Feb 17, 2025  
2017-2018 College Catalog 
2017-2018 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Gulf Coast is one of the best values in education anywhere! That’s because we offer world-class instruction and quality in every aspect of college life, yet we keep tuition affordable.

We believe that expenses should not keep you from meeting your educational goals. That is why we offer scholarships and other financial-aid options to make going to Gulf Coast affordable and convenient.

Tuition and fees are the same at the three college campuses and the comprehensive centers. At Perkinston (the residence hall campus) residence hall students also pay the costs of room rent and meals.

Expenses will vary according to the legal residence of the applying student. For the purpose of determining expenses, students should refer to the section Summary of Expenses listed below. Prospective students should remember that there are a number of nominal miscellaneous fees (listed in the Catalog) that may be charged.

The college refund policy is explained following the section titled Miscellaneous Fees.  The MGCCC Board of Trustees reserves the right to adjust any and all fees as it deems necessary.

Summary of Per Semester Expenses


Tuition (15-21 credit hours)* $1,550.00
Tuition (1-14 credit hours) $155.00 (per credit hour)
Registration Fee $60.00
Book Service (per book)** $40.00
Technology Fee
($4 per semester hour not to exceed $60)
$4.00 - $60.00
Online Course Fee $15.00 (per credit hour)
Academic Lab Fee*** $25.00 - $50.00
Career and Technical Program of Instruction Fee (per semester)*** $60.00 - $450.00

*Note: Students enrolled in more than 21 credit hours in a semester will be charged a per-credit hour fee of $155 per credit hour for all credit hours above the 21 hours.

**Note: Some courses require students to purchase their textbooks and/or other instructional materials rather than participate in the Book Service program. Students may contact the campus bookstore prior to registration to determine required purchases.

***Fees for enrollment in Academic, Technical and Career courses will be assessed according to Program of Instruction fee rate.

Fees are non-refundable.


Five-Day Meal Plan (Hayden, Andrews, Moran, and Owen Hall) $2,100
Seven-Day Meal Plan (Hayden, Andrews, Moran, and Owen Hall) $2,250
Five-Day Meal Plan (Canizaro, Bryan, and George Hall) $2,200
Seven-Day Meal Plan (Canizaro, Bryan, and George Hall) $2,350

Out-of-state residents and international students who are enrolled in 15-21 hours must pay an additional fee of $1,550.00 each semester that is non-refundable ($3,100.00 total tuition). International students will be assessed a one-time application fee of $100.00 and a $50 administrative fee each semester. Out-of-state residents who fall below 15 hours must pay an additional, non-refundable tuition fee of $155.00 per semester hour ($310.00 total tuition fee per semester hour). International students are not permitted to fall below 15 hours during the fall or spring semesters.

Students may refer to “Determining Residency for Tuition Purposes ” under the Admissions section of the Catalog.

Students enrolled in 15-21 hours pay a matriculation fee of $1,550 each semester except during summer session(s). During the summer semester, students enrolled in 12-15 hours pay $1,550. Exceptions: Health Sciences and other career students who are required by the curriculum to continue during the summer will pay the regular matriculation fee charged during the fall and spring semesters.

If a full-time student reduces his or her class-load to less than fifteen (15) hours of classes during the refund period, the student becomes subject to the tuition rate of $155.00 per semester hour.

A residence hall student who falls below twelve (12) hours must move out of the residence hall and continue his/her studies as a commuter student unless his/her remaining in the residence hall is approved by the Vice President.

Student Deferred Fees Payment Schedule

A minimum amount of the total tuition and fees as specified by the Business Services office is due at registration. The balance of the fees may be paid during the semester. The payment dates for each fall semester will be as follows (or the last working day prior to these dates): 1st payment: Registration; 2nd payment: September 30; and 3rd payment: October 31. The payment dates for each spring semester will be as follows (or the last working day prior to these dates): 1st payment: Registration; 2nd payment: February 28; and 3rd payment: March 31. Summer tuition and fees may be paid in two installments.  1st payment: Registration and 2nd payment: The day before 2nd 5 weeks classes begin. A $40 fee will be assessed to each student’s account by the Business Office after the final payment becomes delinquent and the student’s account will be placed on HOLD.

A student who maintains an account balance with the college will not be allowed to register for any future semester until his/her account balance is satisfied.

Summary of Expenses of Non-Credit Skill Training Courses

All students enrolled in non-credit skill training courses will need to complete the non-credit registration form, submit the required supporting documents, and pay the registration fee which is due at the time of registration. Students will be entitled to a 100% refund, provided written notification is received by the appropriate campus personnel one week prior to the start of the class.

The MGCCC Board of Trustees reserves the right to adjust any and all fees as necessary.

Explanation of Fees

Tuition — entitles a student to the following:

  1. To attend MGCCC Athletic events without charge.
  2. To attend lyceum programs.
  3. To receive private music lessons and use instruments and practice facilities required in his/her curriculum.
  4. To participate in other student activities supported by these fees.

Room and Board — All residence hall students are required to purchase a meal ticket. Students may choose to follow either a 5-day or a 7-day meal plan. 5-Day Meal Plan: Students with a meal ticket electing this plan will be served meals from Sunday dinner through Friday lunch. Students on the 5-day meal plan may utilize the cafeteria services on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday but must pay on a per meal basis. 7-Day Meal Plan: Students electing this plan are entitled to meals from Sunday through Saturday. Residence hall fees are non-refundable.

Registration — helps defray costs of increased security personnel and motor vehicle registration permits. All credit students pay a $60 fee to cover cost of processing registration. This fee is non-refundable.

Book Service — Students will pay a book service fee of $40.00 for each book on Book Service. Workbooks and dated material that cannot be reissued must be purchased separately by students. NOTE: Students enrolled in courses that are included in the Book Service program will be charged the Book Service fee whether or not they choose to use the textbook provided by the college.

Book Service Late Fee — Students who return Book Service texts late must pay a late fee of $5.00 per book. If Book Service texts are returned after late registration of the following semester, the $5.00 late fee will be waived and the student will be required to pay the replacement cost for a new text. Students who do not return books on time or who owe money to the college bookstore for any reason will have an administrative HOLD placed on all records.

Technology Fee — helps defray the cost of replacing and upgrading on-campus technology equipment and services. ($4.00 per credit hour to a maximum of $60.00). This fee is non-refundable.

Online Course Fee — Students will be assessed an additional fee of $15 per credit hour for online courses. This fee is non-refundable.

Out-of-State — helps pay instructional, administrative, and other operational expenses of the college. This fee is non-refundable.

Deferred Fee Payment Delinquent Charge — A $40 fee will be assessed to each student’s account each semester after the third payment becomes delinquent and the student’s account will be placed on HOLD.

Miscellaneous Fees

Art Lab Fees — Students enrolled in 3-D Design and Ceramics I, II, III will be required to pay a $50 non-refundable per course lab fee.

Science Lab Fees — Students enrolled in a lab based science course (BIO, CHEM, PHY) will be required to pay a $25 non-refundable per course lab fee.

Medical Liability Insurance — All students who enroll in a health sciences program, continuation education, and/or courses that require clinical experiences must enroll in a medical malpractice insurance plan. A group plan is available through the College. The fee is non-refundable and payable at the time of registration.

Returned Check — A $40.00 fee will be charged by the college for each check returned due to insufficient funds or stop payment.

Transcripts of Credit — Official transcript of credits are available in the Admissions office free of charge or expedited through online at  https://iwantmytranscript.com/mgccc for $2.25.

Housing Application Fee — A $50 non-refundable fee must accompany the online housing application. This fee does not apply toward the room cost.

Residence Hall (Damage) — Damage to rooms will be assessed on a case by case basis. $25 will be deducted for each lost room key.

Student ID Replacement Fee – Students are required to keep their college ID’s throughout their attendance at MGCCC. There will be a $10.00 replacement fee for any students requiring additional ID cards.

Paralegal Lab Fee – A non-refundable fee of $40.00.

ATI – Students enrolled in the Nursing program are required to participate in the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Comprehensive Assessment & Review Program (CARP). Fees for this service are assessed and paid at registration. The total ATI CARP fees are $140.00 - $170.00 per student/semester.  ATI reserves the right to adjust fees for the CARP program annually. More information will be provided by course instructors at the beginning of each semester.

EPA-HVAC Certification — Students enrolled in ACT 2433 and CRM 1615 will be required to pay a non-refundable $35 certification testing fee.

Career-Technical Course Fees — Fees for enrollment in Career-Technical courses will be assessed according to Program of Instruction fee rate and are non-refundable.

3-D Modeling and Design Technology $135.00/semester
Accounting Technology $60.00/semester
Accounting Technology Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Administrative Office Technology $60.00/semester
Administrative Office Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Associate Degree Nursing $450.00/semester
Auto Collision Repair Technology $330.00/semester
Automotive Technology $330.00/semester
Automotive Light Duty Diesel Technology $330.00/semester
Baking and Pastry Arts Technology $330.00/semester
Banquet and Catering Services Technology $330.00/semester
Business Management Technology $60.00/semester
Business Management Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Business and Marketing Management Technology $60.00/semester
Business and Marketing Management Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Commercial/Residential Maintenance Technology $270.00/semester
Computer Networking Technology $135.00/semester
Computer Networking Surveillance Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Computer Programming Technology $135.00/semester
Construction Engineering Technology $60.00/semester
Cosmetology $420.00/semester
Culinary Arts Technology $330.00/semester
Database Administration Technology $135.00/semester
Early Childhood Education Technology $135.00/semester
Electrical Technology $270.00/semester
Electronics Technology $195.00/semester
Emergency Medical Services/Paramedic $300.00/semester
Graphic Design Technology $135.00/semester
Health Information Technology $300.00/semester
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology $270.00/semester
Hotel and Restaurant Management Technology $330.00/semester
Hotel & Restaurant Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Human Services $60.00/semester
Instrumentation and Control Technology $195.00/semester
Interpreter Training Technology $60.00/semester
IT Specialist Technology $195.00/semester
Marine Electrical Technology $195.00/semester
Marine Pipefitting Technology $270.00/semester
Mechanical Maintenance Technology $270.00/semester
Medical Assisting Technology $300.00/semester
Medical Laboratory Technology $300.00/semester
Medical Office Technology/Medical Billing and Coding Option $60.00/semester
Medical Office Technology/Medical Transcription Option $60.00/semester
Network Security Technology $135.00/semester
Paralegal Technology $60.00/semester
Paralegal Gaming Concentration $60.00/semester
Precision Manufacturing and Machine Technology $330.00/semester
Process Operations Technology $195.00/semester
Radiologic Technology $300.00/semester
Surgical Technology $300.00/semester
Travel and Tourism Management Technology $330.00/semester
Web Development Technology $60.00/semester
Welding Technology $330.00/semester

Fees will be non-refundable.

Refund Policy

To be eligible for a refund for tuition and refundable fees, a student must officially withdraw within the refund period and request a refund upon completion of the withdrawal procedure. Calculation of the amount of refund will be based on the last date of attendance and the following provisions:

  1. Out-of-state fees are non-refundable fees unless a student officially withdraws prior to the first day classes meet in an enrollment period.
  2. Adjustments to accounts will be calculated based on total refundable semester charges — not percentage of partial payment.

Tuition and Book Service Fees Refund Policy:

  • 100% of refundable fees if official withdrawal and request for refund is received prior to the first day of the term.
  • 90% of refundable fees through the second week of classes for full-term (fall and spring) classes. Students may contact the campus Business Office to verify the last date of withdrawal to obtain a 90% refund.
  • 90% of refundable fees through the first week of classes for short-term (fall and spring) classes. Students may contact the center or campus Business Office to verify the last date of withdrawal to obtain a 90% refund.
  • 0% refund thereafter.
  • For the refund policy for summer classes, visit Academic Calendar .

Exceptions to the Above are as Follows:

  • Meal costs on the Perkinston Campus are refundable up to the unused balance of cost if applied for during the first three months of the semester.
  • Title IV Federal Student Aid — All aid for students who are receiving Title IV Federal Aid are refunded to the appropriate source on a pro-rata basis upon the student’s total withdrawal during the first 60% of the enrollment period.
  • Non-Credit Refund Policy — Registrants for Continuing Education classes (including seminars, workshops, and skills classes) will be entitled to a 100% refund, provided written notification is received by the appropriate Continuing Education Specialist one week prior to the start of the class. If the class is canceled, a full refund will be given. A registrant may designate a substitute person to attend if notification is received at least 24 hours prior to beginning of the class/program. The College reserves the right to substitute instructors, change class schedules, and cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Any exceptions to this policy must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Community Campus or designee for approval. Travel to Learn programs are not eligible for refunds unless the college cancels activities/trips.
  • Student Medical Withdrawal — MGCCC has adopted a statement addressing the required procedures to accommodate credit students with an unforeseen medical problem. These procedures address the refund of tuition for currently enrolled students who must withdraw from classes due to a medical emergency. Copies of these procedures and required forms can be obtained at the campus Dean of Instructions office.
  • Residence hall fees are non-refundable.
  • Appeals for any other refund due to extenuating circumstances may be made in writing to the Dean of Instruction.

In all cases, unpaid charges will be deducted during the calculation of refunds.

A number of financial assistance options are available for students from federal, state and local sources. These options include grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study opportunities. Financial Aid Offices at each MGCCC campus can provide further information about the options.

Grant Programs

Federal Pell Grant:

Federal grant awarded to first-time undergraduate students with financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to determine eligibility. The FAFSA can be completed on the Internet at www.fafsa.gov.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG):

Federal grant awarded to first-time undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Eligibility is based on financial need, amount of other aid and the availability of funds. Students who complete financial aid files by June 1 will receive priority consideration for this program.

Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG):

Grant offered by the state of Mississippi through the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid for students who are residents of Mississippi with a 2.5 high school GPA and ACT score of 15 or above. Students may apply after January 1 each year at www.mississippi.edu/riseupms/.

Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG):

Grant offered by the state of Mississippi through the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid for students who are residents of Mississippi with a 3.5 high school GPA and ACT score of 29 or above, or semifinalist/finalist of the National Merit Scholarship or National Achievement Scholarship competition. Students may apply after January 1 each year at www.mississippi.edu/riseupms/

Institutional Scholarships

The college is committed to assisting students with financial resources based on academic and participatory performance. Students who receive Institutional Scholarships are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually. Institutional Scholarships at the College are comprised of three major categories: Merit Scholarships, Performance and Service-Based Scholarships, and Athletic Scholarships. Scholarship value is dependent upon the type of scholarship awarded. An Institutional Scholarship’s value may be used to cover fees unless prohibited by a specific scholarship. The priority deadline for all Institutional Scholarships is April 1 for the purpose of high school award ceremony recognition.

A maximum of two Institutional Scholarships may be applied to a student’s account each semester.  Institutional Scholarships are applied after all applicable grant funds have been credited to the student’s account.  In the case of multiple Institutional Scholarships, a student should choose the two scholarships which benefit him/her the most. Refunds of Institutional Scholarships will only be awarded if the student’s account balance reflects zero after all payments are applied.

The amount of funds received from an Institutional scholarship is limited to tuition and/or book rental for commuter students and tuition, book rental, and/or room/board for residential students. Fees including, but not limited to, registration fees, technology fees, on-line class fees, Career-Technical program fees, excessive credit hour fees (any credit hours above 18 semester hours), etc., will not be included in the amount of Institutional scholarship funds awarded. Any fees applied to the account of a student who qualifies for a cash refund of Institutional Scholarships will be deducted from the student’s cash refund prior to receiving the cash refund.

Merit Scholarships

Academic Excellence Scholarships:

The college provides academic scholarship opportunities for full-time, first time to enter college students with qualifying ACT scores.  To be eligible to receive an Academic Scholarship, students must be legal residents of Mississippi, meet all admission requirements and register for classes. There is no application for this scholarship. The appropriate Academic Scholarship will automatically be awarded to the students account after meeting all criteria listed below and registering for 15 credit hours. Hours taken as a dual enrolled/dual credit high school student do not affect scholarship eligibility. The scholarship is renewable for up to four consecutive semesters, including summer.

ACT Score 29 and above
Valedictorian or Salutatorian
25-28* 21-24 20
Award Amount 100% of tuition
Book service
Room and Board
(Perkinston Campus only)
75% of tuition
*Room and board
included for
a score of 28
50% of tuition $250
MGCCC Grade Point Average 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.5

Scholarships above begin in the 2017-2018 academic school year.

To remain eligible, students must maintain the required grade point average or higher. Students who drop below the required cumulative GPA requirement and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement will be placed on scholarship probation for one probationary semester to allow the student to regain the required cumulative GPA and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement . If the student does not meet the probationary requirements, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship.

Honors Scholarships:

Full-tuition scholarship awarded to eligible participants in the Honors College. Interested students should contact the program sponsor at the campus they plan to attend. Priority deadline is April 1. To be eligible for an Honors Scholarship, a student must be enrolled in and complete a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester. To remain eligible, students must maintain a 3.2 or higher cumulative grade point average with no grade lower than a C and must complete 15 or more semester hours. Students must take seven hours of honors credit each semester to include the honors forum. Information regarding entrance and continued eligibility for the Honors College and Honors Scholarship can be found in the College Catalog.

Leadership Scholarships:

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship open to students who during their senior year in high school served as Student Body President or Senior Class President.  Interested students must submit the Leadership Scholarship Application at www.mgccc.edu/financial-aid/scholarships/, be first time entering freshmen and legal residents of Mississippi.  To remain eligible for the scholarship, student must maintain a 2.5 grade point average while enrolled in 15 or more hours per semester. Scholarship is renewable for up to four consecutive semesters, including summer. Priority deadline is April 1.

Career-Technical (CTE) Scholarships:

Full-tuition scholarship awarded to Mississippi residents that are full-time, “first-time to enter college” freshmen career/technical students who have a high-school diploma and have completed a two-year secondary career/technical/ program with an overall high school average of B or above.

A half-tuition career/technical scholarship is also available for students with a “C” average in academic courses and an “A” average in career/technical courses.

A student must be enrolled in and complete a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester. CTE Scholarship recipients must follow the catalog course sequence for the first 30 hours of the approved program. Any deviation from this sequence will need to be approved by the program advisor. The eligibility requirement to continue to receive a CTE scholarship is that a student must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher. Students who do not adhere to the catalog course sequence or students who drop below the 2.5 cumulative GPA requirements and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement will be placed on scholarship probation for one probationary semester to allow the student to re-enter the catalog course sequence or to regain the 2.5 cumulative GPA and/or satisfy the 15 semester hour completion requirement. If the student does not meet the probationary requirements, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship.

For career programs, these scholarships are renewable for the length of the program. For career/technical programs, it is renewable for the length of the program, which may include summer enrollment for programs that require summer attendance as indicated in the college catalog. For two-year programs that do not require summer attendance, the scholarship is renewable for four consecutive fall/spring semesters.

Career and Technical Student Organization Competition Scholarships:

Full-tuition scholarship awarded to Mississippi residents that are full-time, “first-time to enter college” freshmen career/technical students who have a high-school diploma, have completed a two-year secondary career/technical program and have either placed first in a state competition or first, second or third in a national competition sponsored by an MDE recognized student organization.

A student must be enrolled in and complete a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester. CTE Scholarship recipients must follow the catalog course sequence for the first 30 hours of the approved program. Any deviation from this sequence will need to be approved by the program advisor. The eligibility requirement to continue to receive a CTE scholarship is that a student must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher. Students who do not adhere to the catalog course sequence or students who drop below the 2.5 cumulative GPA requirements and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement will be placed on scholarship probation for one probationary semester to allow the student to re-enter the catalog course sequence or to regain the 2.5 cumulative GPA and/or satisfy the 15 semester hour completion requirement. If the student does not meet the probationary requirements, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship.

The Career and Technical Student Organization Competition Scholarship is renewable for the length of the program as prescribed in the college catalog and is applicable to all career technical programs which award a diploma, Associate of Applied Science degree, or Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Education degree.

MDE Nationally Recognized Vocational Student Organizations are:

Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
Technology Student Association (TSA)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Scholarships:

Students who earn a HSE score of 577 to 800 (2002 series); 170 to 200 (2014 series) – half-time scholarship for one semester covering a maximum of six semester hours. Covers tuition only.

Students who earn a HSE score of 450 to 576 (2002 series); 145 to 169 (2014 series) – one free class for one semester covering a maximum of three semester hours. Covers tuition only.

In order to qualify for these awards, students must have taken the HSE test within the past three years and first-time college attendance of the student.

Mississippi Distinguished Young Women, Miss Mississippi America, and MS Miss Hospitality Scholarships:

A full-tuition scholarship awarded to full-time, “first-time to enter college” freshmen student (hours taken as a dually enrolled high school student do not affect scholarship eligibility). To be eligible, a student must be a Mississippi Distinguished Young Women preliminary winner and/or a Miss Mississippi America preliminary winner and/or a Mississippi Miss Hospitality preliminary winner and enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester.

This scholarship is renewable up to four consecutive semesters, not including summer. To remain eligible, students must maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average and remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 semester hours. Students who drop below the 3.0 cumulative GPA requirements and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement will be placed on scholarship probation for one probationary semester to allow the student to regain the 3.0 cumulative GPA and/or satisfy the 15 semester hour completion requirement. If the student does not meet the probationary requirements, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship. Priority deadline is April 1.

Performance and Service-Based Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded on a student’s individual abilities. Interested students should contact the appropriate departments regarding tryouts. These scholarships include such performance and/or service groups as managers, band, cheerleaders, choir, drama, Mississippi Sound, Perkettes, Reflections, and Resident Assistants.

To be eligible for Performance and Service-Based Scholarships, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester. This scholarship is limited to six total semesters. To remain eligible, students must also maintain a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average. Students who drop below the 2.5 cumulative GPA requirements and/or the 15 semester hour completion requirement will be placed on scholarship probation for one probationary semester to allow the student to regain the 2.5 cumulative GPA and/or satisfy the 15 semester hour completion requirement. If the student does not meet the probationary requirements, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship. Priority deadline is April 1.

Athletic Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded based on a student’s individual abilities. Athletic Scholarships require students to comply with all MACJC and NJCAA policies. The awarding of athletic scholarships will be in accordance with the MACJC Handbook as approved by the community and junior college presidents.

*Please note that all residents on scholarship on the Perkinston campus are required to take a minimum of 15 hours to live on campus. 9 of those 15 hours may be online classes.

Foundation and Alumni Scholarships

Scholarships made available through gifts from individuals, corporations and organizations. They are awarded to students based on merit and/or need, based on the eligibility criteria established by the donor.

Applications are available from any MGCCC Financial Aid Office or a high school guidance office. The priority deadline to apply for alumni/foundation scholarships is April 1 of each year. For a current listing of scholarships, go to http://www.mgccc.edu/future_students/financial_aid/scholarships.php.

Employee Fee Waiver

Full-time employees/retirees, their spouse, and dependents who are children of full-time employees/retirees are awarded a full-tuition waiver. In cases of children being married or over 21 years of age, it will be necessary for the employee to certify in writing to the Vice President of Administration and/or the Vice President on the campus affected that he or she is contributing at least fifty percent to the support of the child. Recipients of the employee fee waiver are expected to maintain “satisfactory academic progress” as outlined in the financial aid section of the MGCCC catalog. These funds are non-refundable to students.

Senior Citizens Tuition Waiver

Persons above the age of 65 may be admitted on the first day of classes on a space-available basis to any course offered by the College without tuition; however, all fees must be paid by the student (registration, book service, and technology fees, etc.) This does not include private or semi-private music lessons. Those 62-64 are admitted under the same conditions if retired. Regular admission requirements must be met prior to registration.

College Employment Programs

Work-Study Program:

Part-time, on-campus employment is available to eligible students. Students must complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility and the college work-study application. Eligibility is based on financial need, other aid awarded and availability of funds. Students are employed part-time and are paid monthly. Students who complete financial aid files by June 1 will be given priority consideration.

Cooperative Education:

Cooperative education is a program which provides students with the opportunity to apply their educational learning experience to the practical world of work. Students alternate periods of college with periods of work in business, industry, social services, and private agencies. These periods of work are an integral part of the student’s education and are arranged with employers by MGCCC.

One approache is available for cooperative education. The parallel plan enables the student to attend classes for a part of the day and work for a part of the day.

For more information, contact the campus Dean of Teaching and Learning at the Jackson County, Jefferson Davis or Perkinston Campus.

Loan Programs

Federal William D. Ford Loan Programs are low interest loans that students and parents of dependent students may obtain from the U.S. Department of Education. They include the Federal Subsidized Direct Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan and the Federal PLUS Direct Loan. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), entrance loan counseling, a Master Promissory Note and the MGCCC Student Loan Request form before a loan will be certified.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

  1. Complete the MGCCC application for admission.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after January 1 for the upcoming school year. Students must submit an electronic application at www.fafsa.gov. The Title IV code for all MGCCC campuses is 002417.
  3. Complete the MGCCC Work-Study Application prior to June 1 to receive priority consideration.
  4. Complete the Alumni/Foundation Scholarship application by April 1 for priority consideration for scholarship assistance.
  5. Respond to any requests from the Federal Processor and/or campus financial aid office for additional information.
  6. Reapply for financial aid each school year.
  7. Schedule an appointment with the campus financial aid director, as needed, for additional information and assistance.

Total financial aid awards for a student may not exceed the cost of attendance or the student’s financial need, as determined by the FAFSA.

Title IV Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) (Effective Fall 2013)

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is required by federal regulations to establish minimum standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) that recipients must make toward completion of a diploma or degree program. These standards encourage successful completion of an educational goal in a timely manner. This policy is separate from the MGCCC Scholastic Progress Standards policy and is monitored by the Directors of Financial Aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress standards apply to the following Title IV federal financial aid programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplement Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Federal Work Study
  • Federal Direct Loan Program
  • Federal PLUS Program

Students Receiving Federal Financial Aid Must:

  1. Maintain a minimum completion rate for all attempted hours and
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA); and
  3. Complete a diploma or degree program before they have attempted 90 hours

Hours Earned and Grade Point Average Required for Eligibility

If you have Attempted Total Hours within This range… Your Cumulative should be at least…. Your Completion Rate % should be at least…
1-6 1.00 50%
7-18 1.50 50%
19-30 1.75 67%
31-41 1.90 67%
42 and above 2.00 67%
  • Academic history is reviewed for all students applying for financial aid, regardless of whether financial aid was received during past enrollment.
  • Academic history includes transfer hours, scholastic forgiveness hours, withdrawal hours, incomplete hours, repeated hours and developmental hours.
  • Attempted Hours include all MGCCC and transfer hours in which the student has enrolled.
  • Earned Hours include all MGCCC and transfer hours completed a grade of A, B, C, D, P, S.
  • The formula for calculating the completion rate is: Earned Hours/Attempted Hours.

Maximum Time Frame:

All recipients of federal financial aid have a maximum of 90 attempted hours (1.5 x 60 minimum hours required for most MGCCC programs) to complete a diploma or degree program. Transfer hours are included in the 90 attempted hours. The maximum time frame is adjusted on an individual basis for programs which require more than 60 hours.

Developmental Courses:

Developmental Classes will be treated in the same manner as other college courses attempted.  At the student’s request, a maximum of 15 hours of developmental courses can be removed from the completion rate and maximum time frame determination.

Repeated Courses:

Repeated courses are counted as attempted hours in the completion rate and maximum time frame determination. Students cannot receive financial aid for more than one repetition of a previously passed course. Also, students cannot receive financial aid for any repetition of a previously passed course due to the student failing other coursework (Example:  Student fails Nursing I and has to repeat the entire semester.  Financial Aid will cover the failed class but not the other classes.)


Transfer Students:

  • Official transcripts from all previous colleges attended (regardless of whether or not financial aid was received) must be forwarded to the MGCCC Admissions Office and be evaluated for transfer credit and SAP compliance before eligibility for Federal Financial Aid can be determined. All credit hours attempted (including those for which grades of W, WF, I, and WP) that are received will be included as hours attempted.
  • Transfer credit will be subject to the same SAP standards as institutional credits, and a SAP status will be assigned to the transfer student as calculated according to this policy. This status will be effective beginning the student’s first term of enrollment at MGCCC.
  • Transfer students who have attempted 15 hours or less at previous institutions and are not compliant with the MGCCC SAP Policy will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for their first semester at MGCCC. At the end of the first semester, those students on Financial Aid Warning will be re-evaluated for SAP and will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension if they are still not in compliance with the MGCCC SAP Policy.
  • Transfer students who have attempted more than 15 hours at previous institutions and are not compliant with the MGCCC SAP Policy will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. This suspension will be enforced beginning in their first semester at MGCCC.

SAP Review and Notification

  • Academic progress is reviewed at the end of each term to determine compliance with the grade point average (GPA), completion rate and maximum time frame standards.
  • Students who fail to meet the GPA and completion rate standard for the first time will be placed on Financial Aid Warning status.
  • Student who began the semester on “Financial Aid Warning” and still failed to meet the GPA and completion rate standard at the end of the semester will be placed on “Financial Aid Suspension”.
  • Students who exceed the maximum time frame standard for the first time, and subsequent times, will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension status.
  • Attempts to notify all ineligible students via their MGCCC e-mail account will be made; however, MGCCC Web Services will serve as official notification of SAP eligibility.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with SAP and to monitor his/her progress each term.

Financial Aid Appeals

  • Students placed on “Financial Aid Suspension” due to extenuating circumstances may appeal this status by completing the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Appeal form.
  • Each appeal will be considered on its own merit, and students will be notified of the appeal decision via e-mail and Web Services within 30 working days.
  • Students who have completed the appeal process and have been approved will be placed on “Financial Aid Probation”. Students must complete each probationary term in good standing to avoid being placed back on “Financial Aid Suspension”.
  • Because students must demonstrate “progress” in the GPA and completion rate, the minimum standards for students on probation are:

    • Must follow the approved Academic/Graduation Plan
    • Must earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA by the end of the probationary term
    • Must not receive any withdrawals, failing, or incomplete grades (W, WP, WF, F, I, IP)
    • Students who fail to meet the above standards at the end of the “Financial Aid Probation” semester will be placed on “Financial Aid Suspension” for future semesters.