Administrative Officers
Technology makes a difference in everything we do these days. But the one thing that makes a marked difference in anyone’s life, confidence and education is people. What makes our employees so fantastic is that we know our technology, but we also know our customer…you.
You drive a hard bargain when it comes to user-friendliness and customer service. That’s why we deliver what you need on demand and have instructors who are experts in their fields. Perhaps it’s true – the more things change, the more things remain the same.
District Office
Community Campus
Bryant Center at Tradition
West Harrison County Center
Jackson County Campus
Jefferson Davis Campus
Keesler Center
Naval Construction Battalion Center (Navy Base)
Vice President |
Dr. Cedric Bradley |
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management |
Vacant |
Dean of Teaching and Learning |
Dr. Erin Riggins |
Dean of Business Services |
Blythe King |
Assistant Dean, LRC/Library Director |
Adrienne McPhaul |
Assistant Dean of Teaching & Learning |
Dr. Jeremy Daughtry |
Director of Admissions & Records |
Christopher Bagwell |
Director of Financial Aid |
Dr. LaShanda Chamberlain |
Director of Business Development and Hospitality & Resort Management Center |
Lisa Bradley |
Librarian |
Shake DeLozier
Vacant |
Director of Enrollment Services |
Dawn Buckley |
Support Services Coordinator |
Aimee McGehee |
Articulation and Credentials Specialist |
De’Martinez Simmons |
Military Services/VA School Certifying Official |
Lori Allemand |
Enrollment Specialists |
Shekira Fortenberry
Roxanne Warfield |
Honors/PTK Program Directors |
Teresa Wells
Dr. Patricia West |
Superintendent of Physical Plant |
Kenny Young |
Keesler Center
Keesler Center Representative |
Ashley Landry |
Naval Construction Battalion Center (Navy Base)
Naval Construction Battalion Center Representative |
Alrie Poillion |
Perkinston Campus
Vice President |
Dr. Ladd Taylor |
Dean of Student Services & Enrollment Management |
Dr. Jason Beverly |
Dean of Business Services |
Becky Layton |
Dean of Teaching and Learning |
Bobby Ghosal |
Assistant Dean, LRC/Library Director |
Vanessa Ritchie |
Librarian |
Laura Savage
Shugana Williams |
Director of Admissions and Records |
Mollie Barger |
Director of Financial Aid |
Heather Dearman |
Director of Residence and Student Life |
Trey Robertson |
Director of Enrollment Services |
Paula Rainey |
Coordinator of Student Activities, Recreation, and Wellness |
Christopher Upton |
Athletic Director |
Steven Campbell |
Sports Information and Media Specialist |
Don Hammack |
Support Services Coordinator/VA Certifying Official |
Shellye Smith |
Enrollment Specialist/Financial Aid Rep |
Cindy Watts |
Enrollment Specialist |
Sharon White |
Superintendent of Physical Plant |
Heath Warren |
George County Center
Administrative Dean |
Vacant |
Instructional Coordinator |
Will Overstreet |
Enrollment Specialist |
Dawn Richardson |
Support Services Coordinator/VA Certifying Official |
Shellye Smith |
Committees and Department Chairs
College Executive Council
Dr. Mary S. Graham, President; Dr. Jason Pugh, Dr. Phil Bonfanti, Dr. Jonathan Woodward, Dr. Suzi Brown, Dr. Ladd Taylor, Dr. Tammy Franks, and Dr. Cedric Bradley.
Jackson County Campus
Administrative Committee: T. Franks, L. Rhodes, J. Ferguson, and M. Sekul.
Admissions Committee: M. Sekul, Chair; B. Lovorn, T. Franks, J. Moffett, D. Buie and T. Sasser (Admissions committees for Health Sciences Division Programs are appointed annually by the appropriate deans.)
Awards: M. Sekul, Chair; B. Martino; B. Lovorn; J. Miller; J. Poelma; S. Nero; J. Sanderson
Conduct: W. Everitt, Chair; A. Bradley; J. Sanderson and two student leaders.
Employee Development Committee: L. Rhodes, Chair and faculty and staff members as appointed by the department chair or supervisor.
Hospitality Committee: Hospitality: J. Ferguson, Chair; M. Sekul, Co-Chair; J. Webb; A. Dillard; B. Martino; A. Ballard; M. Davis; N. Leathers; S. Young; T. Sasser.
Instructional Affairs: L. Rhodes, Chair; and department chairpersons.
Learning Resources: M. Davis, Chair; LRC personnel, one representative from each department to be designated by the department chair.
Scholarship: M. Sekul, Chair; A. Bradley, L. Rhodes, J. Ferguson; J. Poelma; Career Department Chair
Student Activities: Presidents of the Student Government, SkillsUSA, and PTK, Treasurer of Student Government, M. Sekul; B. Martino.
Student Publications: B. Martino, Editor of Student Yearbook.
Department Chairpersons
Business and Office Administration |
Amy Chataginer |
Developmental Studies |
Carin Platt |
Fine Arts |
Brad Bailey |
Health and Physical Education |
Amy Stanfield |
Language Arts |
Jordan Sanderson |
Melissa Davis |
Mathematics |
Angela Sims |
Social Studies |
David Hilton |
Science |
Kimberly Brown |
Career Education |
Vacant |
Technical Education |
John Poelma |
Vice President’s Committee
Emma Miller |
Elected |
2019-2022 |
Kim Sellers |
Elected |
2019-2022 |
Robin Fuller |
Elected |
2019-2022 |
Michael Carley |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Barbara Lee |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Amanda Magee |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Brandi Tisbury |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Angela Bradley |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Nate Metzger |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Antonio Felder |
Appointed |
2019-2022 |
Jefferson Davis Campus
Administrative Committee: C. Bradley, Chair; A. Poillion; D. Buckley; L. Chamberlain; E. Riggins; A. McPhaul; J. Daughtry; A. Landry; R. Vecchio; B. King; L. Bradley; Chris Bagwell; Charla Bagwell; D. Garner; Dean of Student Services
Admissions: C. Bagwell, Chair; E. Riggins; Dean of Student Services; D. Buckley.
Conduct: D. Baker, Chair; D. Simpson; A. Clark; A. Johns; D. Buckley; C. Bagwell; D. Baker; J. Alston: S. Napier; S. Bosarge; Two Student Representatives; J. Alston, Recorder.
Reception and Courtesy: B. Glass, Chair; D. Easterling; J. Jones; P. Smith; B. Williams; M. Joyce; D. Flowers.
Food Service: B. King, Chair; N. Butts; I. Farley; B. Williams; President of the Student Government.
Graduation: Dean of Student Services, Chair; E. Riggins; M. Joyce; P. Smith.
Guidance: D. Buckley, Chair; B. Williams; R. Warfield; E. Riggins.
Instructional Affairs: E. Riggins, Chair; and department chairpersons
Learning Resources: A. McPhaul, Chair; S. DeLozier; P. Johnson; A. Tibbs; A. Frazier; S. Roberts; J. Kopp; J. Mabry; J. Mattina.
Registration: Dean of Student Services, Chair; C. Bagwell; E. Riggins; D. Buckley; B. King; Administrative Committee members.
Scholarships: L. Chamberlain, Chair; C. Poulos; J. Alston; C. Bagwell; P. West.
Department Chairpersons
Business and Office Administration |
Dr. Joanna Alston |
Career and Technical Instruction |
Pam Jones
Brian Donegan |
Developmental Studies |
Chris DeDual |
Fine Arts |
Dr. Debra Atkinson |
Health, Physical Education and Recreation |
Stephen Roberts |
Language Arts |
Susan Bosarge |
Mathematics/Computer Science |
Andrea Clark |
Science |
Stephen Roberts |
Social Studies |
Monica Donohue |
Vice President’s Committee
Sandra Peterson |
Elected |
2017-20 |
Matthew Steadman |
Elected |
2017-20 |
Dr. Trevor Smith |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Taryn Flynt |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Pam Smith |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Tonya Farmer |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Dr. Kelly Rouse |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Roxanne Warfield |
Appointed |
2019-22 |
Robert Warren |
Appointed |
2019-22 |
Brian Carriere |
Elected |
2016-19 |
Perkinston Campus
Academic and Honors Scholarship: B. Ghosal, Chair; K. Jellum; B. Lipscomb; Department Chairpersons
Administrative Committee: L.Taylor, Chair; S. Campbell; B. Ghosal; V. Richie; J. Beverly; R. Layton
Admissions: J. Beverly, Chair; M. Barger; T. Robertson; B. Ghosal; P. Rainey
Awards: J. Beverly, Chair; H. Dearman; B. Ghosal; C. Upton; T. Robertson; R. Lyons; Vacant; E. Shoemaker; J. Ross; S. Campbell; B. St. Cyr
Campus Athletic: S. Campbell, Chair; Vacant; Vacant
Campus Cleanliness: R. Layton, Chair; J. Rouchon, Alt. Chair; J. Beverly; C. Acker; T. Robertson; R. Batts; B. St.Cyr; S. Campbell
Campus Safety: R. Layton, Chair; J. Beverly; H. Dearman; B. Ghosal; S. Sheffield; Vacant; J. Rhodes; T. Robertson; J. Seals; J. Shows; S. Campbell
Christmas: R. Layton, Chair; T. Robertson, Alt. Chair; K. Taylor, Alt. Chair; J. Beverly; B. Ghosal; J. Seals; J. Rouchon; C. Upton; S. Fore; B. Ring; S. Smith; H. Warren
Conduct: S. Payton, Chair; B. St. Cyr, Alt. Chair; D. Acres, J. Shows, S. Williams, Alt L. McDonald, Alt., S. Nix, Alt., L. McIlrath, Alt., J. Pittman, Alt., C. Upton, Alt., C. Woodhouse, Alt., T. Ritchey, Alt.
Graduation Task Force: J. Beverly, Chair; J. Ross; C. Watts; R. Lyons; C. Upton R. Layton; A. Butler; P. Rainey; S. Campbell; V. Ritchie; J. Gallup; M. Barger
Hospitality: J. Seals, Chair; S. Fore; A. Morrissette; T. Naramore; K. Taylor; A. Glynn; E. Elliott; B. Anderson; A. Chavez
Housing: J. Beverly, Chair; M. Barger; H. Dearman; R. Layton; B. Ghosal; T. Robertson; R. Wilson
Instructional Affairs: B. Ghosal, Chair; and department chairpersons
Learning Resources: V. Ritchie, Chair; D. Bush; V. Hill; S. Williams; Student
Recruitment/Retention: J. Beverly, Chair; H. Dearman; S. Fore; W. Overstreet; T. Robertson; Vacant; A. Butler; P. Rainey; C. Upton; R. Layton; M. Barger; B. St.Cyr; B. Ghosal; J. Gallup
Salvage: T. Robertson, Chair; S. Sheffield; R. Wall
Scholarship: J. Beverly, Chair; B. Ghosal; Vacant; H. Dearman; S. Campbell
Department Chairpersons
Academic Business/Mathematics/Computer Science |
Dr. Jason Ross |
Career and Technical Instruction |
Angela Butler |
Fine Arts |
Brandon Ring |
Health, Physical Education and Recreation |
Tommy Snell |
Language Arts/Developmental Reading |
Robin Lyons |
Science |
Dr. Tracy Moore |
Social Studies |
Marie Paslay |
Vice President’s Committee
Trey Robertson |
Appointed |
2018-21 |
Alan Cook |
Appointed |
2018-21 |
Sandra Cassibry |
Elected |
2018-21 |
Thomas Snell |
Appointed |
2019-22 |
Angela Butler |
Elected |
2019-22 |
Daniel Calcote |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Jason Shows |
Elected |
2017-20 |
Reid Wall |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Selina Davis |
Appointed |
2017-20 |
Latrice McDonald |
Appointed |
2017-20 |