Jan 13, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

The following courses are offered at MGCCC. Courses are identified by name and number.  Those numbered from 1001 to 1999 are considered freshman level courses, and those from 2001 to 2999 are sophomore level courses. 

The three numbers in parentheses after the description of each academic and technical course indicate the number of semester hour credits for the course, the number of lecture hours each week, and the number of laboratory or activity hours each week, respectively. Instructional hours are indicated for career and technical courses.


Graphics and Drawing (GRA)

  • GRA 1112 - Engineering Drawing

    Credit(s): 2

    The use of instruments, geometric construction, orthographic projection, sectional views, and lettering. Includes two- dimensional computer assisted drafting strategies. (2,0,4)
  • GRA 1143 - Graphic Communication I

    Credit(s): 3

    Instrumental drawing, geometric construction, orthographic projection, and descriptive geometry. Includes computer aided design (CAD) in 2dimensional and 3dimensional construction. (3,1,4)

Health Care Assistant (HCA)

  • HCA 1116 - Basic Health-Care Assisting

    Credit(s): 6

    This course includes orientation to program policies, developing employability and job-seeking skills, applying legal aspects of health care, applying safety considerations, communication and observation skills, medical terminology, and basic health care procedures. (6 sch: 2 hr. lecture, 6 hr. lab, 3 hr. clinical)
  • HCA 1124 - Special Care Procedures

    Credit(s): 4

    This course includes specialized procedures for admitting, transferring, and discharging clients; assisting with diagnostic procedures; assisting with treatments; assisting with elimination needs of clients; assisting in meeting hydration and nutritional needs of the client; basic emergency procedures to include CPR/first aid; and basic knowledge and skills required to care for the long-term-care resident. Safety is emphasized throughout each procedure. Corequisite: Basic Health-Care Assisting (HCA 1116 ) (4 sch: 2-hr lecture, 4-hr lab, 3-hr clinical)
  • HCA 1132 - Phlebotomy

    Credit(s): 2

    This intensive 75-hour course of study is designed to prepare students for immediate employment as phlebotomists in the hospital or clinical setting. The phlebotomist’s primary function is to assist the healthcare team in the accurate, safe, and reliable collection and transportation of specimens for clinical laboratory testing. Classes meet on campus (30 hours) with variable clinical experiences at local hospitals or clinics. Students will complete a minimum 45 hours of clinical training and orientation in an accredited laboratory, and 25 successful unaided blood collections including venipuncture and skin punctures. This course meets the eligibility requirements for the National Credentials of Phlebotomy Technician (NCPT). (2 sch: 2-hr. lab, 3-hr. clinical)
  • HCA 1214 - Body Structure and Function

    Credit(s): 4

    This course includes study of the structure, function, common disorders, and normal aging-related changes of the integumentary, musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, and sensory systems; stages of human growth and development; and nutritional needs through the life cycle. Corequisite: HCA 1116  (4 sch: 3-hr lecture, 2-hr lab)
  • HCA 1312 - Home Health Aide and Homemaker Services

    Credit(s): 2

    This course includes basic knowledge and skills required to care for the homebound client and basic knowledge and skills required to provide homemaker services. Pre/Corequisite: All core courses (2sch: 1-hr lecture, 2-hr lab)


History (HIS)

  • HIS 1163 - World Civilizations I

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a general survey of world history from ancient times to the 1500s. (3,3,0)
  • HIS 1173 - World Civilizations II

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a general survey of world history since the 1500s. (3,3,0)
  • HIS 1613 - African-American History

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a survey of African-American History from African origins to modern times. (3,3,0)
  • HIS 2213 - American (U.S.) History I

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a survey of American (US) history to 1877. (3,3,0)
  • HIS 2223 - American (U.S.) History II

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a survey of American (U.S.) history since 1865. (3,3,0)

Health Information Technology (HIT)

  • HIT 1114 - Health Record Systems

    Credit(s): 4

    This course is an introduction to health record systems including an overview of health data structure, content and standards, health-care information requirements and standards, and health-care delivery systems. (4,3,2) Prerequisite: Admission to the Health Information Technology: Billing and Coding  Program.
  • HIT 1214 - Medical Terminology

    Credit(s): 4

    This course is a study of medical language relating to the various body systems including diseases, procedures, clinical specialties, and abbreviations. In addition to term definitions, emphasis is placed on correct spelling and pronunciation. (4,4,0)
  • HIT 1322 - Health Care Law and Ethics

    Credit(s): 2

    This course is a study of the principles of law as applied to health information systems with emphasis on health records, release of information, confidentiality, consents, and authorizations. Prerequisite:  HIT 1114  (2,2,0)
  • HIT 2133 - Health Statistics

    Credit(s): 3

    This course includes sources and use of health data, definitions of statistical terms, and computation of commonly used rates and percentages used by health-care facilities. (3,3,0)
  • HIT 2253 - Pathopharmacology I

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers structural and functional changes caused by disease in tissues and organs, clinical manifestations, and principles of treatment with emphasis on general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole.  In addition, common medications used to treat disease processes will be addressed. (3,3,0)
  • HIT 2453 - Pathopharmacology II

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is a continuation of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I with emphasis on conditions relating to specific body systems, manifestations, and principles of treatment. In addition, common medications used to treat disease processes will be addressed. (3,3,0)
  • HIT 2512 - Professional Practice Experience I

    Credit(s): 2

    In this course, students rotate through health information management areas in hospitals and other health facilities for application of principles and procedural practice to attain competency and/or complete assignments virtually through the utilization of software that simulates healthcare environments related to HIM. Specific content is dependent on placement in curriculum and site availability. (2,0,0,6)
  • HIT 2522 - Professional Practice Experience II

    Credit(s): 2

    In this course, students rotate through health information management areas in hospitals and other health facilities for application of principles and procedural practice to attain competency and/or complete assignments virtually through the utilization of software that simulates healthcare environments related to HIM. Specific content is dependent on placement in curriculum and site availability. (2,0,0,6)
  • HIT 2615 - Coding Systems I

    Credit(s): 5

    This course includes principles of coding and classification systems with emphasis on ICD-10-CM including lab applications and practice. Prerequisite: HIT 1214 , HIT 1114 , and BIO 2524 . (5,3,4)
  • HIT 2626 - Coding Systems II

    Credit(s): 6

    This course is a continuation of the study of principles of ICD-10-CM coding; introduction to coding with the Health Care Financing Administration’s Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) with emphasis on Current Procedural Coding (CPT); and review of current reimbursement mechanisms. Prerequisite:  HIT 2615 . (6,4,4)
  • HIT 2633 - Reimbursement Methodologies

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed to identify the uses of coded data and health information in reimbursement and payment systems appropriate to all health-care settings and managed care. Prerequisite:  HIT 2615 . (3,3,0)
  • HIT 2713 - Health Care Management

    Credit(s): 3

    This course includes basic principles of management and supervision with emphasis on the health information setting. Prerequisite:  HIT 2133 . (3,3,0)
  • HIT 2823 - Quality Management & Compliance

    Credit(s): 3

    This course focuses on the study of issues inherent in the management of quality and PI programs in healthcare to include trends in utilization and risk management, analysis and presentation of performance improvement data, the effect of key legislation on quality initiatives, and compliance with external forces. (3,2,2)
  • HIT 2914 - Health IT Systems

    Credit(s): 4

    This course is an overview of computer use in health-care facilities with an emphasis on applications for health information systems, including the electronic health record. This course covers the aspects of electronic health records (EHR) in the health-care environment. In addition, it explores implementation of EHR in various health-care settings. (4,3,2)
  • HIT 2921 - Certification Fundamentals for HIT

    Credit(s): 1

    This course is an in-depth study and review of material covered in the HIT curriculum.  It is designed to prepare students for the national registry exam. (1,1,0)

Honors (HON)

  • HON 1911 - Honors Forum I

    Credit(s): 1

    Admission is by invitation only. Interdisciplinary studies of selected issues confronting the individual and society with discussions led by scholars, faculty, and/or students. (1,1,0)
  • HON 1921 - Honors Forum II

    Credit(s): 1

    Admission is by invitation only. Interdisciplinary studies of selected issues confronting the individual and society with discussions led by scholars, faculty, and/or students. (1,1,0)
  • HON 2911 - Honors Forum III

    Credit(s): 1

    Admission is by invitation only. Interdisciplinary studies of selected issues confronting the individual and society with discussions led by scholars, faculty, and/or students. (1,1,0)
  • HON 2921 - Honors Forum IV

    Credit(s): 1

    Admission is by invitation only. Interdisciplinary studies of selected issues confronting the individual and society with discussions led by scholars, faculty, and/or students. (1,1,0)

Health, Physical Education, Recreation (HPR)

NOTE: Every student in an Associate of Arts Program is required to take two hours of physical education. Students may, however, take additional semester hours of physical education as elective credit and are encouraged to do so. Students unable to take physical education courses may request a substitute. All students must wear appropriate dress for physical education classes. Physical education activity courses will earn one semester hour with academic credit. HPR 1213  and HPR 1593  will satisfy the two- or three-hour physical education requirement at some universities.  

  • HPR 1111 - General Physical Education Activities I

    Credit(s): 1

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1112 - General Physical Education Activities I

    Credit(s): 2

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (2,0,4)
  • HPR 1121 - General Physical Education Activities II

    Credit(s): 1

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1122 - General Physical Education Activities II

    Credit(s): 2

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (2,0,4)
  • HPR 1131 - Varsity Sports I

    Credit(s): 1

    Participation in ___ varsity sport (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1141 - Varsity Sports II

    Credit(s): 1

    Participation in ____ varsity sport (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1213 - Personal and Community Health

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers the application of principles and practices of healthful living to the individual and community; major health problems and the mutual responsibilities of home, school, and health agencies. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 1313 - Introduction to Kinesiology/Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers an introduction to the various fields of study within kinesiology/health, physical education, and recreation. Discussion of the responsibilities and opportunities of professional personnel. Orientation of student to opportunities in the field. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 1511 - Team Sports I

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment used in (activities) ___________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1521 - Team Sports II

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment used in (activities) _______________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1531 - Individual and Dual Sports I

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment used in (activities) ___________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1541 - Individual and Dual Sports II

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment used in (activities) ___________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1551 - Fitness and Conditioning Training I

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1561 - Fitness and Conditioning Training II

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 1593 - Health Concepts of Physical Activity, Wellness and Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of the concepts of physical fitness and nutrition for a healthful lifestyle and a reduced risk of disease. The student will explore wellness concepts and engage in assessments with emphasis on personal fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, and weight management. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 1613 - Physical Education and the Elementary School

    Credit(s): 3

    This is a study of the growth and development of children including their interests and tendencies as it relates to elementary physical education. Educational and physical education philosophy and objectives are stressed, as well as methods of teaching. Emphasis is placed on creating developmentally appropriate physical education for elementary students. Theory and laboratory.
  • HPR 1813 - Foundations of Leisure and Recreation

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers analysis of the Parks and Recreation profession to provide a basic understanding of leisure as an increasingly important component of our society. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2111 - General Physical Education Activities III

    Credit(s): 1

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2112 - General Physical Education Activities III

    Credit(s): 2

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (2,0,4)
  • HPR 2121 - General Physical Education Activities IV

    Credit(s): 1

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2122 - General Physical Education Activities IV

    Credit(s): 2

    This course is designed to give students a current concept of physical education and recreation by developing body skills while engaging in various anaerobic and aerobic activities. (2,0,4)
  • HPR 2131 - Varsity Sports III

    Credit(s): 1

    Participation in ____ varsity sport (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2141 - Varsity Sports IV

    Credit(s): 1

    Participation in ____ varsity sport (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2213 - First Aid and CPR

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers the instruction and practice in methods prescribed in the American Red Cross or American Heart Association standard and advanced courses. (3,0,6)
  • HPR 2222 - Lifeguarding and Water Safety

    Credit(s): 2

    This is the American Red Cross Lifeguard Training with emphasis toward certifying lifeguards. This course is designed to teach lifeguard candidates the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. Swimming prerequisite required. Prerequisite: Completed American Red Cross swimmer level course or have equivalent skills. (2,0,2)
  • HPR 2232 - Water Safety Instructor

    Credit(s): 2

    This is the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course with emphasis towards certifying water safety instructors. Techniques of aquatic instruction, including community water safety and progression swimming are covered. Swimming prerequisite required. (2,0,2)
  • HPR 2323 - Recreation Leadership

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers the planning and leadership techniques for conducting organized park and recreation programs for all ages. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2423 - Football Theory

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers and explores the theories, practices, tactics and strategies involved in coaching football. Emphasis will be placed upon the objectives, rules, regulations, and policies of competitive athletics, as well as on individual skills, team tactics, organization and management practices. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2443 - Soccer Theory

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers and explores the theories, practices, tactics and strategies involved in coaching soccer. Emphasis will be placed upon the objectives, rules, regulations, and policies of competitive athletics, as well as on individual skills, team tactics, organization and management practices. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2453 - Baseball Theory

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers and explores the theories, practices, tactics and strategies involved in coaching baseball. Emphasis will be placed upon the objectives, rules, regulations, and policies of competitive athletics, as well as on individual skills, team tactics, organization and management practices. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2511 - Team Sports III

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment in (activities) _______________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2521 - Team Sports IV

    Credit(s): 1

    This course cover the rules, techniques, participation and equipment in (activities) _______________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2531 - Individual and Dual Sports III

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment in (activities) __________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2541 - Individual and Dual Sports IV

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers the rules, techniques, participation and equipment in (activities) ___________________. (name sport). (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2551 - Fitness and Conditioning Training III

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2561 - Fitness and Conditioning Training IV

    Credit(s): 1

    This course covers instruction and practice of basic principles of fitness and conditioning through a variety of exercises and activities. (1,0,2)
  • HPR 2723 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers the theory and practice for the prospective athletic trainer or coach in the prevention and care of athletic injuries. (3,3,0).
  • HPR 2733 - Introduction to Athletic Training

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers an introduction to the profession, including but not limited to procedural aspects of the athletic training room operations, role delineations, preparation, and competencies with 50 observational/experience hours under a Board of Certification (BOC) certified athletic trainer. This course is recommended for Athletic Training majors. (3,3,0)
  • HPR 2823 - Recreation Program Planning and Development

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers techniques and processes in program planning, implementation, development, and evaluation in recreation setting. (3,3,0)

Hospitality and Tourism (HRT)

  • HRT 1114 - Culinary Principles I

    Credit(s): 4

    Fundamentals of food preparation and cookery emphasizing high standards for preparation of meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables, soups, stocks, sauces, and farinaceous items. (4,2,4)
  • HRT 1123 - Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed as an introduction to the hospitality and tourism industry. The course includes discussions and industry observations to discover the opportunities, trends, problems, and organizations in the field. (3,3,0)
  • HRT 1213 - Sanitation and Safety

    Credit(s): 3

    This course basic principles of microbiology, sanitation, and safety procedures for a food service operation. Implementation of sanitation procedures, cost control, and risk reduction standards in a hospitality operation are covered. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 1224 - Restaurant and Catering Operations

    Credit(s): 4

    This course focuses on principles of organizing, managing food and beverage facilities, along with catering operations. (4,2,4)
  • HRT 1413 - Rooms Division Management

    Credit(s): 3

    This course offers an operational approach to rooms division management in the hospitality industry including front office management and housekeeping operations. (3, 2, 2)
  • HRT 1521 - Hospitality Seminar

    Credit(s): 1

    Students will build professional development skills necessary for success in hospitality and tourism management. (2,2,0)
  • HRT 1531 - Hospitality Seminar

    Credit(s): 1

    Students will build professional development skills necessary for success in hospitality and tourism management. (1,1,0)
  • HRT 1541 - Hospitality Seminar

    Credit(s): 1

    Students will build professional development skills necessary for success in hospitality and tourism management. (1,1,0)
  • HRT 1552 - Hospitality Seminar

    Credit(s): 2

    Students will build professional development skills necessary for success in hospitality and tourism management. (2,2,0)
  • HRT 1813 - Tourism Specialist

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers activities associated with organizing, booking, and conducting tours. (3,3,0)
  • HRT 1823 - The Travel Agency

    Credit(s): 3

    Exploration of the travel agency professional including how to become a travel professional, the certifications, and licenses required and additional training available. This course will also compare travel agencies such as an independent, home based agents, internet marketing, and career options. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 1833 - Travel and Tourism Geography

    Credit(s): 3

    Location, currency, port of entry, and form of governments in various countries around the world are discussed. Exercises involve itinerary planning, knowledge of time zones, and familiarity with the countries’ natural, cultural, and entertainment attractions. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2233 - Hospitality Cost Control

    Credit(s): 3

    This course focuses on principles and procedures involved in an effective food and beverage control system, including standards determination, the operating budget, cost-volume-profit analysis, income and cost control, menu pricing, labor cost control, and computer applications. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2323 - Hospitality Facilities Management and Design

    Credit(s): 3

    Design and manage the physical plant of a hotel or restaurant and work effectively with the engineering and maintenance department. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2423 - Hospitality Security Management and Law

    Credit(s): 3

    This course explains issues surrounding the need for individualized security programs, examines a variety of security equipment and procedures, and discusses internal and external security for food service and lodging operations. This course provides awareness of the rights and responsibilities that the law grants to or imposes upon a hotelier and consequences of failure to satisfy legal obligations. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2613 - Hospitality Supervision

    Credit(s): 3

    This course focuses on supervisory skills in leadership styles, communication skills, motivational techniques, employee training techniques, and evaluation methods. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2623 - Hospitality Human Resource Management

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed to explore the principles of hospitality human resource management with an emphasis placed on the study of human behavior and human relations in the hospitality industry. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2713 - Marketing Hospitality Services

    Credit(s): 3

    This course covers the application of marketing methodologies and terms to the hospitality and tourism industry, the use of sales techniques for selling to targeted markets, and developing marketing plans for hospitality and tourism operations. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2843 - Fundamentals in Travel and Tourism

    Credit(s): 3

    This course offers an overview of activities related to travel and tourism including reservation tasks and services. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2853 - Convention and Meeting Planning

    Credit(s): 3

    Planning, promotion, and management of meetings, conventions, expositions, and events. (3,2,2)
  • HRT 2863 - Tourism Planning and Development

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed to provide the knowledge to plan and implement the marketing and management of special events and tourism events. (3,3,0)
  • HRT 2913 - Supervised Work Experience in Hotel and Restaurant Management

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (3,0,9)
  • HRT 2914 - Supervised Work Experience in Baking & Pastry

    Credit(s): 4

    This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (4,0,12)
  • HRT 2916 - Supervised Work Experience in Hotel and Restaurant Management

    Credit(s): 6

    This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (6,0,18)
  • HRT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Travel and Tourism

    Credit(s): 4

    This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (4,0,12)
  • HRT 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Travel and Tourism

    Credit(s): 6

    This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (6,0,18).

Humanities (HUM)

  • HUM 1113 - Humanities I

    Credit(s): 3

    Humanities I provides an overview of history’s most memorable achievements spanning the major world civilizations of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East from the Prehistoric Era to the Renaissance. A global perspective is presented through a survey of history, literature, music, philosophy, and the visual arts. NOTE: This course differs from HON 1913 in that HON 1913 includes a leadership component. (3,3,0)
  • HUM 1123 - Humanities II

    Credit(s): 3

    Humanities II, a continuation of Humanities I, provides an overview of history’s most memorable achievements spanning the major world civilizations of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East from the Renaissance to present day. A global perspective is presented through a survey of history, literature, music, philosophy, and the visual arts. (3,3,0)

Human Services (HUS)

  • HUS 1113 - Introduction to Human Services

    Credit(s): 3

    This course is designed to enable students to gain knowledge of the history of Human Services; understand the present Human Services concepts; identify varying roles of the HUS worker and understand contemporary strategies in the helping professions; develop skills in problem assessment and in determining appropriate responses to client needs; understand ethics and the law as they relate to the helping professions. (3,3,0)
  • HUS 1123 - Interpersonal Relations

    Credit(s): 3

    The course covers self-concept, listening skills, verbal and nonverbal communication, skills to help resolve interpersonal conflict, and skills in self-understanding and acceptance. (3,3,0)

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