Mar 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Off-Campus Activities and Field Trips

(Statement No. 720; June 24, 2015)

  1. STATEMENT. Off-campus activities and field trips can be a vital part of the education of students. The College, the employees, and the students must share the responsibility of assuring safety for all during the trip.
    1. Student Responsibilities
      1. When individuals register for school, they assume the personal responsibility to abide by the policies and regulations of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College as stated in the College Catalog, the Student Handbook, and other official publications of the College.
      2. All student activities initiated by a college recognized club, organization, or program are subject to college policies and regulations as outlined by the Board of Trustees, the College Code of Conduct, and the College Administration. This applies to on-campus or off-campus events and field trips.
      3. Students will be responsible for observing the itinerary provided to them, as well as the policies and regulations of the College, while a member of the off-campus activity or field trip.
      4. Students traveling to or from a scheduled off-campus activity or field trip in their own vehicle will assume the same liability as any other travel. In case of accident or injury, the vehicle owner’s insurance will be the primary source of payment.
      5. Students must make requests to the College sponsor of the activity or trip if accommodations due to a disability are needed. These requests must be made as far in advance of the trip as possible.
    2. Sponsor Responsibilities
      1. Each activity, event, program, or field trip must be supervised by a college-approved person.
      2. All off-campus activities or field trips must be approved, in advance, through established campus procedures.
      3. The sponsor will make known to students the accepted itinerary of the off-campus activity or field trip.
      4. Employees operating college vehicles must have a valid driver’s license on file with the designated campus/center office. In rare instances, if a qualified student driver is necessary, this exception will be forwarded with appropriate documentation (copy of student’s driver’s license and Authority for Release of Information form) to the Vice President of Administration and Finance for consideration.  Prior to approval, student information will be forwarded to the insurance carrier by the District Business Office for verification and retained in the commercial fleet insurance policy file.
      5. College personnel using their private vehicles to transport students must have a certificate of insurance showing current liability insurance on the vehicle being used. Verification must be submitted with the campus travel approval request. In case of college employee or student accident or injury in a private vehicle, the vehicle owner’s insurance will be the primary source of payment.
      6. Vehicular accidents and/or injury while traveling on a college-sponsored off-campus activity or field trip must be reported as soon as possible to the Campus Vice President, who will notify the Dean of Business Services, who will in turn report to the Vice President for Administration and Finance with a written report to the insurance company. The notification of injury or death due to an accident must be done through the appropriate Vice President’s office, who will immediately contact the College President.
      7. In the event of an accident, emergency, or any incident in which a participant is harmed or could potentially have been harmed, the sponsor is to notify the appropriate local authorities as well as the Campus Police Department, Supervisor of Student Activities and/or Dean of Student Services immediately.  In case of medical emergency or injury, the sponsor should take action to obtain medical assistance.
    3. College Responsibilities
      1. The College maintains a commercial fleet insurance policy on all school-owned vehicles. The policy includes liability, auto medical payments, uninsured motorists, comprehensive, and collision coverage. Everyone riding in the vehicle is covered within the limits of the policy.
      2. College sponsors will be informed of the policies and procedures related to off-campus activities and field trips by their campus Deans and/or Department Chairs.

Freedom of Expression Policy

(Statement No. 721; March 11, 2020)

Access to College Facilities – Fundamental to the democratic process is the right of free speech and peaceful assembly. Students and other members of the College community shall have the right to express their views or support causes by orderly means which do not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the College.

While supporting the rights of students and other members of the college community, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes the responsibility to maintain an atmosphere on campus conducive to the educational process.

In order to maintain this atmosphere, demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers must be registered with the campus Dean of Students office at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. The event must be held in the following locations:

Jackson County Campus – Festival ground on the North side of the Gymnasium
Harrison County Campus – Southwest corner of campus: corner of Switzer and Runnymeade
Perkinston Campus – The lawn area north of the flag pole
George County Center – North end of the Multi-Purpose building
West Harrison County Center – The flag pole in front of the Administration building
The Bryant Center at Tradition - The parking lot near the maintenance building

Demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers shall be denied registration by the Dean of Student Services office when:

  1. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with campus police, has a reasonable basis to conclude that the demonstration or speaker substantially threatens to disrupt the normal activities of the college, threatens health or safety, or results in a violation of criminal law; or
  2. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with campus police, has a reasonable basis to conclude that there is a danger to those participating in the demonstration.
  3. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with campus police, has the authority to ask anyone to remove any mask or props that may be used to conceal ones identity.

Any demonstration or non-college affiliated event which does not comply with the Freedom of Expression policy is in violation of this policy and will be subject to immediate cancellation and an order for all participants to disband by the Dean of Student Services or their designee.

Academic Freedom

In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, college faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. They must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs. Academic freedom must be subject to the self-restraints imposed by good judgment and public support of the institution. The faculty member must fulfill his or her responsibility to society and to the teaching profession by manifesting academic competence, scholarly discretion, and good citizenship. At no time will the principle of academic freedom protect an incompetent or negligent faculty member nor will it prevent the institution from making proper effort to evaluate the work of each faculty member.

Any faculty member, who deem that their academic freedom has been violated, can submit formal complaints by following the guidelines set forth in Statement No. 242, Due Process Procedures for Employees, in the MGCCC Policies and Procedures Manual.

Intellectual Property

This statement provides guidelines for the management of intellectual property resources produced by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College faculty, administration, staff, students, or anyone utilizing college facilities or engaged under the direction of college personnel. The Intellectual Property Administrative Statement No. 504 is located in the MGCCC Policy and Procedure Manual on the college website at

Prohibitions on Firearms and Deadly Weapons

Students are prohibited from having in their possession any weapon prohibited by law, any gun and/or other device designed to be used as a weapon, such as firearms, including devices for firing blank charges, or any incendiary device or stink bombs, tear gas, or other dangerous chemicals on college grounds or at a college activity. Any student found in violation of this policy may be dismissed, expelled, or barred from the college, in addition to all other penalties and actions that may be available, provided the rights of due process are followed.

Search and Interrogation of Students

The rights of students regarding search and interrogation shall be in accordance with the United States Constitution. The Board recognizes that the law must be upheld, and when circumstances require, school officials may search and question students, particularly in cases involving the welfare and safety of people, the protection of property, a possible broken law, or a possible broken school code.

Searches of Residence Halls and Students’ Vehicles

Students, as any other citizen, are protected by the Constitution against unreasonable search and seizure. If, however, there is “probable cause” to believe that the law has been violated, a search may be considered reasonable.

Colleges are charged with the responsibility of maintaining proper standards of conduct, discipline, and safety. Therefore, in the reasonable exercise of the college’s duty to maintain discipline and an educational atmosphere, a college official may search a student’s room when “probable cause” exists.

The college will not delegate to law enforcement officers its reasonable right to searches for purposes of maintaining order and discipline on campus. However, college officials will cooperate with law enforcement personnel when they present a search warrant.

Normal inspection of student rooms for health, safety, and standards of maintenance are obviously within the authority of college officials and can be made if necessary in the absence of the student.

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Motor Vehicle Rules and Parking Regulations

The following rules are for the mutual safety of all students, employees and visitors. Your cooperation, compliance and familiarity with these rules are expected as long as you desire to drive and park on this campus.

SECTION 1. Motor Vehicle Registration (parking permit):

1.01 All faculty, staff, administrators and students who operate a motor vehicle on a MGCCC Campus must register said vehicle with the Campus Police Department within three (3) days of first bringing said vehicle on to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College property.
1.02 Students shall register their vehicles during class registration at the appropriate station. After registration, students may register their vehicles at the Campus Police Department. All others may register at the Campus Police Department
1.03 If a registered vehicle is sold, traded, or otherwise disposed of, it is the responsibility of the individual who registered said vehicle to remove the permit and register any other vehicle that may be used as a replacement. The original permit may be returned to the Police Department for a replacement permit.
1.04 Individuals with temporary or permanent disabilities should obtain and appropriately display a temporary or permanent placard or license tag issued by the State of Mississippi Department of Revenue.  Legal residents of the State of Mississippi should use the Disabled Parking Application obtained through their County Tax Collector’s Office. 
1.05 Student owned golf carts will not be allowed to operate on campus.

SECTION 2. Parking Regulations:

2.01 Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College reserves the right to regulate the use and operation of any motor vehicle on a MGCCC Campus and to forbid the use of any motor vehicle by any person whose conduct in any way demonstrates a failure to comply with or obey the MGCCC Campus Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations.
2.02 The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of parking space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of parking regulations.
2.03 The individual who registers a motor vehicle, regardless of who was actually operating the vehicle at a particular time, is at all times responsible for that motor vehicle.
2.04 Citations issued against an unregistered motor vehicle will be the responsibility of the student whose family, legal guardian or themselves has leased, purchased, or licensed the vehicle.


2.05.01 On or adjacent to any yellow curb.
2.05.02 On any sidewalk.
2.05.03 On any lawn or grassed area.
2.05.04 In or obstructing any driveway.
2.05.05 In or obstructing any “loading zone.”
2.05.06 In any “No Parking” zone.
2.05.07 In any manner obstructing/impeding pedestrian/vehicular traffic
2.05.08 In a double or multiple manner.
2.05.09 Obstructing any fire hydrant or fire lane.
2.05.10 In any place not designated by painted lines as a parking area or space.
2.05.11 In any area of the campus which has been closed off by the use of barricades, signs, yellow lines or other traffic control devices.
2.05.12 In “reserved” or “restricted” areas or spaces.
2.05.13 Without a current and valid motor vehicle parking decal.
2.05.14 Displaying an improper, defaced or altered parking decal.
2.05.15 In designated “HANDICAPPED” spaces.
2.05.16 In designated “Maintenance” spaces.
2.05.17 Failure to display a current and valid motor vehicle parking permit in a prominent and conspicuous manner on the rear view mirror.


1. Residence hall students are to park in lots adjacent to the residence halls. Vehicles authorized to park in residence hall lots must display a hangtag from the rearview mirror labeled “Resident.”
2. Commuter students are to park in lots adjacent to buildings other than residence halls. Vehicles authorized to park in commuter lots must display a hangtag from the rearview mirror labeled “Commuter.”
3. Faculty, staff, and administrators may park in any lot. Vehicles authorized to park in these lots must display a hangtag from the rearview mirror labeled ―Staff
4. Campus Police will issue citations for unauthorized parking to vehicles parked in unauthorized lots.

SECTION 3. State and Campus Moving Violations: 

3.01 State and Campus moving violations (tickets) occurring on any MGCCC Campus grounds, streets, roads or thoroughfares will be processed by Campus Administrative disposition (campus citation) and/or County Justice Court (state citation).
3.02 The following is a list of some of the traffic violations to be enforced. In addition to these stated violations, all state laws pertaining to any act, which, if committed within the state of Mississippi, would be criminal and punishable, shall also be criminal and punishable on all MGCCC Campus grounds, streets, roads and thoroughfares.

The minimum fine for each of the following listed violations is twenty-five ($25.00) per violation for campus citations and more for state citations.

3.02.01 Speeding in excess of the posted speed limits (15 mph) or in reckless disregard for existing condition of weather visibility, or vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic.
3.02.02 Reckless operation of a motor vehicle.
3.02.03 Disregarding traffic signs, signals, flagmen or law enforcement officers attempting to direct traffic.
3.02.04 Leaving the scene of a traffic accident.
3.02.05 Failure to yield to or stop for an emergency vehicle displaying emergency lights and/or siren and/or horn.
3.02.06 Failure to obey a lawful order given by any law enforcement officer.
3.02.07 Passing on any Campus maintenance road, street, or thoroughfare.
3.02.08 Failure to possess a valid motor vehicle operator’s license.
3.02.09 Operating an un-licensable motor vehicle on any Campus maintained road, street, or thoroughfare
3.02.10 Operating a motorcycle, motor scooter or other motorized two-, three-, or four-wheeled open vehicle without a crash helmet approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.)
3.02.11 Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or mind altering drugs.
3.02.12 Vehicle noise – No person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on any street, parking lot, or driveway shall operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system, including but not limited to any radio, tape player, compact disc player, loud speaker or any other electrical device used for the amplification of sound from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of 25 or more feet from the vehicle. Plainly audible means any sound which clearly can be heard by a direct line of sight of 25 or more feet. Words or phrases need not be discernible and said sound shall include bass reverberation.
3.02.13 Other violations of the “Rules of the Road (” Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 63, Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations) may also be enforced.
3.03 Payment for each violation shall be made to the Business Office window during regular business hours. Individuals have five (5) school days from the date the ticket was issued to pay said violations. Payment of penalty constitutes a waiving of hearing.
3.04 Any indebtedness by a student due to a traffic citation of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more will result in a hold being placed on the student’s academic records.

SECTION 4 Campus Parking and Moving Violation Appeals:

Any person issued a citation shall be entitled to an administrative hearing before the Chief of Campus Police. The officer issuing the citation may be required to attend the hearing.

4.02 Persons wishing to appeal a citation must register their appeal with the Chief of Campus Police within five (5) days of issuance, whereupon an appeals date may be arranged. The failure of an individual to appear at an arranged hearing or failure to submit a request for appeal within five (5) days of issuance of a citation shall be considered a waiver to the individual’s right to a hearing. The person will be notified in writing of the appeals ruling. The findings of the Chief of Campus Police will be final.

SECTION 5. Abandoned Vehicles:

5.01 Abandoned vehicles will be defined as any unregistered vehicle left unattended on any MGCCC Campus grounds, roads, streets, or thoroughfares for a period of five (5) days.
5.02 Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. The MGCCC Campus Police Department and/or their agents shall make a reasonable effort to identify and notify the owner of an abandoned vehicle of its removal and impoundment.

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and/or its agents or employees shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any damage to an abandoned vehicle occurring during removal or impoundment and/or storage.