Nov 09, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog


Administrative Officers


Administrative officers at MGCCC are charged with ensuring excellence for students, employees, and college stakeholders.  Service on various processual and advisory committees provides the opportunity to balance high quality instruction, student success, engagement and information sharing, and the assurance of effective and efficient business processes across the board.

District Office

Executive Officers  
President Dr. Mary S. Graham
Vice President of Administration and Finance Dr. Jason V. Pugh
Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community Campus Dr. Jonathan Woodward
Vice President of Student Services & Enrollment Strategies Dr. Tammy Franks
Vice President of Institutional Advancement Dr. Suzi Brown
Vice President of Technology & Research Dr. Adam Swanson
Associate Vice President of Communication and Enrollment Strategy Dr. Brad Bailey
Associate Vice President of Finance/Comptroller Shelly Bentz
Associate Vice President of Human Resources Dr. Blythe King
Associate Vice President of Reports & Analytics Dr. Jordan Sanderson
Accountant Crystal Ladner
Assistant Comptroller Laura Kloc
Billing and Collections Specialist Charla Bagwell
Chief Creative Officer Ashlyn Levins
College Architect Aaron (Lee) Palermo
College Registrar Anjelica Holliman
Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator Robbie Robertson
Coordinator of eLearning Michelle Pickering
Coordinator of External Funding Renee Box
Creative Officer Jennifer Tinnin
Director of Administrative Services Dr. Ashley Rollin
Director of Advancement Services Veronica Stubbs
Director of Communications and Marketing Sherri Carr Smith
Director of District Printing Aldridge Free
Director of eLearning Buffy Matthews
Director of Military Benefits Processing Center Alisha Dillard
Director of Recruitment, Data and Communications Amanda Griffin
Enrollment Specialist/College Representative
Gina Lansford
Ryan Mitchell
Human Resources Information Systems Analyst Kortney Woodard
Human Resources Manager Wanda Brown
Infrastructure Technician Bobby Sloan
Internal Auditor Joseph (Jay) Newton
Network Technology Administrator Stephen Feagins
Payroll Accountant Jill Pressley
Public Information Coordinator Kathy McAdams
Scholarships and Programs Specialist Paige Cannon
School of Health Professions Chairperson Angie Nelson
Senior Executive Assistant to the President Natasha Baucum
Webmaster/Content Manager Michael Graham
President Emeritus Dr. Willis H. Lott

Community Campus

Associate Vice President for Community Campus and Career-Technical Education Vacant
Associate Vice President of Teaching & Learning Dr. Barbara Lee
Associate Vice President of Workforce Solutions Rachael Kunz
Director of Grants and Special Projects Adrienne McPhaul
Grants & Special Projects Developer Gayle Brown
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research Mitzi Carriker
Director of Adult Education Kelly Parker
Dean of Business Services Dr. Wayne Kuntz
WIOA Workforce Coordinator Angela Breland
WIOA Youth Project Director Erica Johnson

Bryant Center at Tradition

Associate Vice President for School of Nursing and Health Professions Dr. Joan Hendrix
Director of Simulation Center Rachel Begley
School of Nursing Chairperson - Year I Dr. Debra Buie
School of Nursing Chairperson - Year II Dr. Karol Purdie
School of Nursing Level I Coordinator Natalie Allen
School of Nursing Year II Coordinator Stephanie Nguyen
AV/Simulation Coordinator Robert Collins
Clinical Affiliation Agreement and Event Coordinator Windy Taylor
Lab Coordinator Meagan Tynes
Continuing Education Coordinator Dr. Tiffany Kersten

West Harrison County Center

Dean of West Harrison County Center & Special Projects Millie Bordelon

Jackson County Campus

Vice President/SACSCOC Liaison Dr. Cedric Bradley
Dean of Teaching and Learning Dr. Emma Miller
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management Michelle Sekul
Dean of Business Services Dr. Melissa Davis
Assistant Dean of Teaching and Learning Dr. Bobby Ghosal
Assistant Dean of the Learning Resources Center Dr. Terri Sasser
Timothy Koehn
Dr. Gwen Carter
Director of Admissions and Records Miranda Hedman
Coordinator of Estuarine Education Center Vacant
Director of Financial Aid Angela Bradley
Honors/PTK Director Vacant
Director of Enrollment Services Beth Lovorn
Articulation & Credentials Specialist Kendra Robinson
Enrollment Services/LPC Vacant
Enrollment Services Sonya Edwards
Cheryl Steele
Collegiate Academy Counselor & Career Coach Colleen Hanna
Coordinator Career/Technical Student Support Services Darla Lyons
School of Health Professions Liaison Dr. Rana Walley

Harrison County Campus

Keesler Center
Naval Construction Battalion Center (Navy Base)

Vice President Dr. Erin Riggins
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management Dr. Zach Moulds
Dean of Teaching and Learning Dr. Monica Donohue
Dean of Business Services Vacant
Assistant Dean of the Learning Resources Center Samantha Mitchell
Assistant Dean of Teaching & Learning Dawn Buckley
Director of Admissions & Records Dr. Christopher Bagwell
Director of Financial Aid Dr. LaShanda Chamberlain
Director of HRM & iMPAC Business Development Jessica Crosby
Librarian Shake DeLozier
Nicole Aranda-Taylor
Director of Enrollment Services Roxanne Warfield
Support Services Coordinator Aimee McGehee
Articulation and Credentials Specialist Candice Jenkins
Enrollment Specialist/LPC Taylor Ritchey Scott
Enrollment Specialist/Student Support Coordinator Adriane Matsenbaugh
Enrollment Specialist Shekira Fortenberry
Collegiate Academy Counselor & Career Coach Justin Mills
Honors/PTK Program Director Dr. Angela Bruni
Dr. Kathryn Morris
Superintendent of Physical Plant Kenny Young
School of Health Professions Liaison Jamie Mignott

Keesler Center

Keesler Center Representative Regina Story

Naval Construction Battalion Center (Navy Base)

Naval Construction Battalion Center Representative Regina Story

Perkinston Campus

Vice President Dr. Ladd Taylor
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management Dr. Kady Pietz
Dean of Business Services Trey Robertson
Dean of Teaching and Learning Heather Holliman
Assistant Dean of the Learning Resources Center Vanessa Ritchie
Librarian Laura Savage
Shugana Williams
Director of Admissions and Records Mollie Barger
Director of Financial Aid Heather Dearman
Director of Residence and Student Life Ben St. Cyr
Director of Enrollment Services Paula Rainey
Coordinator of Student Activities, Recreation, and Wellness Brandi Cotten
Dean of Athletics Steven Campbell
Sports Information and Media Specialist Don Hammack
Enrollment Specialist/Student Support Coordinator Shellye Smith
Enrollment Specialist/Financial Aid Rep Christopher Upton
Enrollment Specialist LaTrice McDonald
Superintendent of Physical Plant Robert Owen
School of Health Professions Liaison Courtney Broome

George County Center

Administrative Dean Dr. Lisa Rhodes
Instructional Coordinator Will Overstreet
Enrollment Specialist Dawn Richardson

Committees and School Chairs

College Executive Council

Dr. Mary S. Graham, President; Dr. Jason Pugh, Dr. Tammy Franks, Dr. Jonathan Woodward, Dr. Suzi Brown, Dr. Ladd Taylor, Dr. Cedric Bradley, Dr. Erin Riggins, Dr. Adam Swanson, and Adam Pickering

Jackson County Campus


Administrative Committee: C. Bradley, E. Miller, M. Davis, and M. Sekul

Awards:  M. Sekul - Chair, A. Magee, B. Lovorn, B. Fayard, J. Miller, S. Nero

Conduct: P. Theodore - Chair, A. Bradley, M. Davis, and two student leaders

Employee Development Committee: T. Sasser - Chair and faculty and staff members as appointed by the school chair or supervisor

Instructional Affairs: E. Miller - Chair, and school chairpersons

Learning Resources: T. Sasser - Chair, LRC personnel, one representative from each school to be designated by the school chair

Student Activities: Presidents of the Student Government, SkillsUSA, and PTK, Treasurer of Student Government, M. Sekul, B. Fayard

Student Publications: B. Fayard- Editor of Student Yearbook.

School Chairpersons

Business, Law, Hospitality, and Culinary Sydney Fletcher
Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, & IT Angela Sims
Health Professions Angie Nelson
Human Sciences and Education Kristi Barlow
Language Arts Dr. Bre Smith
Manufacturing, Maritime, and Transportation Amanda Magee
Science and Kinesiology Van Stringfellow
Visual and Performing Arts Dr. Carla Stout
Honors College Vacant

Vice President’s Committee

Kim Sellers Elected 2024-2027
Carin Platt Elected 2024-2027
Kelsey Stewart Elected 2024-2027
Erica Moody Appointed 2024-2027
LeAnn Ibarra Appointed 2024-2027
Lisa Hudgins Appointed 2024-2027
Michelle Dickerson Appointed 2024-2027
Phyllis Myers Appointed 2024-2027
Shana Nero Appointed 2024-2027
Sonya Edwards Appointed 2024-2027

Harrison County Campus


Administrative Committee: E. Riggins- Chair, M. Donohue, Z. Moulds

Admissions: C. Bagwell - Chair, R. Warfield, M. Donahue, Z. Moulds

Conduct: C. Bagwell - Chair, A. Caldwell, J. Mattina, J. Hawk, J. Daniels, Two Student Representatives

Food Service: Vacant - Chair, A. Caldwell, S. DeLozier, B. Williams, President of the Student Government

Graduation: Z. Moulds - Chair, H. Walker, M. Joyce, M. Donohue

Guidance: T. Ritchey Scott - Chair, M. Donahue, R. Warfield, B. Williams

Hospitality Team: K. Adams - Chair, N. Aranda-Taylor; A. Caldwell, D. Flowers, K. Gregory; M. Joyce, H. Walker, B. Williams

Instructional Affairs: M. Donohue - Chair, and School Chairpersons

Learning Resources: S. Mitchell - Chair, A. Bruni, S. DeLozier, P. Johnson, J. Mattina, T. Sutherlin, A. Tibbs, A. Williams

Registration: Z. Moulds - Chair, C. Bagwell, D. Buckley, M. Donohue, Administrative Committee members

Scholarships: L. Chamberlain - Chair, T. Richey, C. Bagwell, D. Baker, P. West

School Chairpersons

Business, Law, Hospitality, and Culinary Dr. Deborah Brandon
Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, & IT Andrea Kahl
Health Professions Angie Nelson
Human Sciences and Education Jo Anne Daniels
Language Arts Angela Williams
Manufacturing, Maritime, and Transportation Brent Bond
Science and Kinesiology Dr. Angela Bruni
Visual and Performing Arts Dr. Pat West
Honors College Dr. Angela Bruni
Dr. Kathryn Morris

Vice President’s Committee

Vacant Elected 2023-26
Robin Hayes Elected 2023-26
Dr. Jamie Gruich Elected 2023-26
Brent Bond Appointed 2023-26
Aaliyah Caldwell (Dock) Appointed 2023-26
Jo Anne Daniels Appointed 2023-26
Brian Breland Appointed 2023-26
Jason King Appointed 2023-26
Amanda Sharrow Appointed 2023-26
Barbara Williams Appointed 2023-26

Perkinston Campus


Academic and Honors Scholarship: H. Holliman- Chair, K. Jellum, M. McKinney, School Chairpersons

Administrative Committee: L.Taylor - Chair, S. Campbell, H. Holliman, K. Pietz, L. Rhodes, T. Robertson

Admissions: K. Pietz - Chair, M. Barger, H. Holliman, P. Rainey, B. St. Cyr

Awards: K. Pietz - Chair, S. Campbell, B. Cotten, H. Dearman, H. Holliman, R. Lyons, L. Rhodes (GCC), B. St. Cyr, J. Shows

Campus Cleanliness:  T. Robertson - Chair, J. Rouchon - Alt. Chair, C. Acker, S. Campbell, E. Krohn, G. Martinez,  K. Pietz, J. Sparks, B. St. Cyr, K. Taylor

Campus Safety:  T. Robertson- Chair, E. Baptiste, D. Brewer (GCC), D. Calcote, S. Campbell, C. Handy, H. Holliman, K. Pietz, L. Rhodes (GCC), J. Seals, J. Shows, B. St. Cyr, J. Webb

Conduct:  K. Pietz - Chair, B. St. Cyr - Alt. Chair, H. Dearman - Alt. Chair, C. Upton - Alt. Chair, D. Acres, J. Ball, M. Barger, L. McCarroll, L. McDonald, L. McIlrath, M. McKinney, J. Pittman, M. Smith

Festival of Lights: T. Robertson- Chair, B. St. Cyr - Alt. Chair, E. Baptiste, M. Barger, S. Campbell, B. Cotten, I. Dove, B. Harris, B. Holley, H. Holliman, G. Martinez, C. Merritt, A. Miller, M. Minnis, A. Morrisette, M. Naramore, B. Patten, K. Pietz, M. Reeves, J. Reid, Wil Richmond, R. Robertson, J. Rouchon, J. Seals, J. Shows, J. Sparks, J. Standland, K. Taylor, G. Watts, J. Webb, E. Wilson, C. Woodhouse

Graduation Task Force: K. Pietz- Chair, M. Barger, S. Campbell, B. Cotten, R. Lyons, J. Newell, P. Rainey, V. Ritchie, T. Robertson, R. Schilling, C. Watts

Hospitality: J. Seals - Chair, S. Fore, A. Glynn, M. Keen, L. McDonald, M. Minnis, A. Morrissette, T. Naramore, K. Taylor

Housing: K. Pietz- Chair, M. Barger, H. Dearman, H. Holliman, T. Robertson, B. St. Cyr, R. Wilson

Instructional Affairs: H. Holliman- Chair, and School Chairpersons

Learning Resources: V. Ritchie - Chair, D. Bush, V. Hill, S. Williams, Student

Recruitment/Retention: K. Pietz- Chair, M. Barger, B. Cotten, H. Dearman, S. Fore, H. Holliman, E. Krohn, J. Newell, W. Overstreet (GCC), P. Rainey, L. Rhodes (GCC), T. Robertson, B. St. Cyr

Salvage: B. St. Cyr- Chair, S. Campbell, B. Cotten

Scholarship: K. :Pietz- Chair, S. Campbell, H. Dearman, H. Holliman, L. Rhodes (GCC)

School Chairpersons

Business, Law, Hospitality, and Culinary Dr. Joan Reid
Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, & IT Melanie Reeves
Health Professions Angie Nelson
Human Sciences and Education Dylan Acres
Language Arts Robin Lyons
Manufacturing, Maritime, and Transportation Joshua Pierce
Science and Kinesiology Dr. Tracy Moore
Visual and Performing Arts Dr. James Standland
Honors College Katherine Jellum
Michael McKinney

Vice President’s Committee

Hope Adams Appointed 2022-25
Brandi Cotten Appointed 2022-25
Dr. Valerie Cleckler (GCC) Appointed 2021-24
Shane McInnis Elected 2021-24
Trey Robertson Appointed 2021-24
Will Overstreet (GCC) Appointed 2023-26
James Pittman Elected 2023-26
Jason Rouchon Appointed 2023-26
Jason Shows Elected 2023-26
Moriah Smith Appointed 2023-26

Bryant Center at Tradition

School of Nursing and Health Professions Chairpersons

School of Nursing Year I Dr. Debra Buie
School of Nursing Year II Dr. Karol Purdie
School of Health Professions Angela Nelson

District Committee Assignments for the School of Nursing and Health Professions are appointed annually by the Associate Vice President for the School of Nursing and Health Professions or by the appropriate campus deans.