Dec 26, 2024  
2014-2015 Student Handbook 
2014-2015 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

West Harrison County Center Section

West Harrison County Center
Long Beach, MS 39560

Students should read and be familiar with the information contained in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Student Handbook. Contained in the College Section is the Board of Trustees Policies which pertains to students. Of particular interest are the policies on Due Process in Student Discipline and Student Grievance Procedures. It is the responsibility of each student to carefully read and understand these policies. This section of the handbook contains supplemental information for specific procedures at the West Harrison County Center.


Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to students through the Financial Aid Office at the Jefferson Davis Campus. General financial aid information is available from the counselor‘s office at the West Harrison County Center.

Lost and Found

Students who find items should turn them in to the Business Office or Security or to the instructor. Students may check with the Business Office concerning such items.


All vehicles entering the Center grounds are required to have a parking decal. Students may obtain decals in the Administrative Office. Reserved parking areas are provided for handicapped persons. Failure to register a vehicle or to respect parking areas may result in parking fines for these violations.

Parking Lot Protocol:

  • The speed limit on all areas of campus is 15 MPH
  • In all parking lots with diagonal parking slots, vehicles will park with the front of the vehicle facing the dividing line or curb. Backing into or pulling through into the space is a violation and you will be fined.
  • Pedestrians have the right – of – way throughout campus
  • Loud music while on campus will not be tolerated. Stereo music will be kept at a reasonable volume while operating your vehicle on campus.
  • No vehicles are to be parked on campus overnight without prior notification and approval by the Campus Police Office.

Personal Business and Class Time

Students are required to be in the classroom during scheduled class hours. Personal business should be kept to a minimum. Personal telephone calls are permissible from the Center office only on an emergency or needs based nature. The telephones located in the instructors’ offices are not for student use. Personal visitors must check in at the office and be announced to the instructor and should be limited to an emergency or needs-based nature. Exceptions are made for planned campus activities.


Profanity is defined as abusive or vulgar language, acts, gestures, or symbols directed at another person. Students and personnel are prohibited from the use of profanity. Depending upon the severity of any violation, the sanction may range from a written warning to suspension or expulsion from school.


(See Withdrawal Procedures )


Official copies of transcripts may be obtained upon written request from the Administrative Office on the WHCC campus.

Vending Machines

The soft drink machine provides change; change is not otherwise readily available. Lost money and/or difficulty with a machine should be reported to the Business Office or Security. Please dispose of waste materials with respect to the environment.

Withdrawal Procedures

Should a student desire to withdraw from a course/program, he/she should notify the instructor and contact the Business Office for the purpose of determining any delinquent fees or refund due. NOTE: The student must obtain clearance from the Administrative Office in order to officially withdraw from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Directory of West Harrison County Center Personnel 


Administrative Secretary/Admissions Denise Newman


Collision Repair Technology Keith Cook
Food Production and Management Technology Chef Corey Ray
Adult Basic Skills Instructors Amy Sewell
Natalie Myers

Emergency Procedures For Medical Emergencies/Disorderly Students

When possible, the following Emergency Medical Plan should be followed when a student, employee, or other person becomes injured or ill at the Center. Any person discovering a fire or other emergency situation should immediately notify their instructor, Security and/or Administrative Office .In the event a student is injured or becomes ill, instructors/staff should notify the Administrative Office and/or Security immediately.

First aid kits are located in the Administrative Office. In the case of a serious accident, illness, or injury, it may be necessary for the person discovering the injury or illness to immediately call 911 and then notify school staff. All safety precautions should be enforced and the injured or ill person should not be moved until he/she has been checked. Emergency procedures should be followed as specified. Posted on the wall of each classroom and shop are maps for fire escape and procedures for severe weather.

Administration Building

Administrative Dean
Admissions/Business Office
Food Production and Management Technology
Conference Room

Multi-Purpose Building:

Electrical Technology
Wellness Room
Computer Lab

Career-Technical Building:

Collision Repair Technology
Automotive Technology

West Harrison County Center Map

Click here to view the West Harrison County Center Map