Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Instructional Information

Graduation Information

Selection of Catalog for Graduation

Students must meet graduation requirements for each associate type degree, diploma or certificate as outlined in the current catalog or a catalog not more than six years old at the time of the anticipated graduation. Selection of the catalog must be approved by the Dean of Student Services. The catalog selected must contain the program of study for the year during which the student earned credit.

College-Level Competencies for Graduation

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College identifies five college-level competencies within the general education core curriculum for all Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and Associate of Applied Science degree graduates. Graduates of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will be considered proficient in the following competencies:

  • effective written communication
  • mathematical problem solving
  • effective oral communication
  • critical thinking
  • application of technology

General Graduation Requirements

General graduation requirements apply to all plans of graduation. These requirements include earning a minimum of 60 hours with a grade point average of at least 2.0 for all course work attempted (excluding developmental courses). When a course is repeated, the higher grade is used in computing grade point average at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Transfer students must earn a minimum of 25 percent of the required semester credit hours at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to be eligible to receive a degree from the college.

All associate degree programs require a minimum of 60 semester hours and include a core of general education courses.  Diplomas for specific career/technical programs are awarded to students who successfully complete the specified number of program-specific hours as outlined in the program (typically 45 hours) and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or above.  Certificates for specific career/technical programs are awarded to students who successfully complete the specified number of program-specific hours as outlined in the program (typically 30 hours) and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or above.  For university parallel degrees, there is a 40 semester hour core, and for Career and Technical Education (CTE) degrees, there is a 15-16 semester hour core.  The core includes at least one course from each of the following areas: English, Humanities/Fine Arts, Natural Sciences/Mathematics, Public Speaking, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.

Students planning to receive an associate degree or diploma must complete a formal application available online. Candidates for fall, spring, or summer graduation should consult Student Services for application deadlines. Students are strongly encouraged to work closely with faculty advisors and Enrollment Specialists so that appropriate courses are taken to meet graduation requirements. Ultimate responsibility, however, does rest with the individual student.

Specific Graduation Requirements

I. Associate of Arts (AA)

The Associate of Arts degree is awarded for the successful completion of courses designed as the first two years of a four-year college/university curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree. The AA degree is designed to meet the needs of students who expect to transfer to a four-year college or university after graduation from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and the AA degree pathways can be found under “University Transfer Preparation” in this catalog.

  1. This degree  requires the completion of 60 semester hours with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above.
  2. The 60 hours must include 40 hours of general education core and 20 hours of academic electives:
    1. AA General Education Core - 40 hours

      English, 6 semester hours (ENG 1113  - English Composition I and ENG 1123  - English Composition II)
      Social Science, 6 semester hours (government, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, marriage and family, anthropology, human growth and development)
      Math, 3 semester hours (MAT 1313  - College Algebra or higher; MAT 1723  The Real Number System and MAT 1733 - Geometry, Measurement, and Probability  is not applicable)
      Natural Science, 8 semester hours (4 semester hour natural sciences with a laboratory)
      Physical Education, 2 semester hours
      Humanities, 6 semester hours (any literature, history, foreign language, philosophy)
      Fine Arts, 3 semester hours (any appreciation course)
      Public Speaking, 3 semester hours
      Approved computer course, 3 semester hours (BAD 2533  - Computer Applications in Business and Industry or CSC 1123  - Computer Applications I)
    2. Electives - 20 hours (20 elective hours cannot include career or developmental classes.)

Total - 60 semester hours

When choosing electives, students should confer with the institution to which they plan to transfer.

II. Associate of Science (AS)

The Associate of Science degree is a specialized transfer degree designed for students who will ultimately pursue a baccalaureate degree in a science, technology, engineering, or math field. Some examples include but are not limited to biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, physics, etc. The AS degree pathways can be found under “University Transfer Preparation” in this catalog.

  1. This degree  requires the completion of 60 semester hours with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above.
  2. The 60 hours must include 40 hours of general education core and 20 hours of academic electives:
    1. AS General Education Core - 40 hours

English, 6 semester hours (ENG 1113  - English Composition I and ENG 1123  - English Composition II)
Social Science, 3 semester hours (government, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, marriage and family, anthropology, human growth and development)
Math, 9 to 15 semester hours (MAT 1313  - College Algebra or higher; MAT 1723  - The Real Number System and MAT 1733 - Geometry, Measurement, and Probability  is not applicable)
Natural Science, 8 to 16 semester hours (4 semester hour natural sciences with a laboratory)
Humanities, 3 semester hours (any literature, history, foreign language, philosophy)
Fine Arts, 3 semester hours (any appreciation course)

  1. Electives - 20 hours (20 elective hours cannot include career or developmental classes)

Total - 60 semester hours

When choosing electives, students should confer with the institution to which they plan to transfer.

III. Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

The Associate of Applied Science degree is designed to meet the educational needs of students who are seeking preparation for employment in occupational fields not requiring a baccalaureate degree. This degree encompasses “Technical Programs” listed under “Career and Technical Education Programs ” in this catalog.

  1. This degree requires the completion of 60 semester hours with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above.
  2. The 60 hours must include 45 hours of program-specific coursework and a minimum of 15 hours of general education core:
    1. Program-Specific Coursework - 45 hours
    2. AAS General Education Core - 15/17 hours

English, 3 semester hours (ENG 1033  - Technical English or ENG 1113  - English Composition I)
Social Science, 3 semester hours (government, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, marriage and family, anthropology, human growth and development)
Math, 3 semester hours (MAT 1033  - Technical Math,  MAT 1313  - College Algebra or higher) OR Natural Science, 4 semester hours (4 semester hour Natural Science with laboratory)
Public Speaking, 3 semester hours
Humanities/Fine Arts, 3 semester hours (any literature, history, foreign language, philosophy, or appreciation course)

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of required program-specific coursework at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to be eligible for the AAS degree.
  2. Developmental classes are not used toward graduation.

Honors and Special Honors Distinction

Candidates who meet graduation requirements and earn a grade point average between 3.30 and 3.69 will graduate with Honors. Candidates who meet graduation requirements and earn a grade point average of 3.70 or higher will graduate with Special Honors. GPA will not be rounded to determine Honors and Special Honors.  Transfer hours and hours taken outside of the program of study are included in this calculation.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are in place with all Mississippi public universities through the Board of Trustees of Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), as well as with Tulane University, University of Phoenix, University of South Alabama, and William Carey University. For more information on a specific articulation agreement, please contact an Enrollment Specialist or advisor at any MGCCC campus or center.

Academic Load

A typical class load is 15 semester hours. By federal standards, a full-time student is required to enroll in at least 12 semester hours of credit. However, a student maintaining fewer than 15 semester hours is considered part-time at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and will not be eligible for institutional scholarships or the tuition break. A student may not take more than 19 semester hours without permission from the Dean of Teaching & Learning, unless the student’s curriculum indicates otherwise.

When a full-time student drops below 15 semester hours of credit, the student is automatically assessed the part-time tuition rate in lieu of the full-time tuition rate. 

A residence hall student who drops to part-time status must move out of college housing and continue his/her studies as a commuter student unless the Campus Vice President and the Dean of Student Services approve the student to remain in college housing.


At mid-term and again at the end of the semester, the instructors report the academic standing of each student in each course. Mid-term grades and final grades are available to students online at in Web Services. Mid-term grades allow students to evaluate their progress; however, unlike final semester grades, they are not official and do not appear on the transcript.

A. Definitions of Letter Grades

Grades are based upon proficiency attained by the student. This is demonstrated primarily by the quality of work completed in the course. Letter grades used and their meaning are as follows:

A - Represents superior or outstanding achievement in prescribed work

B - Above-average achievement in prescribed work

C - Average level of achievement

D - Below-average achievement

F - Failure to pass prescribed coursework

I - Incomplete*

*The prescribed coursework was not finished by the end of the semester. Incomplete grades are issued in special circumstances at the discretion of the instructor.  If the work is completed within the following semester (summer term does not count), the “I” may be changed to A, B, C, or D. If the work is not completed within the following semester, the “I” will be changed to “F.”

IP - In Progress

At the end of the grading period, the student is progressing but has not completed the course during that grading period.  This grade is utilized for a limited number of competency-based courses.  If the student does not re-enroll in the “IP” course, the “IP” will change to an “F” at the end of the following semester (summer term does not count).

AU - Audit

Awarded at the end of a course when the student has properly registered as an auditing student (see Auditing a Course ).

W - Withdrawal

Student officially withdrew before the end of the official withdrawal period or withdrew due to extenuating circumstances with the approval of the Dean of Teaching & Learning.

WP - Withdrawal Passing

Student dropped by the instructor for noncompliance with the college’s attendance policy. Work completed at a passing grade level.

WF - Withdrawal Failing

Student dropped by the instructor for noncompliance with the college’s attendance policy. Work completed at a failing grade level.

P - Pass

Awarded to students enrolled in a pass/fail course.

B. Grade Changes Due to Error

Corrections of semester grades due to error must be requested within six weeks after the end of the semester in which the error was made.

C. Quality Points and Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student must earn at least an average of two quality points for each semester hour of work attempted to qualify for graduation. Points are computed on grades as follows:

A - 4 quality points per semester hour

B - 3 quality points per semester hour

C - 2 quality points per semester hour

D - 1 quality point per semester hour

F - 0 quality points per semester hour

Grades of I, IP, AU, W, WP, WF, and P do not incur quality points. If a student does not earn sufficient quality points in a course or fails the course, the student can repeat the course to improve the grade and quality points. At Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, the best grade earned in the same course is used to compute GPA. A transfer student’s quality points will be computed on the grades of earned semester hours.

Grade point averages are determined by totaling the quality points earned in all courses and dividing the sum by the total semester hours attempted.

Example: A student earns a grade of “A” in English Composition I (3 semester hours) and a grade of B in General Biology I (4 semester hours) during a semester. The student’s GPA will be calculated in the following manner -

3 semester hours X 4 quality points = 12 quality points for English Composition I.

4 semester hours X 3 quality points = 12 quality points for General Biology I.

24 total quality points / 7 semester hours attempted = 3.43 GPA

D. President’s and Vice President’s Lists

Scholarship is the chief goal of serious college students. The Board of Trustees, administration and faculty attempt to stimulate and recognize exemplary scholastic achievement each semester.

President’s List: Students will be recognized on the President’s List by earning twelve or more semester hours with a 4.0 (all A’s) grade point average.

Vice President’s List: Students will be recognized on the Vice President’s List by earning twelve or more semester hours with a 3.30 to 3.99 grade point average with no grade less than a “C.”

E. Academic Awards

Awards for high academic achievement may be given each year at the discretion of the faculty.  These are usually awarded to students who have the highest academic achievement in the course of study.  Students who receive an award are recognized at the annual awards ceremony held on each campus.

F. Auditing a Course

Students registering for audit purposes will be charged regular tuition fees. When official grades are not desired, audit privileges are available to students for the purpose of review and/or special interest. In order to register for an audit, students first go through the normal registration process and, as part of the process, complete an “Audit Permit” form available from the Enrollment Services Office. This form is to be completed at the time of registration.

  1. The following apply to students who register for audit at the beginning of a semester:
    1. A grade of “AU” will be recorded at the end of the semester for students who have filed a properly completed Auditing Permit.
    2. A student may choose whether or not he/she takes tests and completes other assignments in the class(es) and must, at the beginning of the term of audit, inform the instructor of his/her choice.
    3. When in attendance for any class session, the student must be on time for the class and remain for the entire class period.
    4. An instructor is under no obligation to explain subjects which were discussed at a time when the auditing student is not in attendance.
    5. Auditing student will adhere to policies (Catalog and Student Handbook) regarding conduct and discipline.
    6. Attendance records are not maintained for students who complete an Audit Permit during registration. 
  2. The following apply to students who change their status to audit during the first half of a semester:
    1. The student will take all regularly assigned tests and complete other assignments for the class(es) unless specifically excused from these by the instructor(s).
    2. The student will adhere to the same attendance policies as for a regular class, with any exceptions being made by the instructor.

Students may change their status from regular credit to audit, with the approval of the instructor(s) in the course(s) to be audited and completion and submission of this form.  The deadline for changing to Audit status is the same as the deadline for withdrawing with a grade of “W”.

Scholastic Standards

Minimum Scholastic Standards of Progress*

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College has established minimum scholastic standards for cumulative grade point average.  All programs of study require a minimum 2.0 GPA for graduation.  Institutional scholarship recipients may have different standards.

Semester Hours Attempted - Grade Point Average (GPA)

1—6 1.0
7—18 1.5
19—30 1.75
31—41 1.9
42 and above 2.0

Scholastic Probation

If a student fails to maintain a minimum grade point average, he or she is placed on academic probation. If the student does not remove the deficiency in the semester immediately following academic probation, the student is placed on academic suspension and becomes ineligible to re-enroll for a period of at least one regular semester (does not include the Summer Semester).  Transfer students will adhere to the same standards for academic suspension. If the student re-enrolls after a period of academic suspension, he or she enters the college on a probationary status and has a period of one semester to remove the deficiency. (Students receiving financial aid should consult this publication for information about financial aid probation or suspension.)

Scholastic Suspension

Students who fail to meet the 2.0 term GPA at the end of their probationary semester will be suspended from the College. The student is prohibited from enrolling in classes for one semester following suspension and any pre-registered classes will be removed from the system. Upon returning, the student will be placed on probation for two semesters and must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the first semester and a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of the second semester to continue enrollment.

Returning to Good Standing

In order for a student to return to Good Standing after being placed on Scholastic Probation, the student must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the following term to be removed from probation (i.e. if the probation results from fall grades, the student must achieve a 2.0 GPA in the spring semester).


Any student suspended for scholastic reasons for the first time qualifies for re-admission on conditional status by remaining out of the College for at least one (1) full term (summer term included).

The student must complete the petition for readmission which may be obtained from the Director of Admissions.  Petitions will be decided on an individual basis. See the Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management or Director of Admissions for more information.

After second and subsequent suspensions, the student will be eligible to apply for conditional readmission only after remaining out of the College for at least two (2) full terms (summer term included). No immediate readmission will be considered except in extraordinary circumstances. Some School of Nursing and Health Professions programs have specific readmission procedures.

School of Nursing and Health Professions

Certain programs require students to meet “program standards of progression” in order to continue in the program. Students not meeting these standards may continue to enroll at MGCCC in other programs as long as they maintain minimum MGCCC standards of progress.

Assessment of Technical Skills Attainment

All students completing a career or technical program must successfully complete MGCCC Board- approved Technical Skills Attainment assessment for their specific career-technical program. Students should see their program advisor for further details.

Transfer Students

Credit from regionally accredited post secondary institutions will be added to the MGCCC transcript and articulated courses will be included in the overall GPA.  Transfer students, once admitted, will be under the same scholastic probation, suspension, and re-admission policy as other students.

Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to assisting students in the achievement of their educational goals through its open-door admissions policy. Some students are not academically prepared for college-level work or encounter problems that result in failure to achieve satisfactory grades. These students often make the decision to drop out or “stop out” until they are ready to continue their education. To alleviate the difficulties associated with low grade point averages, many institutions allow students to eliminate the computation of grades on previous work for purposes of graduation. This practice, commonly referred to as scholastic forgiveness, is not endorsed by all institutions.

Any student readmitted to MGCCC may petition for scholastic forgiveness of grades as outlined in the following procedure.

Scholastic forgiveness of grades does not change the policies and regulations that govern financial aid and veteran’s benefits eligibility.

Procedure for Scholastic Forgiveness

  1. The student must complete the Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades, which may be obtained from the Director of Admissions.
  2. The Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness must be made prior to the end of the second semester of readmittance following 24 consecutive months of non-enrollment at any post-secondary institution.
  3. The student will be counseled as to the conditions outlined in this statement and on the Petition. The student should be advised that all college credits earned previous to a semester designated by the student will be eliminated from the computation of the student’s grade point average and eliminated from all academic regulations such as probation, suspension, and honors. These eliminated credits may never be used toward graduation at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
  4. The student’s transcript will reflect the complete scholastic record but will contain the notation at the appropriate point that all previous grades have been forgiven.
  5. Scholastic forgiveness of grades can be declared only once and cannot be revoked once granted.
  6. The procedure for scholastic forgiveness only allows for MGCCC coursework to be forgiven.
  7. The completed Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades with appropriate signatures must be submitted to the Director of Admissions and filed in the student’s permanent record.

MGCCC does not recognize scholastic forgiveness from other institutions. Grades on courses provided on your transcripts will be articulated and included in your cumulative GPA.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress differs from the Scholastic Standards of Progress. Students must meet the minimum financial aid satisfactory academic progress to receive financial aid. For example, the grade of “W” will count in hours attempted for financial aid purposes, but not in the cumulative grade point average. Students receiving financial aid should review “Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress” in the “Financial Information” section of this publication.

Attendance Policy

Students are allowed one hour of absence per semester hour for lecture courses. Two hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for laboratory courses. Three hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for clinical/internship courses. If course objectives require a combination of lecture, lab or clinical/internship time, then the absences will be apportioned according to the limitations stated.

Excessive tardies will not be tolerated and will count as absences. An instructor may drop a student after the student misses more than the number of absences per semester hour that the course allows. Excused absences are permitted at the discretion of the instructor and are not counted as absences. Official absences are excused and are not counted as absences.

Instructors will be notified of such official absences by the college. In extenuating circumstances, students who are dropped after exceeding allowable absences may petition for reinstatement to the Dean of Teaching & Learning who advises the student of the proper procedure.

For attendance policies pertaining to the Cosmetology, Career and Technical Education and School of Nursing and Health Professions programs, see the respective program handbook.

Withdrawal Procedures

The withdrawal period for full-term classes concludes at the end of the 10th week of the semester. For specific withdrawal dates and refunding periods for all classes, please refer to the Academic Calendar . Additional information on the withdrawal process is also described in the Student Handbook

Credit by Non-Traditional Means

The total of credit by non-traditional means may not exceed 38 semester hours. MGCCC will award no credit by non-traditional means for courses or programs not offered within the current curriculum of the college.

I. Credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) enables colleges to evaluate achievement and award credit. A wide range of college-level examinations is offered by CLEP to anyone who wishes to participate. The CLEP exam can only be taken once every six months. Scores on the tests are reported to the student and the appropriate college, employer, or individual:

  1. Credit for the CLEP Examinations will be awarded if the scores meet or exceed the minimum ACE recommended scores standard. Students taking CLEP tests before July 1st 2001 should refer to the college catalog for the year the test was taken for scoring requirements.
  2. All courses listed in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Catalog are eligible for credit if CLEP has an established examination in that subject. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is an approved limited CLEP testing site. See the campus Assessment Center proctor to schedule a CLEP examination.
  3. To receive credit through CLEP a person must enroll in MGCCC to take additional semester hour credit courses.
  4. The appropriate course numbers and semester hour credit awarded through the use of CLEP will be placed on the student’s transcript under the heading “credit awarded by CLEP.” Grade of CR is recorded.
  5. Students must consult university of their choice for specific transferability of CLEP credit.
  6. Credit for the CLEP Subject Examinations will be awarded in the following courses: (Students in the School of Nursing and Health Professions should consult department chairperson about acceptable credit.)
CLEP Subject Area MGCCC Equivalent Sem. Hrs. Score Req.

Information Systems CSC 1123   3 50
Financial Accounting ACC 2213   3 50
Introductory Business Law BAD 2413   3 50
Principles of Marketing MMT 1113   3 50
Principles of Management MMT 2213   3 50
Composition and Literature:      
American Literature ENG 2223 , ENG 2233   6 50
College Composition ENG 1113   3 50
College Composition Modular ENG 1113   3 50
English Composition II ENG 1123   3 50
English Literature ENG 2323 , ENG 2333   6 50
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature ENG 1123   3 50
Modern Languages: (Level 2 scoring 4 semesters awarded)
French Language      
Levels 1 & 2 MFL 1113 , MFL 1123   6 50
  MFL 2113 , MFL 2123   12 59
Spanish Language      
Levels 1 & 2 MFL 1213 , MFL 1223   6 50
  MFL 2213 , MFL 2223   12 63
Science and Mathematics:      
College Math* MAT 0123 , MAT 1233   6 50
Calculus MAT 1613   3 50
College Algebra MAT 1313   3 50
Pre-Calculus MAT 1343   3 50
Biology BIO 1134 , BIO 1144   8 50
Chemistry CHE 1214   4 50
Natural Sciences*   6 50
Social Sciences:      
American Government PSC 1113   3 50
History of the United States I HIS 2213   3 50
History of the United States II HIS 2223   3 50
Human Growth and Development EPY 2533   3 50
Introductory Psychology PSY 1513   3 50
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 2113   3 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECO 2123   3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 2113   3 50
Western Civilization I HIS 1113 3 50
Western Civilization II HIS 1123 3 50
Social Sciences and History*:   6 50

*CLEP General Examinations

II. Advanced Placement

Students entering Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will be allowed credit on the Advanced Placement Examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and sponsored by participating high schools.

For an Advanced Placement score of 4 or 5, 6 or 8 semester hours will be awarded in the subject area if offered by the college. For scores of 3, 3 or 4 semester hours will be awarded in the subject area if offered.

III. International Baccalaureate (IB)

At Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC), students awarded an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma can receive credit for IB exams administered by the International Baccalaureate Organization ( For IB scores of 4 or above on both higher-level and standard-level examinations, 3-8 semester hours of credit will be awarded in the subject area if offered by the college. Credit for subjects not offered at MGCCC may be considered by contacting the Office of Admissions and Records, who will submit a request to the appropriate Dean of Teaching & Learning.

IV. Credit by Departmental Examination

  1. Credit may be obtained in courses on the basis of departmental examination only for courses other than those for which the CLEP credit is available. Exceptions must be approved by the Department, Dean of Teaching & Learning and the Vice President.
  2. Permission to take a departmental challenge examination must have the approval of all members of the department who teach the course and the appropriate Dean. Cost for these examinations will be at the rate of 30% of part-time tuition rate per credit hour. No other tuition will be charged for the course. For courses with labs, a performance test may also be required at the discretion of the department concerned.
  3. To receive credit through Credit by Examination, a person must enroll in MGCCC to take additional semester hour credit courses.

V. Credit for Life Experience Program

The credit for life experience process begins with the student meeting with the department chair in the area that the credit will be requested at the campus he/she is attending.

A. Prior Learning Portfolio

A prior learning portfolio is a written record presented by the student requesting college credit for learning outside the classroom. Credit is given only for college-level learning. Portfolios will require the following elements:

  1. Identification and definition of specific prior learning for which college credit is being requested.
  2. An essay or narrative explaining how this prior learning relates to the student’s desired degree program, from what experiences it was gained and how it fits into his overall education and career plans.
  3. Documentation that the student has actually acquired the learning he is claiming. This documentation must address each of the course objectives/learning outcomes as defined on the course syllabus for the course that the student is requesting credit for life experience.
  4. A credit request listing exactly how much credit the student expects in each subject area.

B. Portfolio Review

  1. The portfolio review will be done by the department chairs college-wide. In addition, the designated campus instructor that is teaching the course where credit is being determined will also be a member of the portfolio review committee.
  2. The deadline dates for the student to apply for a portfolio review will be August 1 (review to be done prior to the beginning of fall semester), November 1 (review to be done prior to the spring semester), and April 1 (review to be done prior to the summer semester).
  3. To be eligible for portfolio review, a student must be admitted and registered or a continuing MGCCC student.

C. Additional Requirements

  1. If a CLEP exam is available in the subject area for which the student is requesting credit, the student must take the CLEP exam in order to earn any college credit. The portfolio method is not an option.
  2. The maximum number of credits that a student can earn through the portfolio method is credit for three specific MGCCC courses with a maximum of 15 credit hours.
  3. On the MGCCC transcript, the credit awarded will be designated as Credit for Life Experience/Portfolio.
  4. The student receiving college credit for life experience must sign a statement indicating knowledge that this credit is applicable at MGCCC but may not be recognized by other institutions of higher learning.
  5. The student will be charged a non-refundable fee of 30% of the part-time tuition rate per hour for the examination.  No other tuition will be charged for the course.  

VI. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES)

Courses on the college level taken through DANTES are acceptable for credit as awarded provided the minimum recommended acceptable score is attained. Courses that are not specifically applicable to a particular program may be counted as elective credit.

The DANTES Subject Standardized Testing Program is an extensive series of examinations in college subjects that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examination in undergraduate courses. ACE recommends three college credits for each examination with four college credits awarded for some science courses. The DSSTs recommends three college credits for each examination. The DSSTs are:


Business, Introduction to

Computing, Introduction to

Financial Accounting, Principles of

Organizational Behavior

Personal Finance

Human Resource Management

Supervision, Principles of


Art of the Western World

Ethics in America

Introduction to World Religions

Public Speaking, Principles of

Technical Writing


Business Mathematics

College Algebra, Fundamentals

Statistics, Principles of



Physical Geology

Physical Science I, Principles of

Social Sciences

Anthropology, General

Contemporary Western Europe

Human/Cultural Geography

Lifespan Developmental Psychology


Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement, Introduction to

VII. Credit for Military Service Experience and Training

Upon presentation of an official transcript of military experience (Community College of the Air Force – CCAF, Joint Services Transcript - JST, Coast Guard Institute- CGI), a student may have credit awarded as recommended for the lower division category or the career/technical category. In instances where a transcript is not available, students may submit copies of form DD214.

Credit for Service Schools will be awarded in accord with the recommendations of the American Council on Education in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. This credit will be awarded as recommended for the lower-division category or the career/technical category as determined by the evaluating officer.

VIII. Credit in Certain Law Enforcement Courses

Credit may be allowed for completion of specific courses, programs, academies and workshops following departmental recommendation and approval by the Dean of Teaching & Learning and the Vice President. Specific credit recommendations are as follows:

Basic Law Enforcement Course for Sheriffs or Basic Law Enforcement Course for Police:

Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJ 1313   3
Police Operations CRJ 2313   3
Criminal Investigation I CRJ 2333   3
Internship in Criminal Justice CRJ 1353   3
Physical Education HPR 2
Total Semester Hours 14    

IX. Credit for Approved Apprenticeship Programs

MGCCC, in partnership with sponsoring companies, coordinates specific apprenticeship programs designed to meet the training needs of apprentices as outlined by the Bureau of Apprenticeship Training of the U.S. Department of Labor. Participants in these programs are employed by a sponsoring company and must meet all apprenticeship entry requirements specified by the Bureau of Apprentice Standards. Apprenticeship programs vary in length from 4,000 to 8,000 clock hours, including work experience training and classroom instruction. Classroom instruction includes Related Technical Instruction (RTI) needed to perform on-the-job skills. Apprenticeship instructors monitor work experience training and insure rotations are maintained. Upon satisfactory completion of the apprenticeship, the participant is classified as a journeyman with the sponsoring company.

Honors College

In order to provide services to meet the educational needs of the community as a whole, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College established the Honors Program in 1987. The Honors College offers special courses and activities, along with $2,000 per year scholarships, to academically talented students. Students who wish to participate in the program must complete an application, attend an interview with the Honors College Director, and meet any two of the appropriate criteria. The Honors College only considers college-level coursework; therefore, developmental courses are excluded from all requirements.

Criteria for entering freshmen:

Student must meet at least two of the three criteria below:

  1. A minimum ACT Composite score of at least 25 (required for $2,000 per year scholarship)
  2. The top 10 percent of their high school class in a college preparatory program
  3. Recommendations from two instructors/faculty members

Criteria for students entering with previous college work:

Student must meet at least two of the three criteria below:

  1. A minimum ACT Composite score of 25
  2. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 with no grade lower than C on a minimum of 15 hours (required for $2,000 per year scholarship)
  3. Recommendations from two instructors/faculty members

In order to remain in the program, honors scholars must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 with no grade lower than a C and must take seven hours of honors credit each semester including the Honors Forum. Students who drop below the required cumulative GPA of 3.2 but not below a cumulative GPA of 3.0 will be placed on probation for one semester to allow the student to regain the 3.2 cumulative GPA. The student will remain in the program and retain the scholarship while on probation. Only one probationary semester is allowed during the four-semester program.

All courses designated Honors must include the general course objectives and additional research that results in written assignments (8 to 10 pages) and an oral presentation or equivalent activity appropriate to the study of the course. Projects are subject to the approval of the Dean of Teaching and Learning, Department Chair, and Honors College Director. Participation in honors courses are by Honors College Director permission only. Honors courses are designated with an H on the transcript.

Any college-credit, transferable or degree-path courses of three credit hours or more are allowed for Honors designation.

Learning Resources Centers

The Learning Resources Center encompasses the Library, Media Service (with the exception of the Harrison County campus), and Learning Lab at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. Our goal is to provide learning resources which support and enhance all educational programs at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Library: The purpose of the libraries at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to provide instructional support services that reinforce the curriculum of the college. We accomplish this by providing a well-trained staff, excellent resources, and accessible facilities. We both encourage and assist students to use the resources of our library to meet their personal needs and educational goals.

Media Services: The purpose of the Media Services Department at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to foster the educational endeavors of the faculty, staff, and students. We accomplish this by providing high-quality audiovisual equipment and a wide variety of current media materials for curriculum support of classroom instruction.

Learning Lab: The purpose of the Learning Labs at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to support and advance teaching and learning by helping students develop the skills necessary to be successful learners through the creation of a supportive learning environment that fosters intellectual growth.

Developmental Studies

Before enrolling in any English or mathematics courses**, students must submit ACT scores or take a basic skills tests at MGCCC in reading, writing, and mathematics (currently ACCUPLACER® test). If there is evidence of academic deficiency in any of these areas, students will be placed in the 4-hour co-requisite version of English Composition I and/or College Algebra which includes an additional lab component.


English Placement
Course Next Generation Accuplacer Scores* ACT Scores Traditional Accuplacer Scores
ENG 1114 - English Composition I Writing + Reading = 400-501 English = 0-16 SS+RC = 40-174
ENG 1113 - English Composition I Writing+Reading = 502 or higher English = 17-36 SS+RC = 175-240


Math Placement
Course Next Generation Accuplacer Scores* ACT Scores Traditional Accuplacer Scores
MAT 1314 - College Algebra Advanced Algebraic Functions = 200-253 Math = 0-18 Elem Algebra = 20-72
MAT 1313 - College Algebra or Higher Advanced Algebraic Functions = 254 or higher Math = 19-36 Elem Algebra = 73-120

*Next Generation Accuplacer scores range from 200-300 for each test.

**Does not include Technical English (ENG 1033) or Technical Math (MAT 1033)


Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College offers credit courses through the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) Consortium. Delivered by qualified and well-trained faculty members, eLearning courses address the same student learning outcomes and are considered the same credit as the “on-site” equivalent courses. eLearning courses may be used as credit to fulfill graduation requirements of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. For more information, visit the eLearning website at:

Non-Credit Offerings

A. Community Education

At MGCCC, continuing education is a delivery system for individual participation in lifelong learning offerings for self-enrichment, occupational or professional development, and/or keeping abreast of the changing world. Continuing education courses, whether taken for supplementary or preparatory reasons, are offered to the community as needs are realized. Continuing education courses are offered throughout the district through a consistent procedure to include: short term, non-credit classes, industry specific training courses, travel to learn, workshops and seminars, and non-credit basic skills classes. To enhance and market regular programs, the delivery of non-credit programs may be provided at all department levels in the college and online.

B. Adult Education (AE) Classes and Testing

Adult Education preparatory classes are available at the campuses as well as college centers. College adult education academic assistants may schedule assessment testing to determine the student’s potential for earning a high school equivalency credential. Testing is offered in the assessment centers on each campus. For more information about testing, contact your local Adult Education office.

C. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

These classes are non-credit classes for whom English is not the primary language. Contact the campus adult education academic assistant for class placement.

D. Mobile Training Units

Providing a skilled workforce for business and industry is key to regional economic development. In addition to traditional and non-traditional classroom and laboratory training environments, the Community Campus provides skills specific training with self-contained, state-of-the-art mobile units. These mobile training units can be utilized anywhere at any time to meet the needs of the community regardless of location.