Feb 10, 2025  
2014-2015 Student Handbook 
2014-2015 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Activities


It is the objective of all MGCCC Student Activities Offices to reinforce the mission of the college by offering educational, social, and leadership activities for the students. While no attempt is made to duplicate all of the activities filled by home, church or community, we recognize that students benefit from a balanced program of involvement in campus organizations and activities. We encourage students to take their studies seriously but allow time for extracurricular activities that they might enjoy. For this reason all students are encouraged to become active in school sponsored organizations and clubs.

Clubs and Organizations

  1. The campuses of MGCCC offer a wide variety of academic, leadership, and social clubs and organizations that are officially recognized.
  2. All clubs and organizations must be officially recognized by the Student Activities Office as well as the administration of the College.
  3. New clubs and organizations may be added as interest is generated by the student body. For details on creating a new club or organization, contact the Coordinator of Student Activities for the campus you attend.
  4. The Coordinator of Student Activities will have the responsibility to oversee all clubs and organizations in regard to campus policies.
  5. Recognized clubs and organizations in good standing with the College have the opportunity to conduct fundraisers with proper approval from the Coordinator of Student Activities or the Dean of Student Services. Fundraising/Soliciting policies are as follows:
    1. Student organizations or students cannot solicit money from the community in the name of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
    2. No fundraising activities are to be duplicated except on designated days that are approved by the Coordinator of Student Activities. Ex: Fall Bash and Valentine’s Day Sale.
    3. Raffles are prohibited under any circumstances.
  6. If the Student Government Association finds that a club or organization has ceased to be active due to lack of interest or inactivity, the Student Government will recommend to the Coordinator of Student Activities and the Dean of Student Services that such club be discontinued.
  7. Following is a list of Clubs and Organizations that are currently recognized by the Jackson County, Jefferson Davis, Perkinston Campuses, and George County Center:
    1. Alpha Beta Gamma (JC, PC)
    2. Annual Staff (JD)
    3. Baptist Student Union (JC, JD, PC, GCC)
    4. Gulf Coast Diamond Girls (PC)
    5. Campus Activities Board (CAB) (PC)
    6. Catholic Student Association (JD)
    7. Choral Activities (JC)
    8. Circle K (JC)
    9. Coastal Vibrations (JD)
    10. College Democrats and Independents (JD)
    11. College Republicans (JC)
    12. Connections (JD)
    13. Criminal Justice Club (JD)
    14. College DECA (JD)
    15. CT Ambassadors (PC)
    16. Dog Pound (PC)
    17. Food Committee (PC)
    18. Reflections (JC, JD, PC, GCC)
    19. Horticulture (PC)
    20. Human Services (JC)
    21. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (PC)
    22. Medical Laboratory Technicians Club (JC)
    23. Outdoor Recreation Leadership (JC)
    24. Perk FedAd Club (PC)
    25. Rho Sigma Theta Step Team (PC)
    26. Phi Beta Lambda (JC, PC)
    27. Phi Theta Kappa (JC, JD, PC, GCC)
    28. Process Operations Technology Club(P-Tech) (JC)
    29. Residence Hall Association (PC)
    30. Rotaract (JC)
    31. Skills USA (JC, JD, PC, GCC)
    32. Student Government Association (JC, JD, PC)
    33. Student Nurses Organization(JC, JD, PC, & GCC)
    34. Student Publications (JC)
    35. Student X-Ray (JC)
    36. Wesley Foundation (JD, PC)


  1. Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges
    1. Each year, MGCCC selects a designated number of Sophomores to represent the college in the Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges.
    2. Nominations for this award are made by the faculty and staff members from each campus.
    3. Selection for this award is based on academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities, and potential for continued success.
    4. Selections will be made by a panel of faculty/staff members from the individual campuses.
    5. For specific details on the nomination and selection process, please see the Coordinator of Student Activities for your campus.
  2. Hall of Fame
    1. Each year, a number of students (not to exceed 1% of the student body) is selected by faculty/staff members to represent the Hall of Fame for each campus.
    2. Nominated students should have an exceptional GPA, possess strong leadership characteristics, and display community and civic activity.
    3. A panel of faculty/staff members from each campus will select the members of the Hall of Fame for their respective campus from the nominees.
    4. Panel voting may be by verbal or secret ballot vote.
    5. For specific details on the nomination and selection process, please see the Coordinator of Student Activities for your campus.


  1. Campus Favorites
    1. Campus elections are held each academic year by the Student Government Association in conjunction with the Yearbook Staff from each campus.
    2. The purpose of these elections is for the student body to select students to be named as Campus Favorites for each campus.
    3. Campus Favorites titles differ from campus to campus. Current titles include:
      1. Jackson County Campus: Mr. JC, Miss JC, Sophomore Favorite (Male and Female), and Freshman Favorite (Male and Female)
      2. Jefferson Davis Campus: Mr. JD, Miss JD, Sophomore Favorite (Male and Female), and Freshman Favorite (Male and Female)
      3. Perkinston Campus: Mr. Perk, Miss Perk, Sophomore Favorite (Male and Female), Most Spirited (Male & Female), Freshman Favorite (Male and Female)
    4. Students eligible for sophomore titles must have completed 24 or more academic hours. All students complete less than 24 academic hours will be considered freshman.
    5. Nominations will be taken from the student body at each campus.
    6. The students receiving the most nominations will be listed on the ballot for the Mr. and Miss titles for each campus.
      1. Students vying for the Mr. and Miss titles must be classified as a sophomore.
      2. Students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA to be elected for these positions.
    7. The 10 students (when qualifications are met) receiving the most nominations will be listed on the ballot for election for all remaining titles.
      1. Students vying for these titles must have a 2.0 minimum GPA.
      2. Overall GPA will be used for sophomores.
    8. Campus Favorite Elections will be conducted via online elections (when available). Online ballots will be accepted for a period of time designated by the Coordinator of Student Activities for each campus.
      1. Each student will use a username and password established by Information Technology.
      2. Each student will only be allowed to vote once.
    9. When online elections are not available, elections will take place via paper ballot. Paper ballots will be accepted for a period of time designated by the Coordinator of Student Activities for each campus.
      1. Each student will only be allowed to vote once.
      2. The Coordinator of Student Services will designate an area of campus to collect the ballots.
      3. The balloting area will be staffed by a member of the Student Government Association not listed on the ballot or by the Coordinator of Student Activities.
      4. Ballots will be counted by hand by the Coordinator of Student Activities and two members of the Student Government Association or Yearbook Staff not listed on the ballot. Ballot counts will be done individually and not at the same time to ensure accurate counts.
    10. Only students on the final ballot will be allowed to campaign. Students campaigning for the Campus Favorite titles must adhere to the following policies:
      1. Students posting flyers around campus must have permission from the campus Coordinator of Student Activities and adhere to all posting policies for that campus.
      2. Students are not permitted to campaign in the area designated for collecting ballots.
      3. Hand Billing or placing flyers on cars will not be permitted.
      4. Under no circumstance shall one student slander another for reason of garnering votes. Violation of this policy could result in actions taken by the Dean of Student Services.
    11. Violations of any of these guidelines will result in the removal of said student from the ballot.
    12. For freshman and sophomore titles, students will vote according to their academic classification. Both freshman and sophomores will be allowed to vote for the Mr. and Miss title for their campus.
    13. A student may only win one title per academic year.
    14. Winners will be announced and be included in the yearbook for that academic year.
    15. Students may be selected to a campus favorite position once as a freshman and once as a sophomore. Students may not serve multiple terms as the same classification.
  2. Homecoming
    1. Each year, a Homecoming Court will be elected from the student body.
    2. The Homecoming Court will consist of one Queen (sophomore), two sophomore maids, and two freshman maids from each campus. In addition one freshman football maid and one sophomore football maid will be selected.
    3. The election process will be carried out in the following manner:
      1. The Homecoming Court will be selected by members of the student body by secret ballot. Nominations will be by petition signed by 15 class members and signed by one College faculty/staff member or College administrator. All nominees must be a full time student with a minimum 2.0 GPA to qualify to be on the election ballot.
      2. The primary nomination ballot will carry ALL qualified nominees.
      3. Based on the results of the primary election, the final election ballot will carry the top 8 sophomores and the top 4 freshman nominated. Any student on academic or disciplinary probation shall not be included on the ballot.
      4. All students will vote for all positions.
      5. Students may win a position on homecoming court once as a freshman and once as a sophomore. Maids may not serve multiple terms as the same classification.
    4. Homecoming Elections will be conducted via online elections (when available). Online ballots will be accepted for a period of time designated by the Coordinator of Student Activities for each campus.
      1. Each student will use a username and password established by Information Technology.
      2. Each student will only be allowed to vote once.
    5. When online elections are not available, elections will take place via paper ballot. Paper ballots will be accepted for a period of time designated by the Coordinator of Student Activities for each campus.
      1. Each student will only be allowed to vote once.
      2. The Coordinator of Student Services will designate an area of campus to collect the ballots.
      3. The balloting area will be staffed by a member of the Student Government Association not listed on the ballot or by the Coordinator of Student Activities.
      4. Ballots will be counted by hand by the Coordinator of Student Activities and two members of the Student Government Association or Yearbook Staff not listed on the ballot. Ballot counts will be done individually and not at the same time to ensure accurate counts.
    6. Only students on the final ballot will be allowed to campaign. Students campaigning for the Homecoming Court must adhere to the following policies:
      1. Students posting flyers around campus must have permission from the campus Coordinator of Student Activities and adhere to all posting policies for that campus.
      2. Students are not permitted to campaign in the area designated for collecting ballots.
      3. Hand Billing or placing flyers on cars will not be permitted.
      4. Under no circumstance shall one student slander another for reason of garnering votes. Violation of this policy could result in actions taken by the Dean of Student Services.
      5. Violations of any of these guidelines will result in the removal of said student from the ballot.
    7. The queen and maids will select their own male escorts. This could include, but not limited to, any male member of the student body, father, brother, or any other family member or friend. It is the recommendation of the Homecoming Committee that all escorts be 12 years of age or older.
    8. Homecoming queen and maids will be responsible for their attire which will consist of a formal, floor length dress. Dresses/formal wear will be required to be approved by Student Services Personnel and/or the campus’s Coordinator of Student Activities.
    9. Male escorts will be responsible for their own attire which will consist of a formal black tuxedo without tails.

For further details on qualifications and policies concerning Homecoming, please contact your campus Coordinator of Student Activities.