(Jefferson Davis Campus)
Automotive Technology is an instructional program that prepares individuals to engage in the servicing and maintenance of all types of automobiles. Instruction includes the diagnosis of malfunctions of all eight areas of ASE/NATEF certification (Engine Repair, Electrical and Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Brakes, Steering and Suspension Systems, Manual Drivetrains and Axles, Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles, Heating and Air Conditioning).
This program leads to an Associate of Applied Science of Occupational Education Degree and is preparatory for employment upon graduation from MGCCC. Where a transfer to 4-year college or university is desired, a conference should be scheduled with a MGCCC advisor.
All students completing a career or technical program must complete either the MS-CPAS (Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System) or an MGCCC Board- approved Technical Skills Attainment assessment where applicable. Students should see an advisor for further details.