Mar 31, 2025  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic and General Information


At mid-semester and again at the end of the semester, the instructor reports the academic standing of each student in each course. Mid-semester grades and final grades are available to students online at in Web Services. Mid-term grades allow students to evaluate their progress; however, unlike final semester grades, they are not official and do not appear on the transcript.

Grades are based upon proficiency attained by the student demonstrated primarily by the quality of work done in the classroom. Letter grades used and their meaning are as follows:

  A Represents superior or outstanding achievement in prescribed work.
  B Above-average achievement in prescribed work.
  C Average level of achievement.
  D Below-average achievement. This is the lowest passing grade.
  F Failure to pass prescribed work.
  I Incomplete.
The prescribed work was not finished by the end of the semester. If the work is completed within the following semester (summer term does not count), the “I” may be changed to A, B, C, or D. If the work is not completed within that semester, the “I” will be changed to “F.”
  AU Audit
Awarded at the end of the course when the student has properly registered as an auditing student.
  W Withdrawal
Student officially withdrew before the end of the official withdrawal period or withdrew due to extenuating circumstances with the approval of the dean of instruction.
  WP Withdrawal Passing
Student was dropped by the instructor for noncompliance with the college’s attendance policy. Completed prescribed work was done at a passing grade level.
  WF Withdrawal Failing
Student was dropped by the instructor for noncompliance with the college’s attendance policy. Completed prescribed work was done at a failing grade level.
  P Pass
This grade is awarded to students enrolled in a pass/fail class.

Grade Changes Due to Error

Corrections of semester grades due to error should be requested within six weeks after the end of the semester in which the error was made.

Quality Points and Grade Point Average

A student must earn a minimum of two quality points for each semester hour of work attempted to qualify for graduation. Points are computed on grades as follows:

  A 4 quality points per semester hour
  B 3 quality points per semester hour
  C 2 quality points per semester hour
  D I quality point per semester hour
  F 0 quality points per semester hour

Grades of I, IP, AU, W, WP, WF, and P do not incur quality points. If a student does not earn sufficient quality points in a course or fails the course, the student can repeat the course to improve the grade and quality points. The best grade earned in the same course is used to compute GPA. A transfer student’s quality points will be computed on the grades of earned semester hours.

Grade point averages are determined by totaling the quality points earned in all courses and dividing the sum by the total semester hours attempted.

Example:  A student earns a grade of A in English Composition I (3 semester hours) and a grade of B in General Biology I (4 semester hours).
  3 semester hours X 4 quality points = 12 quality points for English Composition I.
  4 semester hours X 3 quality points = 12 quality points for General Biology I.
  24 total quality points divided by 7 semester hours attempted – 3.43 GPA

President’s and Vice President’s Lists

Scholarship is the chief goal of serious college students. The Board of Trustees, administration and faculty attempt to stimulate and recognize exemplary scholastic achievement each semester.

President’s List: Students will be recognized on the President’s List by earning twelve or more semester hours with a 4.0 (all A’s) grade point average.

Vice President’s List: Students will be recognized on the Vice President’s List by earning twelve or more semester hours with a 3.30 to 3.99 grade point average with no grade less than a “C.”

Academic Awards

Awards for high academic achievement may be given each year at the discretion of the faculty. These are usually awarded to a full-time sophomore who has the highest academic achievement in the area the student has designated as his or her major.

Scholastic Forgiveness

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to assisting students in the achievement of their educational goals through its open-door admissions policy. Some students are not academically prepared for college-level work or encounter problems that result in failure to achieve satisfactory grades. These students often make the decision to drop out or “stop out” until they are ready to continue their education. To alleviate the difficulties associated with low grade point averages, many institutions allow students to eliminate the computation of grades on previous work for purposes of graduation. This practice, commonly referred to as scholastic forgiveness, is not endorsed by all institutions.

Any student readmitted to MGCCC may petition for scholastic forgiveness of grades as outlined in the following procedure.

This DOES NOT change the policies and regulations that govern financial aid and veteran’s benefits eligibility.

Procedures for Scholastic Forgiveness

  1. The student must complete the Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades, which may be obtained from the campus Director of Admissions.
  2. The Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness must be made prior to the end of the second semester of re-admittance following 24 consecutive months of non-enrollment at any post secondary institution.
  3. The student will be counseled as to the conditions outlined in this statement and on the Petition. The student should be advised that all college credits earned previous to a semester designated by the student will be eliminated from the computation of the student’s grade point average and eliminated from all academic regulations such as probation, suspension, and honors. These eliminated credits may never be used toward graduation at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
  4. The student’s transcript will reflect the complete scholastic record but will contain the notation at the appropriate point that all previous grades have been forgiven.
  5. Scholastic Forgiveness of grades can be declared only once and cannot be revoked once granted.
  6. The completed Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades with appropriate signatures must be submitted to the Director of Admissions and filed in the student’s permanent record.

Absentee Policy

Students are allowed one hour of absence per semester hour for lecture courses. Two hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for laboratory courses. Three hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for clinical/internship courses If course objectives require a combination of lecture, lab or clinical/internship time, then the absence will be apportioned according to the limitations stated.

Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. An instructor may drop a student after the student misses more than the number of absences per semester hour that the course carries. Excused absences are permitted at the discretion of the instructor and are not counted as absences. Official absences are excused by the college and are not counted as absences. Instructors will be notified of such absences by the college. In extenuating circumstances, students who are dropped after exceeding allowable absences may petition for reinstatement to the Dean of Instruction who advises the student of the proper procedure.

Absence policy for all MGCCC Nursing students is published in the MGCCC Nursing Handbook.

For absentee policies pertaining to Cosmetology and Career and Technical Health Occupations programs, see the Cosmetology and Health Occupations Handbook.

The Board of Trustees recognizes that class attendance is required for a student to secure the best education possible and is the direct concern of the faculty member and students.

Students shall be prompt and regular in their class attendance. However, if there is an occasion when a student will not be able to attend a class, the student is obligated to accept full responsibility for the absence. Each campus shall establish procedures for a student to follow when a class is missed. Any student enrolled in the college shall be subject to attendance regulations set forth by the college and governmental agencies when applicable. (July 21, 1981)

Withdrawal Procedures

The official withdrawal period for full-term classes ends on the Friday of the 10th week of the semester unless otherwise posted. Students who officially withdraw during this period will receive the grade of “W.” Please refer to the Campus Section of the Student Handbook for more detailed information on the withdrawal process.

Medical Withdrawal (Statement No. 719 October 9, 2008)

  1. STATEMENT. The intent of this procedure is to accommodate credit students with an unforeseen medical problem. This procedure addresses the refund of tuition and fees for currently enrolled students who must withdraw from classes due to a medical emergency. The grading process and the required documentation that must be provided by the student to the College are also described.
    1. Documentation. The student must provide written documentation from his/her physician verifying that it is the doctor’s medical opinion that the student must withdraw from classes because it would be a detriment to the student’s health to continue their enrollment, including the effective date of the required withdrawal. Documentation must state the reason why arrangement could not be made to make up missed work or receive an “I”(incomplete) grade. This documentation must be submitted to the Dean of Instruction at the MGCCC Campus where enrolled during the term referenced in request.
    2. Grading. To be eligible to receive a “W” for the courses, the student must submit the request by the end of the current term. If a student is required by the physician to withdraw from classes after two-thirds of the course has been completed, the faculty member, with the agreement of the student, may award a grade of “I” (incomplete). This decision is contingent upon the sole discretion of the faculty member teaching the course. Tuition paid for courses in which an “I” grade is awarded will not be refunded; as the expectation is that the student will complete the course and earn the college credits appropriate for the course. If the appropriate grade is not issued, it is the responsibility of the student to follow up within six weeks of the end of the semester to resolve the grade discrepancies.
    3. Nursing & Allied Health Students. Students must follow readmission procedures described in their respective program student handbook.
    4. Financial Aid. If a student’s tuition/fees have been paid by a financial aid award or third party payment, the tuition/fees will be refunded to the financial aid program and/or third party source of payment as required by each regulation or each third party.
    5. Refund. A granted medical withdrawal allows for a “W” and a 90% refund of tuition. Meal charges will be prorated. If the medical withdrawal is denied, see refund policy in the College Catalog.

Active Duty Military Withdrawal

(Statement No. 715.1; September 13, 2001)

  1. STATEMENT. This procedure addresses the refund of tuition and fees for currently enrolled students who are called to active military duty. The grading process and the required documentation that must be provided by the student to the College are also described.
    1. Documentation. The student must provide written documentation from his/her commanding officer verifying the call to active military duty and the effective date of active military duty. This documentation must be turned in to the Dean of Student Services at the MGCCC Campus of enrollment.
    2. Grading/Refund Process. After the documentation is approved by the Dean of Student Services, the student will be withdrawn from the courses that he/she is enrolled in, will receive a grade of “W” for these courses, and will receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees actually paid.

If a student is called to active military duty after two-thirds of the course has been completed, the faculty member, with the agreement of the student, may award a grade of “I” (incomplete). This decision is contingent upon the sole discretion of the faculty member teaching the course. Tuition paid for courses in which an “I” grade is awarded will not be refunded; as the expectation is that the student will complete the course and earn the college credits appropriate for the course.

Refund Policy

To be eligible for a refund of any fees, a student must officially withdraw and request a refund upon completion of the withdrawal procedure. Calculation of the amount of refund will be based on the date of official withdrawal and the following provisions.

Matriculation, tuition, and book service fees are refundable as follows:
100% of total charges if official withdrawal and request for refund is received prior to the first day of the term.
90% refundable during the first two weeks of the semester.

Exceptions to the above as follows:

Veterans or dependent students pursuing career programs under V.A. benefits, Title 38, United States Code, are entitled to a refund of all fees on a pro-rata basis.

Title IV Federal Student Aid – The fees of students who are receiving Title IV Federal Aid are refunded to the appropriate source on a pro-rata basis upon the student’s total withdrawal during the first 60% of any enrollment period.

Housing Fees – Residence hall charges are non-refundable. Students may request a refund for extenuating circumstances by completing the appropriate forms and submitting supporting documentation. Information and forms are available in the Housing Office on the Perkinston Campus. The Housing Refund Review Committee reviews requests for refunds once proper documentation is received.

In all cases, unpaid charges will be deducted during the calculation of refunds.

Scholastic Probation

Scholastic probation is conditional permission to continue in college when standards of scholastic progress are not met. If a student fails to achieve a grade point average (GPA) in accordance with the following minimum requirements during any term, he/she will be placed on scholastic probation.

Minimum Scholastic Standards of Progress*
Cumulative Semester Hours Attempted Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
1 – 6 1.0
7 – 18 1.5
19 – 30 1.75
31 – 41 1.9
42 and above 2.0

*All programs of study require a minimum 2.0 (GPA) for graduation even if the program is less than 42 credit hours.

Transfer Students

Transfer Students, once admitted, will be under the same scholastic probation, suspension, and re-admission policy as other students. Credit from regionally accredited postsecondary institutions will be added to the MGCCC transcript and articulation courses will be included in the overall GPA.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress differs from the Scholastic Standards of Progress. Students must meet the minimum scholastic standards of progress to receive financial aid. For example, the grade of “W” will count in hours attempted for financial aid purposes, but not in the cumulative grade point average. Students receiving financial aid should request a copy of these standards on the MGCCC Financial Aid website.

Health Career Programs

Certain Health Career programs require students to meet “program standards of progress” in order to continue in the program. Students not meeting these standards may continue to enroll at MGCCC in other programs as long as they maintain minimum MGCCC standards of progress.

Returning to Good Standing

In order for a student to return to Good Standing after being placed on Scholastic Probation, the student must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the following term to be removed from probation (i.e. if the probation results from fall grades, the student must achieve a 2.0 GPA in the spring semester).

Scholastic Suspension

Students who fail to meet the 2.0 GPA at the end of their probationary semester will be suspended from the College. The student is prohibited from enrolling in classes for one semester following suspension and any pre-registered classes will be removed from the system. Upon returning, the student will be placed on probation for two semesters and must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the first semester and a cumulative 2.0 GPA the second semester to continue enrollment.


Any student suspended for scholastic reasons for the first time qualifies for re-admission on conditional status by remaining out of the College for at least one (1) full term (summer term included).

A student may petition, in writing, the Campus Admissions Committee for immediate re-admission on conditional status in the case of mitigating circumstances. Petitions will be decided on an individual basis. See the Dean of Student Services or Director of Admissions on the appropriate campus for more information.

After second and subsequent suspensions, the student will be eligible to apply for conditional readmission only after remaining out of the College for at least two (2) full terms. No immediate re-admission will be considered except in extraordinary circumstances. Some nursing and health occupation programs have specific readmission procedures.

Graduation Information

Selection of Catalog for Graduation

Students must meet graduation requirements for each degree or certificate as outlined in the current catalog or a catalog not more than six years old at the time of the anticipated graduation. Selection of the catalog must be approved by the Dean of Student Services. The catalog selected must contain the program of study for the year during which the student earned credit.

Graduate College-Level Competencies

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College identifies five college-level competencies within the general education core curriculum for all Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, and Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Education degree graduates. Graduates of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will be considered proficient in the following competencies:

  • effective written communication
  • mathematical problem solving
  • effective oral communication
  • critical thinking
  • application of technology

General Graduation Requirements

General graduation requirements apply to all plans of graduation. These requirements include earning a minimum of 60 hours with a quality grade point average of at least 2.0 for all course work attempted (excluding developmental courses), including two semester hours of physical education where shown as a requirement. (Under certain conditions, other work may be substituted for physical education, provided a course substitution form is completed and approved by appropriate college officials.) When a course is repeated, the higher grade is used in computing quality grade point average at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Transfer students must earn a minimum of 25 percent of the required semester credit hours at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to be eligible to receive a degree from them college.

All degree programs include a core of general education courses (15-16 semester hours) that is outlined in the three degree programs. The core includes at least one course from each of the following areas: English, Humanities/Fine Arts, Natural Sciences/Mathematics, Public Speaking, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.

Students planning to receive a degree, diploma, or certificate must complete an application available online at Deadline for application to be completed – Fall: November 1, Spring: April1, Summer: July 1. Students are strongly encouraged to work closely with faculty advisors and Student Services counselors so that appropriate courses are taken to meet graduation requirements. Ultimate responsibility, however, does rest with the individual student.

For specific program and graduation requirements, consult the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Catalog.


College personnel have the responsibility of reasonable care for the safety of students. A student is also under a duty to see dangers which are obvious and can be detected and avoided by the degree of care exercised by a reasonably prudent person. Students are expected to exercise ordinary care for their own safety against injury. (July 21, 1982)

Approval for Posting Non-College-Sponsored Signs and Notices

All signs, posters, notices, etc., advertising any non-college-sponsored event or activity shall be posted on campuses/centers only after having been approved for posting by designated college officials. (May 19, 1982)

Distribution of Non-College Publication

Non-college publications shall not be distributed on campuses/centers until specifically approved for distribution by designated college officials. (May 19, 1982)

Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled Substances on College Premises

Consumption of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances on college property or at college sponsored activities is expressly prohibited by law and is not approved. (May 19, 1982)

Dress Code

Students shall dress in a manner appropriate for an institution of higher learning. Clothing that is in any way controversial, provocative, and/or reveals undergarments or inappropriately exposes one’s body is prohibited.

Students and prospective students/guests shall be:

  1. Verbally informed of the college’s dress code policy if they are seen on campus in clothing that is “controversial, provocative, and/or revealing”
  2. Asked to adjust clothing or to leave class/campus and return in appropriate clothing. They may be referred to student services administration if they have a question
  3. Advised that they have been or can be charged with a conduct violation
  4. On the second infraction, the student may be charged with a conduct violation and possibly fined
  5. Due process shall be followed

Freedom of Expression Policy

Access to College Facilities – Fundamental to the democratic process is the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly. Students and other members of the College community shall have the right to express their views or support causes by orderly means that do not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the College.

While supporting the rights of students and other members of the College community, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes the responsibility to maintain an atmosphere on campus conducive to the educational process.

In order to maintain this atmosphere, demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers must be registered with the campus Student Services office at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. The event must be held in the following locations:

Jackson County Campus – the Festival Grounds on the North side of the gym
Jefferson Davis Campus – under the oaks in front of the campus
Perkinston Campus – by the flagpole
George County Center – north end of the multi-purpose education facility
West Harrison Center – by the flagpole

Demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers shall be denied registration approval by the Student Services office when:

  1. The Dean of Students/Center Dean or their designee, in consultation with campus police/Campus Police, has a reasonable basis to conclude that the demonstration or speaker substantially threatens to disrupt the normal activities of the college, threaten health or safety, or result in a violation of criminal law.
  2. The Dean of Students/Center Dean or their designee, in consultation with campus police/public safety, has a reasonable basis to conclude that there is a danger to those participating in the demonstration.

Any demonstration or non-college affiliated event which does not comply with the Freedom of Expression policy is in violation of this policy and will be subject to immediate cancellation and an order for all participants to disband by the Dean of Students/Center Dean or their designee.

Academic Freedom

In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, college faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. They must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs. Academic freedom must be subject to the self-restraints imposed by good judgment and public support of the institution. The faculty member must fulfill his or her responsibility to society and to the teaching profession by manifesting academic competence, scholarly discretion, and good citizenship. At no time will the principle of academic freedom protect an incompetent or negligent faculty member nor will it prevent the institution from making proper effort to evaluate the work of each faculty member.

Intellectual Property

This statement provides guidelines for the management of intellectual property resources produced by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College faculty, administration, staff, students, or anyone utilizing college facilities or engaged under the direction of college personnel. The Intellectual Property Administrative Statement No. 504 is located in the MGCCC Policy and Procedure Manual on the college website at

Emergency Drills

Students shall participate in periodic drills when scheduled by college personnel for emergencies such as fires, tornadoes, bomb threats, and hurricanes.

Procedures for such drills shall be printed and posted so that students will be knowledgeable of proper safety precautions. (July 21, 1976)


The Board of Trustees expects the students to be prudent and to use discretion in the giving of gifts. Gifts shall not be accepted from students, which have excessive resale or monetary value. (April 27, 1977)

Prohibitions on Firearms and Deadly Weapons

Students are prohibited from having in their possession any weapon prohibited by law, any gun and/or other device designed to be used as a weapon, such as firearms, including devices for firing blank charges, or any incendiary device or stink bombs, tear gas, or other dangerous chemicals on college grounds or at a college activity. Any student found in violation of this policy may be dismissed, expelled, or barred from the college, in addition to all other penalties and actions that may be available, provided the rights of due process are followed. (May 19, 1982)

Search and Interrogation of Students

The rights of students regarding search and interrogation shall be in accordance with the United States Constitution. The Board recognizes that the law must be upheld, and when circumstances require, school officials may search and question students, particularly in cases involving the welfare and safety of people, the protection of property, a possible broken law, or a possible broken school code. (July 21, 1976)

Searches of Residence Halls and Students’ Vehicles

Students, as any other citizen, are protected by the Constitution against unreasonable search and seizure. If, however, there is “probable cause” to believe that the law has been violated, a search may be considered reasonable.

Colleges are charged with the responsibility of maintaining proper standards of conduct, discipline, and safety. Therefore, in the reasonable exercise of the college’s duty to maintain discipline and an educational atmosphere, a college official may search a student’s room when “probable cause” exists.

The college will not delegate to law enforcement officers its reasonable right to searches for purposes of maintaining order and discipline on campus. However, college officials will cooperate with law enforcement personnel when they present a search warrant.

Normal inspection of student rooms for health, safety, and standards of maintenance are obviously within the authority of college officials and can be made if necessary in the absence of the student. (May 19, 1982)

Student Employment

Whenever possible, the College shall employ student assistants in college functions for the purpose of enabling students to receive compensation to help meet expenses and to meet college needs.

Priority shall be given to students within the college district who demonstrate a financial need, a willingness to work, and the ability to assume responsibility as a student worker. It is intended that student workers be assigned to areas consistent with their educational pursuit where possible so that they will receive beneficial experience while earning a part of their college expenses.

Jobs that are funded through Federal programs will follow appropriate Federal guidelines. Compensation for employment by the institution will conform to the wage standards of the Wage and Hour Board of the U.S. Department of Labor for Student Employment. (May 19, 1982)

Student Housing

Since living away from home in a Residence Hall with other students is considered a part of the educational process, the college provides on the Perkinston Campus living accommodations for the students who desire them. A minimum of a five day meal plan is required and included in the cost.

A student’s right to live in college housing is subject to the availability of space, along with his or her willingness to cooperate in providing an atmosphere in which the educational process is encouraged and to abide by housing regulations necessary to protect the school and the rights of others. (July 21, 1976)

Student Housing regulations and information is available in the Guide to Residence Living on the housing web page.

Student Invitation of Guest Speakers/Political Candidates

When consistent with the purpose of the college and appropriate to the particular situation, guest speakers may be invited to the college. They must, however, be invited by an approved student organization rather than an individual student, and the invitation shall be submitted for approval to the appropriate college official in advance. (May 19, 1982)

When outside groups desire to use campus facilities for programs at which political candidates are to be involved on the program, the person responsible for scheduling the facility will immediately notify the President of the intended use of College facilities for political purposes. Under no circumstances will political candidates be featured on programs when these programs are held on College facilities without the approval of the President.

  1. Procedures for inviting Political Speakers:
    1. When a recognized club or organization is desirous of inviting a political candidate to speak on one of the campuses of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, their request must be presented to the Campus Student Government Association in writing at least ten days prior to the proposed speaking engagement for consideration. Faculty of administrative organizations will present their requests directly to the college president or a designated representative.
    2. The Student Government Association must act on the request by noon of the second school day following receipt of the request and shall forward their action, approval or disapproval, and recommendation to the president or a designated representative.
    3. The president or a designated representative will notify the Student Government Association of approval or disapproval not later than four school days after the original request has been received.
    4. The request shall contain the name of the sponsoring organization, the proposed date, time and location of the meeting, the expected size of the audience, and the topic of the speech.
    5. No invitation by such organized group shall be issued to a political speaker without prior written concurrence by the president of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, or such person or committee as may be designated for scheduling of speaker dates and assignment of campus activities.
    6. All candidates for the same political office must be afforded the same opportunity to speak by the organization which issues the invitation.
    7. When the request for a political speaker is denied, any sponsoring organization thereby aggrieved shall, upon written application to the president of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, or a designated representative, obtain a hearing within three school days following the filing of its appeal before a review committee of the board of trustees composed of not less than five members.
    8. When the request for a political speaker is granted and the speaker accepts the invitation, the sponsoring organization shall inform the president of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, or designated representative, in writing immediately of such acceptance. The president of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, or designated representative may, with discretion, require that the meeting be chaired by a member of the administration or faculty, and may further require a statement to be made at the meeting that the views presented are not necessarily those of the institution or of the sponsoring group. By acceptance of the invitation to speak, the speaker shall assume full responsibility for any personal violation of the law committed while on campus.
    9. A recognized student organization or faculty club may invite a political candidate to address that specific organization or club and its invited guests. The Student Government Association will have the authority to invite the political candidates to speak to the entire student body, within the limitations of this policy. The president of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College or a designated representative is also granted the privilege of inviting political speakers to address student assemblies when deemed advisable.
    10. The college reserves the right to deny the appearance of any political candidate or representative who violates this policy or its intent.
    11. Political candidates or their representatives who come on any campus or facility of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College for the purpose of speaking and have not followed proper procedure will be subject to arrest and charged with trespassing.

A political candidate is defined as one who has officially qualified or made public announcement of his/her candidacy.

Student Involvement in Decision Making

Students shall be provided the opportunity to participate in college decision-making in an advisory capacity.
Students shall have input in the establishment of procedures which directly affect them, preferably through the Student Government Association and other authorized campus organizations. (July 21, 1976)

Student Organizations

Campus-sponsored organizations shall be encouraged within prescribed campus/center administrative procedures. These shall be free from all forms of prejudice and restrictions outside the normal rules of democratic body. Student organizations shall provide as much opportunity as possible for development of desirable qualities as contributing members in our society. (May 19, 1982)

Student Publications

The Board of Trustees recognizes that campus-sponsored publications should be used to encourage the expression of students’ points of view. These publications shall be free from all restrictions outside the normal rules of responsible journalism (the avoidance of libel, obscenity, defamation, false or misleading statements, or material advocating racial or religious prejudice). Student publications shall provide as much opportunity as possible for the sincere expression of student creativity, opinion, and attitude. (July 21, 1976)

Student Records

In accordance with the Board’s desire to conform to federal legislation, information collected relating to students shall be accessible to parents, legal guardians, or students when federal procedures are followed. The release of such information shall be designed to ensure privacy of information included in student records. (May 19, 1982)

Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is in compliance with provisions granted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Under this law, students enrolled in any educational institution receiving federal funds are given certain rights concerning their school records. The policy of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides for:

  1. Informing students of their rights.
  2. Permitting students to inspect and review their educational records.
  3. Not disclosing personally identifiable information from the educational records of a student without the prior written consent of that student, except as otherwise permitted.
  4. Maintaining the record of disclosures of personally identifiable information from the education records of a student and permitting the student to inspect that record.

For all information on FERPA, please see Statement No. 714 of the Policies and Procedures Manual located at:

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

(Statement N0. 306) December 4, 2013

The MGCCC Network and Internet access will provide students, faculty, staff and administrators a wide variety of communication and informational resources.

All users (employees and students) will abide by policies and procedures, which require users to be identified and to follow a set of practical guidelines when utilizing the college’s information technology resources and telecommunications network to protect the integrity of its computing systems, workstations, and lab facilities. These policies and procedures define appropriate use of e-mail and other network services.

Access via an ID number and password is provided after individuals agree to abide by the policies and procedures.

To get an entire copy of this policy, please go to the college website and click on the internet usage policy link.