Mar 11, 2025  
2013-2014 Student Handbook 
2013-2014 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Jefferson Davis Campus Section

Jefferson Davis Campus Directory

Title Name Office Location Phone
Vice President Dr. Susan Scaggs Administration Building “J” 896-2519
Dean of Student Services Dr. Tyrone Jackson Student Services Building “U” 896-2507
Dean of Instruction Larry Miller Administration Building “J” 896-2506
Dean of Business Services Dr. Stacy Carmichael Administration Building “J” 896-2503
Assistant Dean of Career/Technical Instruction Dr. Beverly Clark Career Technical Building “P” 896-2512
Assistant Dean of Instruction Patti Holloway Administration Building “J” 896-2510
Assistant Dean of LRC and Librarian Nancy Wilcox Library Building “I” 896-2414
Director of Admissions and Records Leana Wilson Student Services Building “U” 897-3954
Director of Financial Aid/Answer Center Dr. Stephanie Messer-Roy Financial Aid Building “A” 897-3981
Director of Learning Lab Karla Smith Learning Resources, G-106 897-3760
Chief of Police Daniel Garner Student Services Building “U” 896-2516
Librarian Charles Clark Library Building “I” 897-3809
Librarian Dianne Hurlbert Library Building “I” 897-3880
Lead Counselor & Licensed Prof. Counselor Dawn Hosey, LPC Student Services Building “U” 897-3838
Counselor Joy Mitchell Student Services Building “U” 897-3837
Counselor Shekira Fortenberry Student Services Building “U” 897-2504/2505
Counseling Center Administrative Asst. Margo Hines Student Services Building “U” 897-2504
Support Services Gloria Smith Student Services Building “U” 896-2556/2504
Veterans Affairs Roxanne Towles Student Services Building “U” 897-2518/3836
VA Administrative Asst. Lola Peters Student Services Building “U” 897-2518
Coordinator of Student Activities Chris Bagwell Student Activities Building “I” 897-3945
Director of Workforce Services Wayne Kuntz AMTC 897-4360
Director of Adult Basic Education Becky Layton AMTC 897-4371
Educational Coordinator Dana Requet Keesler, Sablich Building 432-7198
Educational Coordinator Alrie Poillion Navy Base 865-0675

Department Chairpersons

Department Name Office Location Phone
Business & Office Administration Donna Parker B-39 897-3726
Developmental Studies Chris Dedual S-3 897-3813
Fine Arts Ryan Pierini Arena Thea. 897-3740
Health & Physical Recreation Karen Stennis L-118 897-3876
Language Arts Dr. Vernon LaCour I-204 897-3790
Mathematics Karen Fayard X-206 897-3812
Nursing Bertha Oatis R-20 897-3711
Science Steve Roberts F-115 897-3748
Social Studies Karla Smith G-106 897-3760

MGCCC - Jefferson Davis Campus
Phone Extensions and Office Numbers

2000 numbers are 228-896-xxxx and 3000 numbers are 228-897-xxxx
(Department Chairpersons are noted in Bold Letters)

Associate Degree Nursing Fine Arts Science
Barlow, Marsha 3707/ R4 Atkinson, Debra 3737/ D21 Bagwell, Ken 3751/ F9
Clemons, Debra 3714/ R5 Halat, Sandra 3909/ D117 Baughman, David 3749/ F29
Coomer, Sheilah 3715/ R29 Mattina, Janey 3738/ D107 Bruni, Angela 3959/ E4
Crawford, Felecia 3717/ R34 Pierini, Ryan 3740 Jones, Tiffany 3949/ E12
Fisher, Carolyn 3701/ R32 Smith, Barbara 3898/ D20 Marchette, Fran 3752/ E14
Harrington, Leslie 3766/ R33 Steadman, Matt 3736/ D114 McDaniel, Skip 3746/ F17
Hurlbert, Jennifer 3709/ R6 West, Pat 3739/ D105 Rankin, David 3753/ F15
Lemon, Terri 3704/ R27     Riggins, Erin 3745/ F114
Locke, Ashli 3708/ R28 Language Arts Roberts, Steve 3748/ F115
Matthews, Kristi 3703/ R30 Bosarge, Susan 3756/ G11 Rouse, Kelly 2531/ F128
Oatis, Bertha 3711/ R20 Broussard, Barry 3791/ G7 Siegel, Jeffrey 3747/ F23
Ratcliff, Jennifer 3706/ R3 Cruthirds, Colter 3934/ G5 Spence, Charles 3750/ E2
Spiers, Mandy 3718/ R31 Frazier, Angela 3936/ G6 West, Bill 3741/ F109
Webb, Rebecca 3700/ R2 Hawk, Jena 3800/ G32    
Young, Rebecca 3702/ R25 LaCour, Vernon 3790/ I204 Social Studies
    Maggard, Denise 3794/ G10 Carriere, Brian 3802/ G110
    Mitchell, Elvira 3799/ G8 Daniels, Jo Anne 3804/ G124
Business Speed, John 3962/ G31 Davis, Charles 3758/ G120
Alston, Joanna 3763 /B34 Stuart, Jason 3797/ G4 Davis, Scott 3759/ G108
Brandon, Debbie 3729/ B32 Wells Teresa 3792/ G9 Dougharty, Mary 3754/ G128
Gazzo, Jack 3719/ B38 Williams, Tracey 3786/ G33 Johns, Anita 3755/ G130
Gruich, Madelon 2546/ B33     Kapaun, Bennie 3761/ G118
Guider, Troy 3721/ A4 Learning Lab Kelner, Debbie 3757/ G134
Johnson, Paul 3858/ B30 Bethea, Kay 3801/ G Kopp, Janette 3764/ G132
Parker, Donna 3726/ B39 Hensley, Pat 3846/ G Pope, Karla 3762/ G122
Parker, Megan 3723/ B29 Morris, Kathryn 3805/ G Rasmussen, L. 3798/ G126
Phifer-Starks, Kim 2545/ B28 Peterson, Sandra 3845/ G Simpson, Daron 3847/ G29
        Smith, Karla 3760/ G106
Developmental Studies Math Smith, Trevor 2515/ G112
Bailey, Rita 3731/ S2 Clark, Andrea 3817/ X207    
Butts, Nanette 3730/ S6 Elliot, Robert 3818/ X215 Allied Health
DeDual, Chris
3813/ S3 Fayard, Karen 3812/ X206 Ladner, Melissa 3713/ R114
McClendon, Clay 3734/ S4 Holter, Melanie 3938/ X208 Shirley, Gary 2554/ R110
Poulos, Candice 3732/ S1 Jagmohan, Swarup 3932/ X209    
Watson, Debbie 3733/ S5 Napier, Sam 3816/ X210 Technical Department
    West, Peggy 3819/ X211 Brister, Robert 3774/ S12
Health/P.E.     Burrous, Brian 3844/ V111
Bennett, Randi 3950/ L119 Career Department Craft, Linda 3770/ Q107
Stennis, Karen 3876/ L118 Bond, Brent 3777/ O101 Donegan, Brian 3928/ S18
    Childers, Rex 3785/ M110 Gatian, Becky 3542/ P104
    Crocker, Chris 3778/ N107 Hayes, Robin 3744/ V106
    LaFontaine, Dwayne 3775/ O113 Huddle, Al 3724/ V122
    Smith, Gloria 2556/ U110 Jones, Pamela 3782/ ECE114
        Mabry, Janice 3773/ Q102
        Pham, Long 3728/ V119
Admissions 2500/ U130 Career Center 2504/ U104    

Find your advisor - Go to MGCCC Website ( Enter MGCCC Web Services
Enter Secure Area. Click on the Student/Financial Aid area.
Click Student Records. Look under Advisor Information.

Guide To Campus Services For Students

(What, Who & Where)

Academic Policies College Catalog, Dean of Instruction, Administration Building
Advisor Information Alphabetical listing posted on bulletin board in Commons area and Student Services Building.
Assessment Center Student Services Building, Room 219
Auditing Courses Contact course instructor
Career Development Center Student Services Building U104
Counseling Counseling Center, Student Services Building
Class Attendance Policy Individual Instructors, College Catalog
CLEP Testing Assessment Center, Student Services Bldg., Room 219
College Catalogs Counseling Center/Admissions Office, Student Services Building
College Credit by Exam Admissions, Student Services Building
Course Selection Faculty Advisors, individual office locations
Course or College Withdrawal Contact course instructor
Disabled Services Coordinator, Special Populations, Student Services Building
Employment (Off Campus) Counseling Center, Student Services Building
Fee/Fine Payment Business Office, Administration Building
Fender Bender/Key Locked in Car, etc. Campus Police, Student Services Building
Financial Aid Director of Financial Aid, Financial Aid/V.A. Center
First Aid/Emergency Services Campus Police, Student Services Building
Food/Beverages/Snacks Cafeteria, Student Center located beside Commons Area
Grade Appeals Dean of Instruction, Administration Building
Grades, Mid-Term, Final Available through the college website,
Graduation College Catalog
Identification Cards (ID’s) Campus Police, Student Services Building
Intramural Activities Physical Education Dept., Instructors, gymnasium
Lost & Found Receptionist’s desk, Administration Bldg.
Messages Message Board located in Commons area, see college policy under Student Life
Parking Permits Campus Police, Student Services Building
Student Activities (Clubs/Organizations) Student Activities Coordinator, Building I-116
Student Government Student Activities Coordinator, Building I-116
Student Grievances (Non-classroom) Dean of Student Services, Student Services Building
Student Grievances (Classroom) Dean of Instruction, Administrative Building
Textbooks/Supplies Campus bookstore east of the Gymnasium
Transcript Copies Kiosk located by Evening Office, Administration Building
Tutorial Assistance Learning Skills Center, “G” Building
Veterans Services V.A. Certifying Official, Student Services Building

Other Pertinent Information:


The campus bookstore is located east of the Gymnasium. Its main function is to provide textbooks for students as part of the college textbook rental system. In addition, the bookstore sells various supplies, supplementary course materials and novelty items. Hours of operation are:

7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Friday
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. on evenings of night school registration.

Fundraising / Solicitation

  • No student organizations or students can solicit money from the community in the name of MGCCC.
  • No fundraising activities are to be duplicated except on designated days that are approved by the SAC. Example: Fall Bash and Valentine’s Day Sale
  • No raffles are allowed under any circumstances.

Posting Regulations For Campus Bulletin Boards

All posters, flyers and other materials must be approved by the Coordinator of Student Activities before being posted on campus bulletin boards. All items must confirm to the posting regulations found on each bulletin board. All unapproved items will be removed.

Change of Name/Address

Forms for completing name changes may be found in the Admissions Office located in the Student Services Building. Students must notify the Admissions Office of such changes as soon as they occur in order to keep accurate records. Address changes may be done online in Web Services at

Identification (I.D.) Cards

Students are issued I.D. cards during the registration process in the Campus Police Office located in the Student Services Building Students are required to carry I.D. cards at all times while on campus or when attending a campus-sponsored activity. Students should report lost I.D. cards to the Campus Police Office and obtain a replacement. A $10.00 charge will be assessed for replacement cards. Students are required to present I.D. cards when picking up textbooks and upon the request of any College Official.

Classroom Policies

Students are asked to exercise care when using college property. Charges of vandalism or defacing college property will be referred to the campus disciplinary committee. Students should not bring food or drink into classrooms or laboratories.


Any emergency arising on campus should be immediately reported to the Campus Police Department, 2516 or 228-861-0099.

Student Center

The Student Center is located west of the Commons Area and is provided for student enjoyment. A variety of drink, snack and sandwich machines are provided.

Cyber Café

The Cyber Café is located next to the Student Center for student use. The purpose of this area is for students with laptops to be able to connect to the internet. All users must comply with the MGCCC Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Student Conduct. No inappropriate language, web pages or music is allowed while using the Café’. Students are asked to respect others, including students who may be in the Café’, snack area or students walking in the hallway.


The intramural sports & recreation program is located in the Gym & Weight Room at no additional cost. Intramural sports offer many recreational and competitive sports activities throughout the school year which may include: basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, open swimming, tennis, ping pong, ultimate frisbee, etc. All students and employees are invited and encouraged to participate in intramural sports & recreation.

Learning Resources Center

The Learning Resources Center (LRC) on each campus includes the library, the media center, and the learning skills center. The LRC provides services and resources that support the aims and objectives of the college, the individual needs of the students, and the courses and teaching methods of the faculty.

The library provides a well-selected collection of print and non-print materials to support the educational program of the college, a professional staff to assist in the use of these resources, and all facilities conducive to study and research.

The media center is involved in all phases of audio-visual production and circulation. Its main function is to provide a support service for the entire instructional program.

The Learning Skills Center is available to help students improve their skills in English, math, reading, study skills, accounting and science. One-on-one contact with caring instructors, computer-assisted and video instructions, and a variety of audio-visual materials support this effort.

Policy on Children on Campus

Students are not allowed to bring children to the campus during the time that the students’ scheduled classes are in progress. Arrangements for other students or visitors to care for a child on campus while the parent attends class are not satisfactory and will be considered a violation of this policy. Also, children may not be left unattended on campus while the parent attends classes.

Students who work on campus are also not allowed to have their children on campus during assigned working hours.

Students may not bring children of non-students on campus to care for or to be cared for by others.

Regulations on Substance Abuse

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes its responsibility to educate students as to the health hazards associated with substance abuse, particularly alcohol abuse. The campus has and will continue to assume an active role in education, assistance and enforcement as a means of preventing substance abuse on the campus.

Students are referred to the college board policy regarding substance abuse found in the college-wide section of this handbook. Students are reminded that the possession, sale or use of any illegal substance on this campus will be dealt with immediate action and to the fullest extent of the law with proper respect to the due process provisions of college policy.

Lost and Found

A” Lost and Found” is located in the Campus Police Department located in the Student Services Building. Students who find items left on campus should turn them in to the receptionist.

Student-Initiated Withdrawal Procedures

(Electronic Attendance)

STEP 1 – Instructor – Contact the instructor of the class from which you wish to withdraw. Evening students may contact the Evening Office.
STEP 2 – Financial Aid – If receiving any type of financial aid, check with the Financial Aid Office to ensure withdrawal will not adversely affect your financial aid award. (Withdrawals can cause an award reduction and may result in the student owing money back to the school.)
STEP 3 – Veterans Affairs – If receiving veteran’s benefits, check with the Veterans Affairs Office to ensure withdrawal will not adversely affect your standing.
STEP 4 – Library – If withdrawing from all classes, return books and any other materials you have checked out.
STEP 5 – Bookstore – Return books to the bookstore.
STEP 6 – Business Office – If you are due a refund, please wait 48 hours after completing the withdrawal before checking with the Business Office or your status via your on-line account. (Refunds take up to 2 weeks and are mailed to the address on record.)


“W,” “WP,” “WF” – Students who initiate withdrawal from a class on or before the last day to officially withdraw as indicated in the current college catalog will receive a grade of “W.” Students who do not initiate withdrawal and are dropped from class because of excessive absences will receive a grade of “WP” or “WF” from their instructor.

BOOKSTORE & LIBRARY MATERIALS: The cash value of textbooks and/or Library materials not returned will be applied to your account. Outstanding account balances are turned over to a collection agency.

STUDENTS RECEIVING FINANCIAL AID: Withdrawal from classes may result in you owing back a portion of your entire financial aid award. Your financial aid award will be recalculated based on your last day of attendance. If you owe an overpayment, you will receive a letter from Financial Aid. Students who owe an overpayment are

NOT ELIGIBLE to receive additional financial aid until the overpayment has been repaid. Check with the Financial Aid Office to determine if your status is affected before withdrawal.

STUDENTS RECEIVING STATE AID: If your enrollment status falls below full-time (less than 12 hours) you will forfeit your state aid for your next term of enrollment.

STUDENTS RECEIVING VA BENEFITS: Withdrawal from class(es) may adversely affect your VA status. Check with the VA Office to determine if your status is affected before withdrawal.

Medical Emergencies

Serious Medical Emergency

UNCONSCIOUS VICTIMS: If rescuer is trained in CPR:

  1. YELL FOR HELP, THEN HAVE SOMEONE CALL 9-911 and Campus Police 228-861-0099 or ext. 2516.
  2. Establish Airway
  3. Check for Breathing
  4. Check for Circulation 5) Start Ventilation or CPR if necessary


  1. YELL FOR HELP, THEN HAVE SOMEONE CALL 9-911 and Campus Police 228-861-0099 or ext. 2516.
  2. Do not move patient or allow the patient to move around.
  3. Try to control any heavy bleeding using direct pressure on the wound.
  4. Try to keep the patient from going into shock by maintaining body temperature and elevating the lower extremities if possible.

Minor Medical Situation

  1. Call Campus Police – 228-861-0099 or ext. 2516

Disorderly Students


Call Campus Police. (Cell 228-861-0099 or X2516)


Step 1 CALL 9-911 from campus extension or 911 from non-campus extension

Step 2 CALL Campus Police. (Cell 861-0099 or X2516)

Tornados/Severe Weather

The primary notification for a tornado will be the activation of sirens. Secondary notifications may be by PA system, Connect-Ed (cell phones) and e-mail.

When you hear a siren, seek shelter in the nearest building. Go to a bottom floor, interior hallway, away from doors and windows. Remain in a safe area until an all clear is given by PA system or other appropriate means.


Emergency Response: In case of fire, the person who first becomes aware of the fire should take the following actions:

  1. Pull the fire alarm, direct that the immediate area of the fire be evacuated and ensure physically challenged persons are assisted.
  2. Report the fire by calling 9-911 if using a campus extension or 911 if using a cell phone, pay phone, or other non-campus phone.
  3. Call Campus Police – ext. 2516 or (cell # 228-861-0099)
  4. Attempt to extinguish the fire with the firefighting equipment available to you. Note – Do not allow fighting the fire to interfere with the responsibility to ensure student safety, supervise evacuation, etc. Also, do not endanger your own life.
  5. Campus Police will call 911 to confirm that the incident has been reported.
  6. Campus Police will activate the campus Emergency Response Team if necessary.

Fire in your area:

Call 9-911 and report location of fire;
Activate fire alarm, alert others, move everyone away from area of fire.
Use fire extinguisher on small (waste basket size) fires only if safe to do so.
For larger fires, GET OUT, close doors and confine fire as much as possible.
If your clothing catches fire…STOP…DROP…ROLL

When a fire alarm is activated:

  1. Proceed to the nearest EXIT (Follow directions of emergency personnel.)
  2. Feel the top of the door, if it is hot, or smoke is visible, do not open.
  3. Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.
  5. DO NOT BREAK WINDOWS. Oxygen feeds fires.
  6. Stay low if moving through smoke.
  7. ALL fires, regardless of size, must be reported to Campus Police.

If trapped in a room:

  1. Place cloth material around/under door to prevent smoke from entering.
  2. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
  3. DO NOT open or break windows unless necessary to escape (outside smoke may be drawn in).
  4. Be prepared to signal your location through window.

If caught in smoke:

Drop to hands and knees and crawl; hold breath as much as possible; breathe through a filter (blouse, shirt, jacket, etc.) and breathe through nose.

Advancing through flames:

If you are forced to advance through flame – hold your breath and move quickly, cover your head and hair, keep your head down, and keep your eyes closed as much as possible.


P PULL safety pin from handle
A AIM nozzle at base of fire.
S SQUEEZE the trigger handle.
S SWEEP the spray from side to side.

Hazardous Material Incidents

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be available for all chemicals on campus. MSDS Sheets copies must be kept on file in designated areas. Any precautions or special procedures to be followed in the event of emergency must be made available to emergency personnel.


  1. Activate Fire Alarm.
  2. Notify Campus Police at 2516 (or cell 228-861-0099)
  4. TIME AND SAFETY PERMITTING, shut down equipment, close doors, secure area and vital records including MSDS sheets.


  1. Notify Campus Police at 2516 (or cell 228-861-0099).
  2. Comply with directives from Emergency Personnel.
  3. Be prepared to evacuate students to off-site reunion point.
  4. TIME AND SAFETY PERMITTING, shut down equipment, secure the area and vital records.

Building Evacuation

When it is necessary to evacuate campus buildings, the following procedure is to be followed:

  1. Sound the evacuation alarm signal. The alarm signal is an intermittent tone followed first by an announcement to evacuate and then by a repeat of the intermittent tone. The alarm is sounded from designated phone extensions.
  2. Building monitors supervise instructors and students to ensure that all persons evacuate the building and report to the appropriate emergency assembly point. Instructors should bring their class rolls to the emergency rally point to account for students.
  3. Instructors should make sure persons with disabilities are assisted in exiting the building. Always evacuate mobility aids (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches) with the person, if possible. Do not use elevators unless declared safe by authorized person.
  4. When it is safe to return to the buildings, an “all clear” signal is sounded. The “all clear” signal is the same intermittent tone and will be followed by an announcement that personnel and students can re-enter buildings.
  5. Members of the Emergency Response Team are to note anything considered to be significant about the evacuation, positive or negative, to be discussed at their next regular meeting.

Evacuation Rally Point Managers:

Northwest – B. Parker

Northeast – Napier

East – DeDual

Southeast – R. Cornell

Southwest – J. Mitchell

Building Monitors and Emergency Assembly Points


Rally Points are located as follows:

NW=North West – Northwest campus parking lot located north of Early Childhood Development.
NE=North East –Northeast campus parking lot toward corner of DeBuys and Runnymede roads.
E = East – Grassy area that extends to DeBuys between Ed. Dev Bldg. and Nursing East Bldg.
SE= South East – Grassy area toward the corner of DeBuys and Switzer roads.
SW= South West – Grassy area beyond southwest campus lot west of Student Services BLDG.

The first name listed is the primary monitor and those following are backups.

Building Building Monitor Emergency Rally Point
Financial Aid Messer-Roy, Guider, P. Johnson SW
B-Business D. Parker, Gazzo, Alston,Brandon SW
C-Computer Center Besancon, Boyda, Cornell SE
D-Fine Arts
Steadman, Halat, Mattina SE
D-Fine Arts (Music) Atkinson, B. Smith, SE
D-Fine Arts (Arena) Pierini, P. West SE
Early Childhood Bldg.  P. Jones, Mcmahon, Barron NW
E-Science Siegel, Spence SE
F-Science Roberts, Marchette, McDaniel E
(Language Arts)
LaCour, Frazier E
(Social Studies)
K. Smith, Kelner, Kopp E
G-Learning Lab J. Smith, Peterson E
Dougharty, Maggard, Todd SE
I-Library C. Clark,, Hurlbert SW
- Media Center Wilcox, Standberry SW
-Class Rooms S. Bosarge, Speed SW
-Student Activities C. Bagwell SW
J-Administration Easterling, Bounds SW
J-Student Center & LLI Miller, Holloway, Rawls SW
K-Service Area Farley, G.McCreary SW
L1-Gym-PE Stennis, R. Bennett, J. Johnson SW
L2- Bookstore Baumann, Wangerin SW
M- Refrig. Crocker, Childers, Bond NW
N-HVAC/GED. J. Murray, S. Wallen NW
O-Electrical Maint. Bond, Childers, Crocker NW
P-Career/Tech. B. Clark, Flowers NW
Q-Hospitality  Craft, Flowers NW
R-Nursing (West) Oatis, J. Hurlbert, Edwards, Coomer, Young NE
R-Nursing (East) Shirley, Ladner NE
S-Ed. Dev. McClendon, Dedual, Butts East
T-Maintenance Dubose, Garlotte NW
U-Student Services Hosey, Towles SW
V-Technical Burrous, Bryan, Pham NW
X-Math Fayard, Jagmohan, Peggy West NW
Cafeteria Laseki NW

Active Shooter

In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, bearing in mind there could be more than one shooter involved in the same situation. If you find yourself involved in an active shooter situation, try to remain calm and use these guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.

At the first sign of an active shooter call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a non-campus phone. Call Campus Police at 2516 (or cell 228-861-0099). The procedure for the campus during an active shooter situation is to go into lockdown. Tell the dispatcher of what is taking place, and inform him/her of your location; remain in place until the police, or a campus administrator known to you, gives the “all clear.”

  • If an active shooter is outside your building, proceed to a room that can be locked, close and lock all the windows and doors, and turn off all the lights; if possible, get everyone down on the floor and ensure that no one is visible from outside the room. Unfamiliar voices may be the shooter attempting to lure victims from their safe space; do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being issued by a police officer.
  • If an active shooter is in the same building, determine if the room you are in can be locked and if so, follow the same procedure described in the previous paragraph. If your room can’t be locked, determine if there is a nearby location that can be reached safely and secured, or if you can safely exit the building. If you decide to move from your current location, be sure to follow the instructions outlined below.
  • If an active shooter enters your office or classroom, try to remain calm. Alert police to the shooter’s location; if you can’t speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. If there is absolutely no opportunity for escape or hiding, it might be possible to negotiate with the shooter; attempting to overpower the shooter with force should be considered a very last resort, after all other options have been exhausted. If the shooter leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place and do not touch anything that was in the vicinity of the shooter.

Lockdown Procedures

Lockdown may be implemented when a situation occurs that may be a hazard to health or is life threatening. Lockdown is intended to limit access and hazards by controlling and managing staff and students in order to increase safety and reduce possible victimization.

Buildings will have restricted access until an “all clear” is given by PA system, Connect Ed system or one of the methods listed below. A lockdown will be called by the campus incident commander. Lockdown may be called for a variety of reasons such as person(s) with weapons, intruders, police activity, terrorist events and other situations that pose a threat to the campus community when evacuation is not a safe alternative.

Notification – Due to the varying nature of situations that may cause lockdown, communication to begin lockdown may come in a variety of ways:

  • Announcement of “LOCKDOWN” repeated for a period of time and followed by the siren
  • By phone to Building Monitors
  • E-mail to campus employees
  • Connect Ed message to cell phones registered in the system
  • By handheld loudspeaker
  • Message by runners
  • Voice commands from Campus Police or other law enforcement officers.

The Campus Incident Commander will determine the methods of notification. As many methods as can be utilized under the circumstances will be used to notify the campus community of lockdown.

Actions to be taken –

  • Building Monitors with the help of Instructors should make sure all students are in a classroom.
  • Building Monitors should lock all exterior doors.
  • Instructors should lock all classroom doors, close windows and pull down blinds.
  • Direct students to sit on the floor away from windows and doors.
  • Attempt to locate students in an area in the classroom that cannot be seen from the outside.
  • Do not answer any voice you are not absolutely sure of.
  • Use your best judgment as the situation unfolds and take whatever steps you think necessary in order to protect lives.
  • Be prepared for law enforcement to enter the building and obey commands.
  • “All Clear” will be communicated when it is safe to move.

Jefferson Davis Campus Map

Click here to view the Jefferson Davis Campus Section .