Jan 16, 2025  
2017-2018 College Catalog 
2017-2018 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Our Student Services staff embodies the college’s mission: to make a positive difference in people’s lives every day.

We’re dedicated to giving you the highest quality customer service, and we’re here to help you when you need it, so don’t hesitate to come to us with a problem or suggestion. That’s what we’re here for.

Student Services is an administrative, service-oriented unit within MGCCC. Student Services provides many facilitating and developmental activities and programs for students. Eight of the most important functions are outlined below:

  1. Advisement:
    MGCCC conducts a comprehensive advisement system to aid students in selecting educational major, exploring educational goals, selecting courses and scheduling classes. An important aspect of an effective advisement system is close association between students and the faculty advisor. Periodic scheduled contacts are held during each semester to facilitate the system. Students are advised to check the campus calendar for dates and times of scheduled meetings.
  2. Assessment Centers:
    Campus assessment centers provide a variety of proctored testing services. Some of the services provided by the assessment centers will include proctored testing for on-line courses, Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for students seeking entrance to the Associate Degree Nursing program, the Practical Nursing Exit Option, and the LPN to RN Mobility Track, Credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) allowing students to achieve college credits by examinations and ACCUPLACER testing used to evaluate competency levels of potential students in specific academic areas. Other services are also available. Students anticipating testing should contact the assessment centers on the appropriate campus in advance to schedule a test.
  3. Child Care Services:
    The college operates child care development facilities to provide low-cost child care services to full-time students. Facilities are operated at the Jackson County, Jefferson Davis, and Perkinston Campuses. The centers are in full-compliance with the standards and regulations provided through the Mississippi Department of Health, and all staff has degree qualifications as Early Childhood Professionals. Applications are available in the Early Childhood Education Office.
  4. Counseling:
    Counseling and guidance services are provided to students through the Student Services Department. Emphasis is placed on providing information concerning educational and career opportunities, personal and social development, orientation to college life and decision making skills. Evaluation of credit, both Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and transfer, is available upon request by the student.
  5. Financial Aid:
    A number of financial assistance options are available for students from federal, state and local sources. Refer to the “Financial Information” section of this catalog for information about available financial aid opportunities, application procedures and requirements.
  6. MGCCC Campus Police:
    MGCCC Campus Police are staffed by state certified law enforcement officers 24 hours a day. Officers patrol the campus, investigate all crime and assist students, faculty, staff and guests when needed. Student Id’s and parking decals, and criminal background checks with fingerprinting for the health sciences division students and faculty are also made in the Campus Police Department.
  7. Orientation and Placement Assessment:
    All entering first time freshmen are required to attend a scheduled orientation program prior to the beginning of the semester. Orientation is a process of welcoming students to the college. Explanations of policies, procedures and programs take place at this time. Since entering freshmen may differ in their academic preparation, the college makes every effort to determine the appropriate level of beginning instruction for each student. The college currently uses the American College Test Assessment (ACT) or ACCUPLACER. After assessment in the areas of English, mathematics and reading, students are placed in courses appropriate with their ability levels and academic background.
  8. Veterans Educational Services:
    Each campus Veterans Affairs Office assists former service personnel and dependents that are eligible for benefits. All students receiving V.A. educational benefits are required to report changes in course load, withdrawal and absences, or interruption in attendance to the office of Veterans Affairs to minimize personal liability resulting from over payments of V.A. benefits.

Conduct and Discipline

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College requires standards of behavior which it considers essential to fulfillment of the College’s mission. The Code of Student Conduct defines expected behaviors and clearly addresses student conduct for which disciplinary sanctions may be imposed by the College. The Code of Student Conduct is published in the College’s Policies and Procedures Manual Statement No. 717, which is located on the college website at: http://www.mgccc.edu/?wpfb_dl=2476. Student conduct and discipline is also published in the student handbook, which is located at: catalog.mgccc.edu/index.php.

Right of Appeal

A student has the right to appeal disciplinary action taken against him or her by the conduct committee, and the student must appeal the decision within five days of the conduct committee’s decision. The criteria for the Right of Appeal are stated in Policies and Procedures Statement No. 717, which is located on the college website at:http://www.mgccc.edu/?wpfb_dl=2476.  Students may also see the student handbook for specific directions for appealing the decision of a conduct committee.

Veterans Administration Information

Admission requirements must be met before the student is certified to the Veterans Administration. Admission documents will become part of the permanent record of the applicant granted admission.

Maintenance of Records

Permanent records pertaining to the enrollment of VA benefits recipients will be maintained in an identifiable fashion. The permanent records are under the administrative supervision of the campus Director of Admissions and maintained by the Records Clerk for each campus and its centers. All financial records are maintained by the Dean of Business Services. Certification of eligible students is the responsibility of the campus or center VA certifying official.

Residency Information for Military and Dependents

Special provisions regarding in-state residency are provided for military members and their dependents. (See MGCCC Catalog – Residency ) To be considered for in-state tuition status, proper documentation must be provided (current military orders, DD214,  Certificate of Eligibility, etc.).

Previous Education and Training Period

Each permanent record will show previous education and training. Enrollment certificates submitted to the Veterans Administration will reflect proper credit for previous education and training. An evaluation will be made by proper officials of the college of a student’s previous educational experiences.

A prospective student should make known to college admissions personnel that his or her past record includes creditable courses.

Certifying officials should be alert to the possibility that an eligible student might already have taken exactly the same work for which he or she is seeking admission and certification to the Veterans Administration; therefore, a dual responsibility exists on the part of the student to present documentary evidence of acceptable educational experiences (official transcripts) and on the part of the educational institution to insure that training in precisely the same subject matter is not repeated nor counted toward an eligible person’s certifiable credits.

Standards of Progress for Students Receiving VA Benefits

(Refer to the Scholastic Probation , Suspension  and Readmission Policy )

Attendance Records for Students Receiving VA Benefits

It is important to the student, the college, and the Veterans Administration that eligible persons closely adhere to attendance policies contained in official college publications. If the student exceeds the number of allowed absences, notification will be made by the instructor or instructors on the enrollment system (EASY), and proper notice will be given to the Veterans Administration that the student is carrying a reduced load. However, the student has an equal responsibility to make the certifying official aware of changes in courses or course load immediately after or prior to the change. The last day of pursuit will be determined by any of the following methods: (a) attendance records; (b) last activity date reflected in the instructor’s record; (c) date a withdrawal is approved for special circumstances by the Dean of Instruction; (d) last examination completed; (e) a student’s reasonable statement of last date of attendance.

Reports to the Veterans Administration

Any change in the status from the last certification will be reported promptly to the Veterans Administration. Reports of unsatisfactory progress, drops, withdrawals, and unscheduled interruptions will be made within the month of occurrence. The student is to immediately report any schedule changes to the VA Certifying Official.


The Intercollegiate Athletic Program at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is consistent with the college mission by contributing to the educational development of individual athletes. Through training and competition, students gain discipline and opportunities for social, moral, and personal development.

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is fortunate in having a highly successful athletic program which was already in existence on the Perkinston Campus when the two new campuses were created. The Bulldogs, as the college athletic teams are known, compete in the Mississippi Community College Athletic Conference in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, softball, golf and tennis. These competitive teams have won local, state, and national championships in recent years with many students being named as All-American.

Students who participate in intercollegiate athletics must comply with the existing rules and regulations of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Athletic Association and the National Community and Junior College Athletic Association. Therefore, all athletes must fulfill college admissions requirements and remain in good academic standing in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics.

Intramural athletic contests are held on each campus. These events provide exercise and fun while building teamwork and character.

Career and Technical Support Services

The Career-Technical Department at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College believes that all students deserve a chance to be successful in their fields of study.

A Career-Technical Support Team at each campus or center can help you succeed in the career or technical field of your choice. These dedicated personnel assist students in successfully mastering a career or technical program.

The Support Teams are dedicated to serving the needs of all students: students with disabilities; students entering non-traditional fields; students who are single parents or displaced homemakers; students who are economically disadvantaged; and students who have difficulty with the English language.

Clubs and Organizations

A variety of clubs and organizations are available at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, including:

Alpha Delta Nu. A nationally recognized organization promoting scholarship and academic excellence in the profession of nursing. Established by the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN), the Alpha Delta Nu  Honor Society has made provisions for the establishment of Institutional Honor Society Chapters.

MGCCC Reflections. The college sponsored recruitment and hospitality team composed of students from each campus. Members are selected after application based on communication skills, past extracurricular activities, character and grade point average. Half-tuition scholarships are awarded to Reflection members.

NALPN.The National Association of Licensed Professional Nurses (NALPN): a professional organization for licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses and practical/vocational nursing students in the United States.

Phi Theta Kappa. A national community/junior college honorary fraternity stressing scholarship and leadership.

Phi Beta Lambda. A national association for business students with chapters on each campus.

Future Educators of America. FEA is an organization for students planning to enter the field of education. Students are introduced to the nature and functions of the state (MAE) and national (NAE) organizations.

The following organizations and clubs are active on one or more campuses:

Ad Club (Perkinston Campus) is a college chapter of the national organization known as the AAF (American Advertising Federation). To be eligible for membership, an individual must currently be registered in at least one class such as Marketing, Advertising, or Advertising Design.

Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG). An International Business Honor Society established in 1970 to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students in business curricula. To achieve this goal, ABG provides leadership opportunities, forums for the exchange of ideas and the stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. ABG is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and an affiliate member of both the American Association of Community Colleges and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.

Delta Epsilon Chi. The purpose of this club is to develop leadership in the field of marketing and distribution.

Delta Club (for science and mathematics students). Promotes interest in such technical fields as engineering.

Dramatics Clubs. The purposes of this club are to give an insight into the makeup and origin of the stage and to cultivate an appreciation of drama as a whole.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). (For health occupations students). Organization promotes occupational training, teamwork, self-discipline, leadership, and compassion for others. These clubs are active at most campuses and centers of the college.

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). A national organization for career and technical students designed to recognize scholarship and develop leadership among those students.

Process Technology Club.

SkillsUSA. This association for career, technical, and health occupations students develops the student’s social and leadership abilities, as well as his/her skill area. Members are active in community and campus activities, and may participate in annual skills Olympics at the state and national levels.

STEM Club. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Club is designed to serve as a gathering place for students to meet others who enjoy STEM and to interact with professionals from the local who work in STEM area.

Student Nurses Organization. This association aids in the preparation of student nurses for the assumption of professional responsibilities. It serves as a channel of communication between the student nurses and the graduate professional nurse’s organizations.

Student Humanitarians for Advancement and Change. SHAC is a group of motivated students who believe in changing the world a little at a time. Students practice teamwork and leadership skills in putting together various projects that include but not limited to local charitable causes.

Other clubs include American Welding Society, Art Club, Connections, Campus Activities Board, Country Club, Court Reporting, Criminal Justice, Delta Psi Omega, Horticulture Club, Hotel/Motel/Restaurant, Human Services Club, JC Intramural Sports Club, JC Singers, JD Coastal Vibrations, JD College Democrats and Independents, JD J.A.W.S. (Journalist’s and Writer’s Society), Life Christian Support Group, Medical Laboratory Technology Club, Minority Leadership Society, Music Club, Paralegal, PE Club, Perk Players, Residence Hall Association, Scholar’s Bowl, JC College Republicans, JC Students for Political Awareness, Students on Service and JD Student Verterans Association.

There are also student religious organizations such as Baptist Student Union, Canterbury Club (Episcopalian), Newman Club (Catholic), Westminster Fellowship (Presbyterian), Wesley Foundation (Methodist). The purpose of these organizations is to enrich the spiritual life of the student, afford an opportunity for discussion and to be a channel of service to others.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

These classes are non-credit classes for the individual for whom English is not the primary language. Contact the campus adult education skills managers for class placement.

Adult Education (AE) Classes and Testing

AE preparatory classes are available at the campuses as well as at most college centers. College adult education intake specialists may schedule assessment testing to determine the student’s potential for earning a high school equivalency credential. Testing is offered in the assessment centers on each campus. For more information about testing, contact your local AE office.

Hall of Fame

Each year a number of students up to one percent of the full-time enrollment on each campus are selected by the faculty for recognition in the Yearbook Hall of Fame. These students must have a 2.0 or higher average and possess qualities of leadership, citizenship and personality.

Lifelong Learning Institute

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides an educational opportunity designed to meet the needs of America’s maturing population through the MGCCC Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI). Mature adults who care about lifelong learning, who are self-motivated, and who wish to continue their experiences with other like-minded individuals are what the LLI is about.

The Institute is a membership driven program. Committees made up of LLI members decide who, what, when, where decisions that affect the courses, activities and travel plans of each LLI chapter. Benefits for members include monthly lecture series, annual health screenings, special rates at the wellness/fitness centers and a comprehensive travel program.

Men and women who are 50 years or older may join the Lifelong Learning Institute. Members are from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds. They share one essential attribute: a belief in lifelong learning.

Fine Arts

MGCCC’s Marching Band of Gold, Perkette Dance Team, and Jazz Band are located on the Perkinston campus. All three campuses offer choral groups, small ensemble vocal groups, drama productions, piano and student art shows.


Student Newspapers. The Mississippi Sound on the Jefferson Davis Campus is published by students.

College Yearbook. Material is compiled and edited by students under a faculty advisor for a college-wide yearbook.

Student Centers

There are popular locations on each campus where students gather in their leisure time for socializing and relaxation. The Student Center offers a full gym with weight machines, free weights, and cardio equipment. Students are also able to play a variety of sports, such as basketball and table tennis. Intramural sports such as flag football and soccer are available seasonally.

The residential campus at Perkinston has other recreational facilities including a modern student center where pool, Ping-Pong, card games and TV are available. Tennis courts are available at the PC, JD and JC campuses. Swimming pools are also available at the JD (outdoor) and JC (indoor) campuses.

Student Government Association

Students have the opportunity to take an active part in the student government association on each campus. Made up of elected representatives from each class of the college, these democratic bodies, through executive and advisory functions, are the voices of the students in helping to determine the success of the college.

The student government association plans wholesome recreational and social activities for the students, encourages student discussion of campus concerns, presents helpful recommendations to the faculty and administration and generally acts in an advisory capacity to the students.

The College Student Government Association

The College Student Government Association represents, by the democratic process, the student bodies of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College with its three campuses. In addition, the college student government association coordinates the college student activities; adds unity to the student body of the three campuses; and serves as a mainspring for student activities, which will add to the wholesome and total development of each participant and the college organization.

The membership of the College Student Government Association is composed of eight representatives of each campus. Each member is guaranteed all rights of membership and shall be subject to all procedures in accordance with the constitution. (The eight representatives will be the six executive officers, the freshman class president and the sophomore class president.) The campus government president has the power to appoint representatives, if one of these officers cannot attend meetings.

The student government association on each campus also exercises general supervision over other campus organizations and must approve the formation of any new group on campus.

Residence Life (Perkinston Campus)

Living accommodations are provided on the Perkinston Campus. Each residence hall has its own distinctive features, along with certain standard conveniences. Each residence hall has coin-operated laundry facilities, live-in professional staff, and student resident assistants. Air conditioned rooms are designed for double or triple occupancy and are provided with closet or wardrobe space, twin beds, desks, chairs, mattresses, telephone jacks, cable access, and Internet access. Students must provide bed linens, pillows, towels and other small personal items such as a small wastebasket, study lamp, television, stereo, telephone, and other decorative items. Students are required to purchase a 5 or 7 day meal plan. Students should not keep valuables in their rooms. The resident will be requested to release and hold harmless the College from any liability for theft of any personal property from resident’s room.

Click the links below to view each form.

For additional information, contact the Housing Office, P.O. Box 548, Perkinston, MS 39573, phone number (601) 928-6220. To reserve a room, students must be pre-registered for 15 or more hours and submit a housing application online at www.mgccc.edu/housing/apply-for-housing/ . To remain eligible for housing, timely fee payment and full-time status are required. Room charges are non-refundable.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Alumni Association

This organization serves as a link between the college and its alumni, faculty and friends. It proposes to relate the college program to the community and to make the college aware of the needs of the people in the four-county area served by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Membership and Organization: Former students, faculty, staff and friends are eligible for membership in the Association. Annual dues are $10.00 per person. Life membership is $50.00 single and $75.00 couple.

The Hall of Fame Awards were established in 1970 to honor former students who have brought fame and honor to the college through their achievements. A faculty member is chosen from each campus as Instructor of the Year and is honored at the Spring Reception.

Student organizations and individuals are encouraged to make nominations for the Instructor of the Year. The Association presents each graduate with a complimentary two-year membership.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Foundation

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Foundation, Inc. was established and chartered in 1974 to administer an endowment fund for the extension of educational service within the college district. It is governed by a twelve member Board of Directors who serves voluntarily. Officers elected from the Board are President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. The President of the college, being an ex officio member of the Board, serves as Executive Secretary of the Board.

Membership may be obtained through a minimum investment of $250, payable over a five-year-period. For more information, write to MGCCC Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 99, Perkinston, MS 39573.

Who’s Who

A number of sophomores not to exceed two percent of the full-time enrollment on each campus will be chosen from nominees for the Hall of Fame for inclusion in Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges.