • Buildings and Grounds Personnel (all)
  • Campus Police Chief
  • Person(s) selected by Campus Vice President to take digital pictures

Active Shooter

In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, bearing in mind there could be more than one shooter involved in the same situation. If you find yourself involved in an active shooter situation, try to remain calm and use these guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.

 At the first sign of an active shooter call campus police at 6327 (or cell 601-476-0132) or call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a non-campus phone. The procedure for the campus during an active shooter situation is to go into lock down. Tell the dispatcher what is taking place, and inform him/her of your location; remain in place until the police or a campus administrator known to you, gives the ―all clear.

If an active shooter is outside your building, proceed to a room that can be locked, close and lock all the windows and doors, and turn off all the lights; if possible, get everyone down on the floor and ensure that no one is visible from outside the room. Unfamiliar voices may be the shooter attempting to lure victims from their safe space; do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being issued by a police officer.

If an active shooter is in the same building, determine if the room you are in can be locked and if so, follow the same procedure described in the previous paragraph. If your room can’t be locked, determine if there is a nearby location that can be reached safely and secured, or if you can safely exit the building. If you decide to move from your current location, be sure to follow the instructions outlined below.

If an active shooter enters your office or classroom, try to remain calm. Alert police to the shooter’s location; if you can’t speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. If there is absolutely no opportunity for escape or hiding, it might be possible to negotiate with the shooter; attempting to overpower the shooter with force should be considered a very last resort, after all other options have been exhausted. If the shooter leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place and do not touch anything that was in the vicinity of the shooter.

Lock down Procedures

Lock down may be implemented when a situation occurs that may be a hazard to health or is life threatening. Lock down is intended to limit access and hazards by controlling and managing staff and students in order to increase safety and reduce possible victimization.

Buildings will have restricted access until an― “all clear” is given by PA system, Connect Ed system or one of the methods listed below. A lock down will be called by the campus incident commander. Lock down may be called for a variety of reasons such as person(s) with weapons, intruders, police activity, terrorist events and other situations that pose a threat to the campus community when evacuation is not a safe alternative.

Notification: Due to the varying nature of situations that may cause lock down, communication to begin lock down may come in a variety of ways:

Announcement of ― “LOCK DOWN” repeated for a period of time and followed by the siren
By phone to Building Supervisors
E-mail to campus employees
Connect Ed message to cell phones registered in the system
By handheld loudspeaker
Message by runners
Voice commands from Campus Police or other law enforcement officers.
The Campus Incident Commander will determine the methods of notification. As many methods as can be utilized under the circumstances will be used to notify the campus community of lock down.

Actions to be taken:

Building Supervisors with the help of Instructors should make sure all students are in a classroom.
Building Supervisors should lock all exterior doors.
Instructors should lock all classroom doors, close windows and pull down blinds.
Direct students to sit on the floor away from windows and doors.
Attempt to locate students in an area in the classroom that cannot be seen from the outside.
Do not answer any voice you are not absolutely sure of.
Use your best judgment as the situation unfolds and take whatever steps you think necessary in order to protect lives.
Be prepared for law enforcement to enter the building and obey commands.
“All Clear” will be communicated when it is safe to move.

Canine Searches on Campus

In an effort to create and maintain a drug-free campus, canine (K-9) drug detection dogs may be utilized to search all public and common areas in all campus parking lots and buildings for the purposes of detecting illegal drugs and narcotics.

The Perkinston Campus Chief of Campus Police will supervise and coordinate all canine searches with the assistance of campus police officers, appropriate housing personnel, administrators, and local law enforcement. Searches will be performed by handlers and canines trained in the detection of illegal drugs/narcotics.

Canines will be allowed to search areas such as Residence hall rooms, offices, and vehicles after the canine alerts to one of these areas, thus, developing probable cause. Once probable cause is established, the canine will be allowed to enter the room/office/vehicle and continue searching.

Upon the discovery of illegal drugs/narcotics, persons who are determined to be in violation of State/Federal law and/or College rules and regulations, may be arrested and face College disciplinary action.

Children on Campus

Students are not allowed to bring children to campus except for special activities in which children are invited to attend, i.e., Halloween, Christmas activities, etc. Students are not allowed to bring children to campus during or between the times students are attending classes, using the library, learning lab, other resources, or during work-study hours. Other students or non-students may not care for children while parents are in class, using campus resources or during work-study hours.

Under no circumstances are children to be left unattended on campus. When children are attending a special activity designed for attendance by children, parents have the responsibility of supervision at all times.

The College assumes no responsibility for the supervision of children and disciplinary action may be taken against students who violate any part(s) of this regulation.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The Intercollegiate Athletic Program at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is consistent with the college mission by contributing to the educational development of individual athletes. Through training and competition, students gain discipline and opportunities for social, moral, and personal development.

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is fortunate in having a highly successful athletic program, which was already in existence on the Perkinston Campus when the two new campuses were created. The Bulldogs, as the college athletic teams are known, compete in the Mississippi Junior and Community College Athletic Conference in baseball, basketball, football, golf, soccer, softball, and tennis. These competitive teams have won local, state, and national championships in recent years with many students being named as All-Americans.

Students who participate in intercollegiate athletics must comply with the existing rules and regulations of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Athletic Association and the National Community and Junior College Athletic Association. Therefore, all athletes must fulfill college admissions requirements and remain in good academic standing in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics.

Recreational Sports

Recreation contests are held under the supervision of the coordinator of recreation and wellness, and the games are conducted at various times of the day. Sign-ups for intramural activities will occur at announced times during the semester.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is located inside the Barry Mellinger Student Center. The facility includes a weight room, a circuit training room, and a state of the art cardio theatre. The area also includes a multipurpose room which is available for volleyball, basketball, table tennis, and other activities at advertised times throughout the semester. The Wellness Center is free to all current students who present a valid Student ID.

Other Pertinent Information


The campus bookstore is located in the Student Center. Its main function is to provide textbooks for students as part of the college textbook rental system. In addition, the bookstore sells various supplies, supplementary course materials and novelty items. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday.

Student Post Office

Student mail can be received on campus in the Student Center from the attendant on duty. To receive mail, use the following address:

Student Name
PO Box 248
Perkinston, MS 39573

Cafeteria & Meal Plan

The cafeteria is located in Heidelberg Hall. Serving hours will be as follows except during holidays and campus closings:

  Monday-Friday   Saturday
  Breakfast …………. 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Lunch ……………. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Supper ……………. 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
(on Friday ……….. 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.)
  Breakfast …………… 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Lunch ……………… 12:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Supper (at grill) ….. 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  Lunch …………….. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Supper …………… 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

A minimum five day meal plan must be purchased to live on campus. All guests or visitors pay on cost-per-item basis. State law requires that shoes must be worn at all times in the cafeteria.

Updating Personal Information

During the course of your enrollment, your mailing address and legal name should be maintained appropriately. To update your address, please log into Web Services and access the “Update Mailing Address” under the Personal Information tab. Change of name requires legal documentation. Please see the Director of Admissions & Records in Huff Hall for additional information.

Check Policy

The Business Office will cash checks not to exceed $25 drawn on the student or parent-guardian. The Business Office reserves the right to refuse to honor checks on anyone who has previously had checks returned for non-payment, regardless of the reason why the check may have been returned. There will be a $40 fine for writing bad checks.

Identification (I.D.) Cards

Students are issued I.D. cards during the registration process. Students are required to carry I.D. cards on their person at all times while on campus or when attending a campus-sponsored activity off campus. Students should report lost I.D. cards to the Admissions Office and obtain a replacement. A $10.00 charge will be assessed for replacement cards. Students are required to present I.D. cards upon the request of any College Official. Students living in a residence hall must have their ID activated in the office of Residence Life located in the Stone Hall 1st floor.

Learning Resource Center Regulations

Located in the Willis H. Lott Learning Resource Center (LRC), is the library (with printed materials), the Media Center (with audiovisual materials), and the Learning Lab (offering individual assistance in reading, writing, math, science, and other subjects).

The LRC is open approximately 60 hours a week, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. The LRC is closed weekends.

Each student is urged to become familiar with and make full use of all LRC facilities. School policy prohibits eating, beverages, and disruptive behavior when in the Learning Resource Center.

All books, except reference and reserves, may be checked out for a two-week period; renewals are permitted. Reserve books may be used only in the library or checked out according to the specifications of the instructor who reserves the books.

If books are lost, students must pay reimbursement costs before being issued official school grade transcripts at the end of the school year. Students may not take final exams unless library charges are paid.

Current magazines, current encyclopedias, and reference books are used only in the library.

Withdrawal Procedure Full-Time or Part-Time Students

A student is classified as full-time when he/she is taking 12 or more semester hours of course work for credit.

A student is classified as a part-time student when enrolled in less than 12 semester hours of course work.

A full-time student becomes a part-time student if he/she drops below 12 semester hours for any reason. Dropping below 12 semester hours can result from the student withdrawing from a class(es) or by being dropped from a class(es) for excessive absences or other reasons.

The procedure for withdrawing is as follows:

  1. Report to the Admissions Office to secure the proper Class Withdrawal Form.
  2. Secure all necessary signatures required on the official withdrawal slip.
  3. Return the form to the Admissions Office for processing.


  1. Students who withdraw from class on or before the date shown in the current catalog as the last day to withdraw are assured a “W”, even though a drop card might have been submitted by the instructor for lack of attendance.
  2. Students who withdraw from class after the deadline will be addressed on a case by case basis.
  3. Students residing on campus must maintain 12 or more hours.
  4. Students receiving certain scholarships must maintain 15 or more hours.

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