Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College ascribes to an “Open Admissions” policy consistent with all appertaining laws. The College embraces the philosophy that students be provided opportunities for learning, e.g. developmental courses, counseling, tutorial assistance, etc., that will help individual students to succeed in achieving their educational goals. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College utilizes relevant diagnostic instruments to determine the strengths and needs of students in order to assist in the selection of the most appropriate program options to help assure student success.

Under the “Open Admissions” policy, all applicants who have fulfilled admission requirements will be considered for acceptance by the campus admissions committee. Requirements for admission are not restrictive but vary with the curriculum.

Admission to the college does not necessarily imply immediate admission to a particular program of study. Students should review the particular pages of the Catalog, which describe the program of their choice to determine whether they must meet additional requirements.

Residency for the purposes of calculating tuition and fees is not necessarily determined by the address listed on the student’s application. Other factors determine if a student is classified as in-state or out-of-state for calculating tuition and fees. Mississippi laws govern residency and fees of students attending or applying for admission to educational institutions. For more information, please see excerpts from the Mississippi statutory law, Mississippi code, Title 37, Chapter 103 outlined in the “Special Admissions” section.

The following procedures must be completed before admission to the college is granted.

Academic and Technical Programs

First-Time College Students

  1. Submit the application for admission.
  2. Have official transcripts of all high school work or High School Equivalency (HSE) score report mailed to the Director of Admissions. Facsimile (FAX) copies are not acceptable as official copies.
    1. An applicant must be a high school graduate or the recipient of a HSE credential.
    2. Applicants who received a Certificate of Attendance or Certificate of Completion through a high school Individualized Education Program must earn an HSE to enroll in academic or technical programs.
  3. Students entering Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College for the first time are required to participate in an orientation program and provide the Director of Admissions an official copy of their ACT results or take the appropriate portions of the ACCUPLACER.

    ACCUPLACER retesting policy: When retesting is necessary, it should only occur after two weeks to allow sufficient opportunity for intervening learning/instruction.

    Note: ACCUPLACER does not have a retest policy, but prefers that the institution set their own retest policy.

    All students who display an overall weakness in high school grades or low scores on the ACT, ACCUPLACER, or other college-administered placement exams will be required to enroll in developmental courses.
  4. Applicants are not officially accepted until all admission requirements are met by providing proper documentation. Documentation must be provided before enrollment or by the Friday of the 4th week of class. Students failing to do so shall be placed on hold and denied continued enrollment.

Transfer Students

  1. Submit the application for admission.
  2. Have an official transcript from each institution attended mailed directly to the Director of Admissions. Student copies and/or facsimile (FAX) copies are not acceptable as official copies.
  3. Applicants who have attended non-regionally accredited institutions may request credit by following the guidelines listed under “Credit by Non-Traditional Means.”
  4. Provide ACT scores or take the math and/or English sections of the ACCUPLACER before enrolling in college math and/or English classes for the first time.
  5. Attend an appropriate orientation session as scheduled (not mandatory).
  6. Applicants are not officially accepted until all admission requirements are met by providing proper documentation. Documentation must be provided before enrollment or the Friday of the 4th week of class. Students failing to do so may be placed on hold and denied continued enrollment.
  7. All out-of-state/out-of-country/non-resident students should refer to the “Special Admissions” section for definitions and conditions that determine whether a student is a resident or non-resident student.

Transfer credit earned from institutions that hold accreditation from one of the regional accrediting commissions in the United States will be considered for acceptance. Once admitted, transfer students will be under the same college probation, suspension, and re-admission policy as native students.

Applicability of transfer work depends on the coincidence of transfer credit meeting requirements of MGCCC’s degree programs or a particular program of study. Transfer work will be evaluated based on this factor. Evaluation of transfer work will be completed by Student Services personnel during the first semester of enrollment.

Transient Students

Transient Students are students actively pursuing a degree at another post-secondary institution who plan to take a course or courses at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College during the summer semester. This differs from a Transfer Student or a Re-entering Transfer Student who may be fully admitted to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College with the intention of transferring previously earned college credit and earning a degree with the College.

To enroll as a Transient Student:

  1. Submit the application for admission.
  2. Submit a current letter of good standing and/or official transcript from current post-secondary institution directly to the Director of Admissions. Student copies and/or facsimile (FAX) copies are not acceptable as official copies.  Students entering as Transient Students for multiple summer semesters must submit documentation for each semester of enrollment.
  3. Students who wish to enroll in courses that require a pre-requisite or ACT sub score must show adequate proof of successful completion in the pre-requisite and/or official ACT score report.

No more than 15 hours may be earned as a Transient Student. To enroll after 15 credit hours are earned, students must submit a new application for admission, be admitted as a Transfer Student and meet applicable admission requirements.

Students entering as Transient are not eligible for financial aid and must complete all necessary admissions criteria for pre-registration eligibility.

Non-Degree Students

Non-degree seeking students are students who plan to attend Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College on a limited basis and are not pursuing an associate type degree or diploma. Students are limited to 15 semester hours earned at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College as non-degree seeking. To enroll after 15 credit hours are earned, students must meet all regular admission requirements. Students entering as non-degree seeking are not eligible for financial aid. Students wishing to use veteran’s benefits must contact the campus Military Services office for any additional requirements.

  1. Submit the application for admission.
  2. Have an official transcript from a college, university, or high school attended, mailed directly to the Director of Admissions.


The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College MIBEST program offers Mississippi residents, without a high school diploma, the opportunity to enroll in select Career/Technical programs, earn college credits while simultaneously pursing a High School Equivalency.  The MIBEST program is available at all MGCCC College Campuses and Centers, affording students all rights and privileges of full-time students.  The MIBEST program is offered at no cost to qualifying students for their first semester of attendance.  MIBEST students are encouraged to continue their educational pursuit by enrolling the following semester as a full-time college student or seeking full-time employment.

Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit High School Students

MGCCC encourages qualified high school students to apply for admission under the college’s dual-enrollment/dual-credit program. Through dual enrollment, academically talented students are able to enroll at MGCCC while still attending high school classes. Students involved in dual credit courses may be eligible to receive high school and college credit concurrently. Students must meet the following provisions:

  1. Complete the application for admission.
  2. Submit the Concurrent Enrollment Verification Form signed by their high school counselor or principal stating that the student has met one of the following:
    1. For academic courses, the student has earned 14 Core Carnegie Units with a 3.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale.
    2. For career and technical education courses, the student is classified as a sophomore with a 2.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale.
    3. If the student does not meet the above criteria, the student has achieved a minimum composite score of 30 on the ACT test. If meeting the ACT test requirement, official scores must be submitted to the Admissions Office.
  3. Provide official high school transcript indicating grades through the last semester of attendance.

The above requirements should be completed well in advance of the intended semester of enrollment. A discussion with a college enrollment specialist concerning course selections must be completed before registration takes place. Credit earned through the dual-enrollment/dual-credit program will be awarded once a student has completed high school graduation requirements and final official transcripts have been received.

Collegiate Academy

Collegiate Academy allows qualified high school/homeschool students to simultaneously earn a high school/homeschool diploma and an associate degree. This program is available to students of specific high schools in our district and the homeschool community. Students involved in Collegiate Academy may be eligible to receive high school and college credit concurrently. Students must meet the following provisions:

  1. Complete the application for admission.
  2. Submit the Concurrent Enrollment Verification Form signed by their high school counselor or principal.
  3. Be a high school junior in good standing with 14 core units and a 3.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale for academic programs, or be a high school junior in good standing with 14 core units and a 2.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale for career and technical education programs, or has achieved a minimum composite score of 30 on the ACT test. If meeting the ACT test requirement, official scores must be submitted to the Admissions Office.
  4. Provide official high school transcript indicating grades through the last semester of attendance and an official copy of their ACT results or appropriate portions of the ACCUPLACER.
  5. Participate in an orientation program.

The above requirements should be completed well in advance of the intended semester of enrollment. A discussion between the high school counselors and MGCCC Assistant Director of Dual Credit & Collegiate Academy concerning course selections must be completed before registration takes place.

Out-of-State Students

Out-of-state students who meet the standard admission requirements will be accepted for admission to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. The student should schedule an appointment with an enrollment specialist to have transfer coursework evaluated (if applicable). All out-of-state/out-of-country/non-resident students should refer to the following section for definitions and conditions that determine whether a student is a resident or non-resident student.

Determining Residency for Tuition Purposes

The definitions and conditions stated herein are excerpts taken from Mississippi statutory law, Mississippi code, Title 37, Chapter 103, sections 1 to 29 and Title 37, Chapter 155, Section 5 which govern residency and fees of students attending or applying for admission to educational institutions.

Request for a review of residency classification should be submitted to the campus Director of Admissions and Records.

  1. Legal Residence of an Adult: The residence of an adult is the domicile, i.e., the place where the person physically resides with the intention of remaining or returning to if temporarily absent. MCA 37-103-13.
  2. For purposes of determining whether a person pays out-of-state or in-state tuition for attendance at universities and community and junior colleges, the residence of a person less than twenty-one (21) years of age is that of the father, the mother or a general guardian duly appointed by a proper court in Mississippi. If a court has granted custody of the minor to one (1) parent, the residence of the minor is that of the parent who was granted custody by the court. If both parents are dead, the residence of the minor is that of the last surviving parent at the time of that parent’s death, unless the minor lives with a general guardian duly appointed by a proper court of Mississippi, in which case his residence becomes that of the guardian. A student residing within the State of Mississippi who, upon registration at a Mississippi institution of higher learning or community college, presents a transcript demonstrating graduation from a Mississippi secondary school and who has been a secondary school student in Mississippi for not less than the final four (4) years of secondary school attendance shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition.
  3. When Residency Is Established: A student may not be admitted as a resident unless required documentation showing proof of established residency in Mississippi is provided prior to admission. The law (MCA 37-103-3) states that a person entering the state to enter an educational institution is considered a nonresident; therefore, a Mississippi domicile listed on an admissions application does not in and of itself prove in-state residency, if other admission documents (transcripts, for example) point to possible out-of-state residency prior to admission.
  4. Special Rule for Married Persons: A married person may claim the residency of their spouse or independent status under MCA 37-103-15. MCA 37-103-13.
  5. Special Rule for Children of Faculty and Staff: Children of parents who are members of the faculty or staff of a CC/IHL may be considered a resident for the purpose of attending that institution. MCA 37-103-9.
  6. Special MPACT Rule: An MPACT beneficiary is considered a resident. MCA 37-155-5(d) (iii); MS AG Op., Patterson (Oct.11, 1996).
  7. Special Military Provisions:
    Members of the United States Armed Forces on extended active duty and stationed within the State of Mississippi and members of the Mississippi National Guard may be classified as residents, for the purpose of attendance at state-supported institutions of higher learning and community and/or junior colleges of the State of Mississippi. Resident status of such military personnel who are not legal residents of Mississippi, as defined in Section 37-103-13, shall terminate upon their reassignment for duty in the continental United States outside the State of Mississippi.
    1. Resident status of a spouse or child of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States on extended active duty shall be that of the military spouse or parent for the purpose of attending state-supported institutions of higher learning and community/junior colleges of the State of Mississippi during the time that the military spouse or parent is stationed within the State of Mississippi and shall be continued through the time that the military spouse or parent is stationed in an overseas area with last duty assignment within the State of Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments enroute from Mississippi. Resident status of a minor child terminates upon reassignment under Permanent Change of Station Orders of the military parent for duty in the continental United States outside the State of Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments enroute from Mississippi, and except that children of members of the Armed Forces who attain Mississippi residency in accordance with the above provisions, who begin and complete their senior year of high school in Mississippi, and who enroll full time in a Mississippi institution of higher learning or community/junior college to begin studies in the fall after their graduation from high school, maintain their residency status so long as they remain enrolled as a student in good standing at a Mississippi institution of higher learning or community/junior college. Enrollment during summer school is not required to maintain such resident status.
    2. The spouse or child of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who dies or is killed is entitled to pay the resident tuition fee if the spouse or child becomes a resident of Mississippi.
    3. If a member of the Armed Forces of the United States is stationed outside Mississippi and the member’s spouse or child establishes residence in Mississippi and registers with the Mississippi institution of higher learning or community/junior college at which the spouse or child plans to attend, the institution of higher education or community/junior college shall permit the spouse or child to pay the tuition, fees and other charges provided for Mississippi residents without regard to length of time that the spouse or child has resided in Mississippi.
    4. A member of the Armed Forces of the United States or the child or spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is entitled to pay tuition and fees at the rate provided for Mississippi residents under another provision of this section while enrolled in a degree or certificate program is entitled to pay tuition and fees at the rate provided for Mississippi residents in any subsequent term or semester while the person is continuously enrolled in the same degree or certificate program. A student may withdraw or may choose not to reenroll for no more than one (1) semester or term while pursuing a degree or certificate without losing resident status only if that student provides sufficient documentation by a physician that the student has a medical condition that requires withdrawal or non-enrollment. For purposes of this subsection, a person is not required to enroll in a summer term to remain continuously enrolled in a degree or certificate program. The person’s eligibility to pay tuition and fees at the rate provided for Mississippi residents under this subsection does not terminate because the person is no longer a member of the Armed Forces of the United States or the child or spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
  8. Permanent Residents or “Green Card” Holders. Generally speaking, most persons having permanent resident status (“green card” holders) have the ability to establish a domicile in Mississippi and to qualify as Mississippi residents.
  9. Nonimmigrant Visa Holders. Most persons holding nonimmigrant visas, including F-1 student visas, will not be able to demonstrate the requirements for a Mississippi domicile because their visas are temporary in nature and U.S. approval of their visas may have required a determination that the persons intended to return to their country of origin after the purpose of their visas is concluded. This being the case, the person’s domicile would remain in their country of origin. In addition, Section 37-103-5 provides that a person entering Mississippi to attend an educational institution is and remains a nonresident for tuition purposes.
  10. Miscellaneous Provisions. Any student willfully presenting false evidence of residency is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. MCA 37-103-27. Law is not to be construed as requiring the admission of nonresidents. MCA 37-103-29.

    MS Driver’s License or MS State issued ID must be provided prior to enrollment to prove Mississippi residency along with (2) additional documents, listed below, reflecting a Mississippi address:
  • Current MS Driver’s License or State issued ID (Persons moving into MS on a permanent basis have 60 days per state law to acquire driver’s licenses.)
    • If it has the Veteran designation or logo, then there is no need for additional documentation
  • Current Utility Bill with matching address on application (Cell phone bill included)
  • Current Vehicle Registration card (no title, mail notice, etc.)
  • Current Employment Documents (paycheck stub, employment contract) Instead of contract maybe “employment verification letter”
  • Lease agreement signed by Lessor and Lessee (letters/affidavits from private homeowners, even if notarized, will not suffice as a residency document)
  • Mortgage document (matching address on application)
  • Prior or prior-prior year MS State Tax Return
  • Recent Voter Registration Card (if issue date over 4 years old, the address must match address on MSDL/ID)
  • Guardianship documents (issued by MS Court or MS Department of Human Services)
  • Emancipation documents
  • Signed statement by the MS Dept. of Human Services or a certified letter from recognized relief agency (such as the Salvation Army) certifying that the student is receiving services as a homeless MS resident
  • Current Military Orders (stationed inside the state of MS) for Mississippi Active Personnel

International Students

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College reserves the right to determine the number of international students admitted. International students must meet all of the following admissions requirements at least six weeks prior to enrollment (November 1 for the spring semester or July 1 for the fall semester). International students are not accepted during the summer semester. 

  1. Application
    Complete the Application for Admission. A one-time application fee of $250.00 and a per semester administrative fee of $100.00 for international students will automatically be added to your account.

  2. Submit Your Health Records
    Provide proof of immunization against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. In addition, the State of Mississippi requires all new foreign applicants to be screened for Tuberculosis by a local office of the Mississippi Department of Public Health.  This screening must be completed within two weeks of your arrival to the US.

  3. Prove English Proficiency
    If English is not your native language, ONE of the following is required:

    1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 500 on the paper based, 61 on Internet Based (iBT), and 173 on the computer based test. Test only valid within 2 years prior to enrollment.

    2. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) academic test score of at least 6.0.  Test only valid within 2 years prior to enrollment.

    3. SAT verbal score of 500 or an ACT English score of 20.  Test only valid within 2 years prior to enrollment.  

    4. Completion of a secondary international school (such as the International Baccalaureate or an American high school abroad) in which English is the language of instruction, with a minimum grade equivalent to a C in all of their English courses and with attendance in the final three years offered. Verification from a school official to prove English is the language of instruction may be required. 

    5. A grade of “C” or better in English Composition I and English Composition II, transferred from a regionally accredited university or college within the United States.

    6. Proven proficiency in English following completion of an English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Institute, or Intensive English Language Program provided through a U.S. college or university designed for non-native born students. A letter of recommendation from the program director indicating the student has achieved “proficiency satisfactory to enroll in and successfully complete college work and is able to converse and communicate intelligibly and effectively” must accompany certification of completion.

    7. Other English proficiency tests or programs may be accepted at the discretion of the campus DSO or PDSO.  The DSO or PDSO may also require additional assessment variations to prove English proficiency (i.e. phone conversation, etc.)

  4. Submit Your Transcript(s)
    Submit complete, official scholastic transcript(s) translated into English and evaluated by an approved credentialing agency (graduation/completion dates must be listed). You can find an approved Credentialing Agency by visiting NACES*.

    Applicants who have not received a degree equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma may submit a passing High School Equivalency Exam (HSE) test score. Transcripts from colleges or universities outside of the United States must be submitted to an approved evaluation service for translation and evaluation.

    If the student would like to have credit applied towards a degree at MGCCC, the evaluation service* must provide course comparisons for the appropriate courses. Results should be mailed directly to the Office of Admissions at the appropriate campus. This process will take four to six weeks and the college must receive the evaluation prior to the four week admissions deadline. Transfer credit from a foreign institution will be considered for acceptance if a course-by-course evaluation is obtained from an agency that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). NACES identifies foreign colleges/universities meeting the highest standards for accreditation in their countries. 

    You can find an approved Credentialing Agency by visiting NACES. *The evaluation service is at the expense of the student.

  5. Submit Your US College Transcript(s) if applicable
    Submit official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges or universities (if applicable). Applicants who have completed 12 or more semester hours of college level from regionally accredited colleges or universities are required to submit only their United States transcripts.

  6. Submit Your Passport
    Provide a copy of your passport with an effective date through the first six months of enrollment.

  7. Submit Affidavit of Support
    Download the Affidavit of Support form below. This form must be notarized at a bank (or attach an official signed bank letter), indicating available American funds sufficient for tuition, transportation, and room and board for at least the first year of the student’s enrollment. ($14,590.00 US Dollars)

    Download the Affidavit of Support Form

  8. Apply for Housing
    Student housing is only available on the Perkinston Campus. To secure campus housing at the Perkinston Campus, complete the online housing application and submit a $50.00 application fee. Residence hall rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    Please note that residence halls are closed during college scheduled breaks and holidays. Students will not be allowed to remain in campus housing during these times and must make their own housing arrangements for scheduled breaks and holidays.

  9. Schedule an Interview
    Prior to acceptance, applicants must schedule an interview with the campus DSO and/or selected instructors to determine the student’s ability to perform in the chosen field of study. 

  10. Pay the 1-901 SEVIS Fee
    All international students applying for F-1 status are required to pay the SEVIS 1-901 Fee. This is separate from visa fees and school SEVIS administration fees. Payment is accepted on FMJFEE’s website.

  11. Your Form I-20
    Upon meeting the international admission requirements, the Admissions Office will mail you a copy of the Form I-20. This is a very important document that designates your eligibility for nonimmigrant student status at MGCCC.

  12. Apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa
    Complete the online visa application (don’t forget a photo of yourself in the correct format) and schedule an interview with a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you live.

    You must present the Form I-20 to the consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate when you attend your visa interview. Please consult the instructions on the embassy or consulate website. Wait times for appointments vary, so apply early!

  13. Submit scores for course placement
    For course placement purposes, all freshmen must submit ACT scores or take the Accuplacer.

  14. Transfer Students
    If you are an F-1 student transferring to MGCCC from another SEVIS approved US institution, you must meet all admission requirements listed above prior to acceptance and new I-20 being generated. You must be in legal status as an F-1 student and transfer in to the next available start term.  If the transfer does not occur within the next available start term, the transfer must occur within 5 months of your program end date of your current institution. The International Student Transfer Form  must be completed/submitted to the campus DSO and your SEVIS record must be transferred to the appropriate MGCCC campus.

  15. The PDSO and DSOs of the institution reserve the right to deny admission to any international applicant according to College Catalog policy.

SEVIS Fee Notice

Effective September 1, 2004, all international students applying for F-1 status are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee at New students and exchange visitors with a Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 issued on or after September 1, 2004 are subject to the fee. Continuing students and exchange visitors are not required to pay the fee except under certain circumstances. For complete information on payment of the fee go to, or call 1-212-620-3418.

Senior Citizens

Persons above the age of 65 may be admitted on the first day of classes on a space-available basis to any course offered by the College without tuition; however, all fees must be paid by the student (registration, book service, and technology fees). This does not include private or semi-private lessons. Those 62-64 are admitted under the same conditions if retired. Regular admissions requirements must be met prior to registration.

Denial of Admission

Admission to the College may be denied should the campus admissions committee become aware of information that would lead the committee to believe an applicant’s admission would not be in the best interest of the student or the college community. Denial of admission to the College may result from any of the following:

  1. Conviction of a felony.
  2. Involvement in use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs and/or narcotics.
  3. Military discharge under conditions other than honorable.
  4. Involvement in campus disorders at other institutions.
  5. Disciplinary dismissal from other institutions.
  6. Falsifying any information on records required for admission.
  7. A minor living outside the home of his/her legal parent or guardian without the parent or guardian providing the college with advance written permission.
  8. Any information relative to the applicant’s character, conduct, and/or institutional relationships that would be inconsistent with the philosophy, objectives, and attitudes of the constituency of the college community.
  9. Any student applying for admission for a subsequent enrollment period will be denied admission for failure to remove financial indebtedness or other unfulfilled obligations to the college resulting from a previous enrollment.
  10. Any other reason or information considered to be of such nature that it would be detrimental to the academic society.

Disability Services

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides services to any student who is disabled as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Section 504 and ADA require institutions not to discriminate against students with disabilities and to make all offerings and programs of the College accessible. Students requesting services or more information may contact Student Support Services.  

Procedures and Responsibilities

  1. Any student who requests an accommodation for a disability should be referred to the Campus Support Services Coordinator or their designee or the Center Administrative Dean or their designee. This request should occur at least two weeks prior to the student registration process, if possible. Requests received less than two weeks before registration may cause delays in the accommodation process. The Support Services Coordinator’s office will assure that proper procedures are followed.
  2. Documentation from an appropriately licensed will be required from any student requesting an accommodation under the ADA before accommodations are approved, unless the disability is of the nature as to be plainly obvious in the judgment of the college official responsible for accommodation.
  3. Any accommodation request that will cause the expenditure of college funds must first be made to the state vocational rehabilitation agency. If not approved by vocational rehabilitation, the college will consider the request.
  4. The College ADA Coordinator, the Executive Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management, will approve requests for accommodations that will entail college expenditures.
  5. Instructors who have the student requesting the accommodation in their class should be involved in the accommodation process.
  6. Upon approval of an accommodation request, the Support Services Center Office or the office of the Center Administrative Dean shall maintain documentation of the request and approval with copies of the approved accommodation forwarded to the student’s instructors and the student.
  7. Students who have accommodations approved that entail the use of equipment or the employment of assistants should notify the college in advance of absences, when possible, to assure that paid assistants are notified of when their services are not needed. (Students should refer to the College Guide for Students with Disabilities for specific time frames for notification of classes to be missed.) Students abusing the accommodation will fall under the college discipline process. College equipment damaged or lost by a student will be charged to the student at replacement cost.
  8. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations to live in Student Housing on the Perkinston Campus should make application at least 30 days before the semester in which they plan to live in college housing to assure adequate preparation by the college. Requests to live in a college residence hall received less than 30 days before the beginning of the semester may not allow time for accommodation.